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is 4BJB Diarrhoea Dr.Bayer'sCOLIC DROPS Warranted or money ref unúcd. MfcJ. by The r Mcd. 'o., Tolpdo, O Wh e ei sr ? j hierve f" POSITIVELY CURES HEART DISEASE, EPILEPSY, Nervous Prostration, Sleeplessness and all derangements oí tbs Nervou'i8ystem. Unexcelled for Restless Babies. l'urclj Vegtable,gaaranted Irrrirum oplaten. 100 ïïill izi' doses, .")■. M. Il Ballev, Recefi Ing Ti 111 r, Grajid Raplds. Mlch. Savtngs Bank, sayshecannot sav uch in of "Adlronda." i. i Hearl and NerveO ire. l'or Male By all DroKKlatt. Incorporated Enterprise Wants ACENTS. Ld medli !■ rofiiuner&tíoi] wns appolntïïH'mI, fiood ComznlftStOii. Apply to C O. LAIiKKFKLT, I'. O. Box -.'. Fl Paso; Texas )7lLCSSVLSS V 1Í-19 WlLCOX AVE. S . "- 'S& DETRorr, Mich. tductei yoong mea and womco to minteln theniïelve ta □depeudtnce, aave money and accumuiate vealth,' Busi&eM, ihorthn(f, Penman-liip, Fnglish and Keehaaical Drwinj 3epart mentí. Tbcroagh njKtm of couatlng houie actu&l businest, Builness T'niTertiitr Building. Iliuitrmwd Catalogue PM, W, i', JEWKLL, Pret'U . R. ÖPENCKB, S y. Tsrar REVIVO 7 li RESTORES VITALITY. " W Made a 'fvlWel1 Man "W-IJCP' of Me. THE GREAT 3oth Day. puehtch: remedy produce! t h iliovc remilis in 30 lays. It acts powerfully and (juickly. Cuna rhen all'oüierh fail SToung men win regatn thelr lost manbood, and old men win recover thelr yoiitliful viuor by usini; REVIVO. It (juickly and sim-ly restores Nervoueneas. Lost Vitality, Iinpotciicy. NiKlitly Emissions, Lost Power. Failin U mory, Wastlns Dlteises, and all eflects of gslf-ftbna orexoeMAnd tndiseretlon, wblcta nnlits on? tor s-utly, business ov marriaee. It not only OQraa by ■-fartinK at the srat ot distas.-, bat inajreat nerve tonic ar.d hïtyotl huihler, bringtng back the pink lo t pal' -h-i'k and re Storing tln fire of yonth. It wards off Jnnanity and Consuraption. Insit-t on having KI-:'1VO, no other. It can be carrn d in vest pocket. liy mail. $1.00 per package, or six tor 85. OO. ivlth a posi tive ivritten (;nar;iitee to c-ure o" refund the money. Circular free. Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO., 53 River St., CHICAGO, !L' For nale at Ann A rlior, 'I ii h., by I : Im i - Imcli Drug Co. Mimi liMl CURES ALL KINDS OF Hcadache, Neuralgia, Irtsom n ia , RELIEVES QUICKLY ALL Mhenmatic J(ti)ts PBICB r, GBim. ML flPSIlK For sale at Hanifsterfer's. About Knives. A cheap Pocket-knlfe can be bought at every Store, but it is not the kind yon want. One dollar is the lowi -t príce that a really good kniíe can be sold for. This Jiloumn is placed in fchia paper to adver1 e th" Pocket-knife ever sold. [tig J.C. Tidmarsh's Sheffield steol Knife. Nerer buy a knife only because it looks well. [f bladea are not the best Sheflicld steel they will soon bend no matter how tbey will look. Still, you want a fine-lookin}r kniif. ♦ The United Stat. 's law provides that only samples to agente and to the trade will be admitted free of duty. You can, therefore, see tbr -Ivantage that l have in saitp es to agents over those vvho deal iu aheffield goods in America. I ara an advertieing ogentl I am entrusted with a certoin amourt to spend advertising these knives (the best valué ever seen in America at One Dollar each). Now, the knife is its own best advertisement. Imagine a Pocket-knife (3 inches long) with the most beautifully-grainea vi. r.v handle- genuine African ivorv mand with two blades of the very best Sheffleld steel that will last a lifetime and eut like a razor. The tips of tha handles are heavilv plated with sterling silver. And then a very nico chamois