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WOMAN'SJUFFERING. % BELIEYED BY MAIL. HOW IT IS DONE. How a Woman Works for Her Sex. [SPECIAt TO OUB LADY BEADF.KSJ Seated at her desk in the bureau of correspondence, this wonderful woman opens her letters from all parts of tlie world. A few extracts from their coatents teil the story : - from Iowa. " I am in a very bad condition. My courses have stopped from -Jk cntching cold, and the pain is j fearful. I am all bloated up; and i the pain in lower part of my body _ i - is terrible. My back and head K" ■fcnchc all the time. What shall I 'ML Wdoforit?" MISS 1 , mB -" Des Moines. FROM Mrs. Lizzie DeCline, 224 Grand NewJkrsey. Street, Jersey City, relates her .-- miseries resülting from womb &&j k trouble, from whieh ghe was re 11 'S lieved and cured by the timely fej use of Lydia E. Finkham's VegeÊÊBÊl tuble ('onipound. Khe ends her jHJkjjJip letter, by saying, "I owc all to FROM Ohio. Mrs. Newton Cobb, of Manchester, O., writes: "I used eight bottles of your Vegetable Com-J[ pound, and I am happy to say it Sk "as cured me of painful menstru3 Wk ations and backache. My suffer. 4HffL inn every month was dreadfu!. P Y The doctors gave mr morptu'ne lo pase the pain, nothing to cure . . -JW% s. me. Oh, 1 want ! teil every one 7wPny what cured me! I wish every __ suffering woinan would write and - get your advicc." FROM Miss Jennie , Chicago, Illinois, etates that she is iwcnty iwo years of age; oceupation, alesy woman in large dry goods itorc. eO Constant standing lias lironht V B on womb trouble, the symptoms of wbich she describes f ully. She m- V ey: "Help me if you ean. ■ Thcre are sevcral girls I know ■BMmJH who bave written to Mrs. Pink pira ham, and been cured by lier ad. vice and medicine." FROM Miss Marv Smylie, who resides Penns'lv'n'A. at 2078 E. Susquehanna Avenue. Kensington.Phila., writes : "1 am ta working-girt, and must stand eleven hours every day. I have suffered terribly from painful men8truationsandkidney trouble. At times rny head was so dizzy I could hardly see. A friend recommended your Vegetable Compound. I am a different girl now : no more aches and patas. Oh, thank you, thank you ! " The above extracts from many hundred letters received daily by Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass., go to show how easily ailiug wouien can obtain advice and relief. Write to Mrs. Pinkham. Lydia E. Pinkhani's Vegetable Compound, the most successful female medicine known to the world, can be obtained of any druggist in the land. A Magazine Always up To Date is the one progreaslveWomeVi want To help to cook, oat. servo and live well is the cliicf alm of Table Talk the Am.'riran authority on rulinary mul uiusi'hiild topics.' Il treats of tin' econDro'ea and aecessities of i.he tablé ;is well as its luxunes and dainties. tt givsfhe tatest fecipef and faahiona: menua tor weddifags ■(((■ptions. dinaers. oat"Cl ])irties, and all special occasions Wc have made arrangement with the manufacturas of the genu) ine and famous De Lony Hook and Kyc by whjch every one of our reader may obtain a liberal aupply tor thelr use. The manufactura desirtbg to introduce thisnoweet invontion for the dros Inte every city and town in the United statcs.'have made it uossible for us to make the following Liberal Offer We will send as a premium, nne groas 112 dozen) ol these g-ennine and famous De Loog Hooks and Ey es (retal) alue. ;KI cents) to every new subscriber to this mayazine. Positively#you have the genuine DE LORO Patent Hook and Eye if you see on the face and back of every card the words f See that i77 hump?W Richardsori S[k L. & De Long Bros., , (Qf (g Philadelphia. Subscription Price, $i.oo Per Year. Address, TABLE TALK IM ltl.lsllli (o. 13 Chcstuut Street. PbUa.dclUU, Pa


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