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4S IN HALFH To the South The Louisvllle & Nashville Raílroad wül sell tickets on dates anl uuder conditions as below mentioned, at One Single Fake for the Round Trip, and onc-way tickets at about oue-lialf the usual ratc. DATES r the sale of tickets w" t juoe I fcO U( July Sj August 7i september 4 end October 2, 1895. Tickets wül be sold for the Regular Trains startitig frotn Cincinnati, Louisville, Evansville and Bt. Louis, and from Stations of our Connectir.g Lines in the North to connectwith those trains. Tickets good to return within 20 days. POINTS ' v!lich tic!;els wil1 te sold are the principal Cities, Towns and Villages in the State of Keutucky, Teunessee, Alabatna, Mississippi, Xorth and South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. Full information cheerfully furnished upon applicatiou to JACKSON SMITH, D!v. Pass. Agt.,CincinnatI,O. C. P. ATMORE, Gen'l Pass. Agt., Louisville, Ky, " TtheT. ELDREDGE "B" A Btrictly high-grade Family Sewlng Machine, possesAlng all modern iiuprovenients. GUARANTEED EQUAL TO THE BEST Prices very reasonahle. OMaln tliem from y our local dealer aud mak e coinpariëons. ELDREDGE MANUFACTURING CO. BELVIDERE. ILL. llf ARE nB ff & 11 f iIilson7sh1 v SEWING MACHINES POPULAR? BECAUSE LADIES BUY THEM LIKE them AND TELL RffiSoé. Many ladies have used our machines twenty to thirty years in their family work, and are stil 1 using the original machines we furnished them a generation ago. Many of oi'.r machines have run more than twenty years without repairs, other han needlea. With proper care tliey pever wear out, and seldoni need repair. We have built sewing machines for more than forty years and have constantly improved them. We build our machines on honor, and they are recogrnized everywhere as the most accurately fitted r.nd finely finished sewing machines in the world. Our latest, the "No. 9," is the result of our long experience. In petition with the leading machines of the world, it recen and Prize at the Paris Exposition of 1SS9, as the best, other machines receiving only coniplimentary medals of gold, silver and bn inze. The Grand Prize ivas what all sought for, and our machine was awarded it. Send for our illustrated catalogue. We want dealers in all unoccupied territöry, WHEELER & WILSON MFG. CO, 185 4137 WAPA3H MVE., CHICAGO. MHV WfICOX COMPOUND . TANSYPiU$ M RKW tRK OF COrSTERFElTS. ■■ The only af and slways ri'UaMe Keiler ,H lc r Ladies. Accept no wortlilcss and danjH genxis lniltatlmis. inoney aml (tuard fH health liy lakinc notliluKlmt the nly KMium and origina. Wllct.x cnii ■■imu.l Taiify m 1'iiK in metal boies bearlng shii-ld trade ■■ mark, )rlce fi.dO, all drunglst?. Send 4 ets. for Woman'sS&feGu&rd mi im-Iy maiU'd. WILCOX (iPtillC ., S28 Sou tli l'.iKlitli Streel, IMiiln., Pa, I EWIS1 93 %■ LYE roniani ahd pisirac dff (PATBHTED) Lê Th ■ ronjf t and pnrest T ra ■ HA marte, fnllko other Ly-fv H beln ■ W U nne powdrr and iiackod in a can HhvwUli removable uj tba oonnts BB ar" alwaya rtarty u.v. win ■H maie the bel pprfumM Hard Scan V lu '20 uilnuuw wltliout bulllnir. JH It !■ tlie beat fur cleanslug waMte W l'lio, dlslnf.-i'tlng HnkH, cl'wUL waslilng botUi, lalnt, trees, etc iÜfc. PENH&. SALT M'F'O CO. ■BB9M Qtu. Agw., riüla., Fa, , BUSINESS CARDS. f R. WILLIAMS, l_T. Atloini y at l,an, 'lihiii. .Tlicli. Money loaned for outside parties.All legal business sriven prompt attention. W. S. M O ORE, DENTI57 ! Work ione In all forras of modern dentistry. D ai rt Bridge work a ípeeialty. Satisfaction Guarauteed. r. of M. Gradúate.) 26 South Main St„ - - - Ann Arbir WM. W. NICHOL8, Dental Pat lor s ! OTEB SA VIKQS BANK OPPOS1TE COVBT H0V8JS SQUARE. am riruR j Ki rsoy, Contractor and Bu Ider ! Ef-timates furnished on all kinds of Architec ture. Residence and Shop, 21 Geddes-ave. Choice Meats Tor. Waliliigton-).t., and Fil'th-ave. Our aim is to pleaf our rustomersby always haudling the ■very Choice6t Meats tbatthe maiket afl'ords. J. J. FURQUSON, Jobber and Bui Ider. EtiniütcH Giren on Short Noties, Repairing, Bebuüdiug and Jobbing a Specialty. ALL ORDERS PBOMPTLY ATTENDED TO. SHOP AND BliSIlli; i:, 16 W, Summit St„ Ann Arbor, MichOil and Gasoiine Brought to Your Door Without bothering to order every time y ou are out. Drop a Postal Card, Or cali upon me at S. W. Corner of E. Washington and S Fifth-ave. and leaye your order and I will keep you supplied at lowest rates. JOHN BAÜMQARDNER, Dealer in American and Imported QRANITES ! and all kinds of BUILDING STONE! Cemetery Work A SPKCIALTÏ Corner of Detroit and Catherine f ts. ANX ARBOR, MICH. ü. OF M. SHAYING PARLORS AND B.ITH KOO.11S. Ladies' Artistic Kair Dressing and Bath Rooms ÜP STA1RS. 30 S. State si.. Hext to Sheihcm's. 'MC. A Illiv, J. 1L. TIIIU WIIUMtl PANTS. fè Do ymi waer J tlicni'f Wc make f" t llicljl In your orUbjL. üpO i) 5)1 U fiv ■ JOHN BYERS.Agt. V I )■ W Ann Arbor, Mich. i V5 RINSEY & SEABOLT NO. 6 and 8 Washington St. Have always on hand a completo Stock of everything in the GROCERY LINE Teas, Coffees and Sugar All prime articles bought for cash and oansellat low figures. Our frequent targe invoices oí íeas is a sure sign we ive bargaina Ín Quality and Prices. IWe roast our own cotïees week always fresh and good. Our bakerj turna out the very best of Bread, Cakes and Crackers. Cali and see us. "TïASKINS' LIYERY Feed and Boarding Stable. 6 W. ANN STREET. Ciirrimfs o ui, Bonn boardtd al naxonable rate ord Xtftetai tart talm to tetp boardin n gooi COME AND SEE US vuTbutlë 16 E. Hiirou-M„ AMM ARBOR, MItH S-.cretary and THoturtr Wat. ana Loa Asíociatin, MONEY TO LOAN.


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Ann Arbor Register