leather cas.' go&a with each knife. Now, voulci t not be easy work wlling this knife at One Dollar each1-1 i kiKiw it woukl. for it looks as if it were worth two dollars. And so it. is i f yon compare it with the value offered in the ordinary Store. Is not this knife its own best adver tisement. ♦ You can make U per day selling tl esa knlves. This is a germine and straigtforward statement. This is counting that you show it to onjy twelvebuyera every day. And every one that geea it wil] gay it is a good vaiue tor si. ] i„, tenias are sold t0 j you at Í8 per dozen ; you sell them at $1 enen. I drtei-rained to use large aum of adrertislng money entrusted to me in sending out free samples to those who ise to act as aents for the sale of these knives I will send jou a rree sample, but you must sign the promlse at the foot of this column, and make a deposit to show that in askin? for the knife you are acting in good faith The deposit that I ask of you is 44 oents about half the wholesale cost 01 the knife. ind less than one-third what you wouw nave to pay for a kuife lika ït, if you bought ono. Send the moneyby a Postel Order or rtampa for 44cts., and put a iivi-cMt stamp oh the letter, which mist not weigb moro than one-half ounce. The dopositof 44 cents will be placed to your credit, and will be deducted from your first order at the dozen rate. I am an advertising agent, contractor and publisher with one of the largest Advertising businesses in the world.and absolutely guarantee tosend, postado paid and duty free, the knifo described Iabove free to anyone who signs the promisc below, and sends it with the deposit as stated. Let me advise you not to part with your sample, even If you should lose a sale at 1 by refualng, as it will take time to replace it. I coult1 not send you another evfïn if you sent tho full$l. After the sample they can only be supplied to you by tho dozon as there is duty on them to be paid. ♦ ♦ Any Ktiglish Banker can give yon Information afaout my high standing, or writo to the publiaher of this paper, who knowa that r do a large and Btraightforward advertising business, and that I do exaotly as 1 gay. I have taken this pace in tiiis paper for three years ! The 0rt one answerIng this advertisement af ter this numot the te likes, havs hi.s name printed in this space as agent for thee # # The Editor of the Sjmngfiéld (Ohio) New Era writes, in hls paper of June 29, 1894: - "1 have received ;i sample knifo from Mr. SearBj and am very mueh pleased with it. He is the owner oí a rery large advertising business in London, and is, I believe, perfectly msible and Btraiírhtforward. " a d your ñamo and address to the following, ent it out and seud it with Postal Order or stampa for 44 cents, and yon will reoeive by return of post the beautiful knifc is described above. 1-'. W.SKABS, ADVKirnsivi: AGENT AND CONTRACTOB, Wilor.KSAl.K KxiFE Advebtising Dep abt m ent, , 138 Flket Street, Londox. Dear Sir,- I faithfully promise on my and honour to show the Samnle Knifa you have promlsed to send me to one or more of my fi-iends, thereby constituting myself an agent. Th is will make me ''in the trade'' as far aa Pocket-cutlery is concerned. By thir promiso I am entitled to u sample oí your beautiful Dollar knif e with chamois loather case, to be sent me post-paid and duty free. I also enclose 44 cents Postal Order or stamps, whlch please liold for me until I send you an ordtr at the dozen rate. Name ... Address Address all letters to F. W. SEARS, Wholesale Kniie Adiyertisement Dept, 12S FLEET ST., LONDON ENG,


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