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Will Huil, of Detroit, spent Sunday at home. Chas. Schroen, of Ano Arbor, was in town Thursday. A. Harman attended the Chelsea fa i r last week. Died. Sept. 2Oth. after many weeks illness, Mrs. Jane I'arsons. G. 3. Nissly retumed Tuesday from hls trip to New York city. I. McKinnon returned Saturday trom a week's visit in Ohio. Artie Sturm has returned to the Flint school tor thedeaf and dunib. Mrs. H. H. Humphrey, of Detroit, s visit injr her sister, Mrs. G.C. Townsend. Miss Edith Ilanson, of Detroit, is closing out the millinery stock of Mrs. Rhodes. Our item of '-O-range Blossoms" last week was a little too previous. There was to have been a wedding Tuesday night but the bride-groom suddenly found out that he had made a inistake and thought to rectify It by lea ving town very suddenly on Monday evening. THELSEl. Mrs. George Kempfis rislttng in the east. Miss Edil li D. Nayes was a Dcxter Vlslter Sunday. Mrs. McGuire. of Ypsilanti. was in town over Sunday. Frank McNamara is spending a few daya with hls mother. lss Maude Freer, of Jackson, spent Friday last with frlends. Mrs. Downer, oí Detroit, spent Sunday it ii er parents. Miss Genevieve önnn, ol Ypsilanti, is visiting friends here. Miss Mild red Avery. OÍ Howell. ts trimming for Mrs. .). Staffan. Faye Moon left for Albion Tuesday. whefe he intends to enter college this fall. Mrs. H. H. Avery returned Saturday from a visit with Port Huron friends. Mr. T. W, Howe. of Ithaca. lias been the fiuest of David Rockwell and famity for a few days past. George Patterson and Lou Muriker, of Stubenville. Oliio. spent last week with Chelsea friends. Henry Stimson. LeRoy Hill and Frank Taylor left Monday morning for Ann Arbor toattend the University. Mrs. Chas. Clark has returned froni lier visiting tour. Rev. C. B. Case made a short cali on his parents last week. Miss Blanch Farrington gave an entertainingbirthday party Saturday p. m. Mrs. S. Egner is entertaining a sister and friend f rom Detroit for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Guy and son returned Saturday trom their Tecumseh trip. The Aun Arbor fair will be partroDized by a large number OÍ Milanists this week. Mis. Luxton returned Saturday p. ni. from a four weeks visit with friends i n Ontario. Milán school has enrolled 251 pupila thus far and inore pupila are expected UiiS week and next. Mr. and Mrs. Webb Blackmer are at Ín une feo their friends in their new resldence on Wilcox-st. ttev. H. F. Shier is the new E. istorat Milán. He preached his tirst ermon here Sunday. Married. Lamkin-Heral. Mr. Chares Lamkin. oi Milán, Miss Tnresa losal. oí London, Thursday. Bev. J. 4. McGregor, otticiat ímkThe . Eastern Star lodge No. 10(i installed the following offlcers Tviesday evening: Wortli matron, Mrs. Electa Wortby patrón, Mrs. E. B. Ford; Associate matron, Mrs. Bolla Zimmerman; Secretary. Mrs. Flora Debenbam; Treasurer, Mrs. Etta Pyle: Conictress. Mrs. Mary Kelly: Associate conductress. Mrs. Daraxa Whitmarsh Omplain. Mrs. Susan Barnes; Warden Miss Jernsba Smith: Sentinel. Mrs JO 11 II ÖMMJR. -Ut. í'i iw xj wuvi Buth. Mrs. Ella Pray; Rsther. Mrs. Effle Gay; Martha. Mrs. Mae Henriersliot: Electa, Miss Dora Smitli; Organist. Miss Alma Bill. DIXBORO. Miss Matte Galpin Is attendin sciiool at Aun Artxir. Rpv. E. Moore and wife. are liore and will occupy the parsonage thte week. Miss Kat ie Campbell is home U remain. She spent the summer at Whitmore Lake. Thepeople of this viciniiy are all through Bowingwheat) and severa! are )iisy husking eorn. Mis. F. Slmart who had i cáncer removed by Dr. Darling is reported as ;etting ilong nleely. Rev. .1. L. Newkirk and family. removed this week t'roni lieve to their new home at Fairtield. We hope the school board will hesitate before allowlng another show to occupy the school grounds. ïlie W. F. M. S. will mee! next Wednesday at the home ofMre. Matteson. AU membere are requested to he presen! as buen: m to ootwuu of offlcere. YOKK Proal Monday alght. The Bchool attendéd the fair at Ann Arbor school d;iy. c. M. Puller was 11 the ture part of the week, but business went on In the school just the same. The 1 1 Fellows, of thia place, are going to Monroe on a fishing contesi one week i'nmi Saturday. WIL. LIS. Mrs. Adair, of this place, is visiting witli her son Thomas, of Romulus. Mrs. Mamie Duggan. of Chieago.lias been visiting Miss Nellie Ouggan, ot tli is place. Mr. P. H. Ilines had quite a small nrmy of boys and girls puiling beans for hira last week. Mrs. Augusta Pratt has gone to the northem part of Michigan to visit friends and relatives. Dan O'Brein, and hls sister Kate, and little daughter, Gertie, attended the state fair at Grand Rapids. Mr. T. J. Hammond, postmaster at Whittaker. started last Tuesday for Atchison, Kansas, to visit his sister. Born, toMr. and Mrs. Cari Lowe, one week ago last Sunday,a little girl, both motlier and ctaiid are doing nicely- MANCHESTER Teachers examlnawon was not very largelj attended. Kern]) dry goods company liave sold out to W. C. Mack. Mrs. Barkhardt. of this place lias moved to Elkart, incl. Tini Hunt is cm the road for Di. Lyncb's Perfect Baking Powder. Mr. Lester. of Leipic, O., is here to see about renting the "Hotel deGoodyear." Wlien the cows godownto drink, the eleetric lighte go oui In Manchester." Whyare our eleotrlc lighte like a tire fly? '-New y1" s''f them and now yon don't-" A. T. Sutlon. oí ('iiifinnali. Ohlo, iswriLins sifriis for a nuiuber OÍ our merchante. ____i


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