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Georjfe lt. Kelly ella Wood Itloi'k Siunalx. Iteferring to the littlo book on block signáis, issued by the New York Central, the "Electrical Review." which is the recognized authority upon evervthing pertaining to electrical science. has tnis to say : 'In the 'Four-Traek Serieb' No. 17, the passenger department of the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad has published a most interesting story under the title of 'Biock Signáis on Ameriea's Greatest Railroad." The letter presa and illustrations in color are unusually tine.The technical description is by Mr. John P. O'Donnel, a raember of the American Society of I 'ivil Kngineers. The New York Central has spent more than $1,000,000 in equiping its lines with the safest and most complete system of block signal devices for handling trains known to railway science. The block signal system is a mystery to the average man, and we can image no more intructive or interesting pastime than to take a trip over the New York Central road, with a copy of this in hand. observe what is to be seen of the practical working of the block signa] system.'' A copy of the book will be sent free, postpaid to any address in the world, upon reeeipt of three two-eent stamps, by George H. Daniels. General Passenger Agent. Grand Central Station, New York. 82 Gtorye lï. Kelly sells Wood. Home Seeker' Kxcursloit. Agentsof the Ohio Central Lines will sell Home Seekers' Kxeursion Tickets as follows: To Virginia, Sept. 24 and Oct. 2. Rate, one fare for round trip: limit 80 days. To Alabama, Florida, (reorgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Xorth Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee, on Oct. 2. Rate, one fare 'or round trip: limit 20 days. To Aransas, Alberta, Arizona, Colorada, o wa, Indian Territory. Kansas, South Vlissonri, ManitoVja. Minnesota. New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Wisconsin. Wyoming-date, Sept. 24; rates one are, plus $4.00; round trip limit 15 days or return GEORGE R. KELLY SELLS WOOD. For THIRTY-FIVE YEAR6 have maintained tbeir guperiority iur Quality of Metal, Workmanship, Uniformity, Durability. Sample carel, 12 PENS, different nnmben, 'or iill siylcs of writing, sent on reeeipt of 4 CENTS in postage stamps. SPENCERIAN PEN CO., 49O Broome St., New York.


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