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The New Foreign Policy

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THE rumor „f „han-re in President Wand i foreign p„iioy eX(.ites Proving Interest. U U true that the motive eause is said to be the eonservonofthenshts-ofaoatsyndicate, that extends over Michigan, Ohio. New Nn-k and other States, "and that i.snPuted to have "aequlred con.vs.i,,,,. of ?reat value from the gevernment of l.neZ,H,la.-buti,Mvat,i-ndieate.shave equal rightó with poor citi.ens. If tho wol faro of a United State, .yndioate nat has clalmo i„ Wneucla is ieopardized by Britlsh aotlpn it is the .tyorM,,n,,,aaa-. Kd„n„isl,:,;!; to pt-otect :t. Yet it wouTd have been more „hival'--. nd would have appeétod more W Mr. leveiaud und bis Secretary „f state been active flnt in the '1 "f HI,i8 worldly goodg and foroiblv W.h !, f,,,.,,,,.,. l;llllutu;v,t.d , onate anxiety for her Husband, and bodj of Prencb „ji u 8 have pleased the American peopSl better hai Mr. Cleveland found a cause of vigor in the massacre of American Christians by Chinese agan?. But he is sai'l to have ehosen the welfare of "a great üyndiyate, that extends over Michigan, Ohio. fíew Vork, and otner States"' as the particular occasion of a bjllicose demonstration. Let the rightsof ''thegreatsyndicate'1 be protected by all means ; its membsrs are American cjtlzetW, and therefore, are entitled to the protection of the American government. But while the welfare of "the great syndioate" is guardod. demands for reparation of the injuries inflieted uj)jn Mr. and Mrs. Waller by France anl upon the American Protestant missionaries in China must not bc neglected.- ínter Ocean. The result of municipal ownership of stieet railways in Glasgow, Scotland, is a st:-ong argument in favor of such owhet-ship in all cities. A Hule over a year ago the oity of Glasgow undertook to run the roads. New and better care were put on, the employees werc uniformed and given better pay, and the fare reducod to one cent. It was prophesied that the result would be a heavy flnancial loss, but the result has been otherwise. During the flrst eleven months of the nnw management, the gross receipts exceeded the gross expenditures by $118,000. This prolit was net, interest, renewal of tracks, machinery, etc, being included in the item of gross expenditures. The old company which had operated the cars oogan a vigorous eompctition with a line of omnibuses, but ia spite of everything, the new management was suceessful in making the profit shown abovc. It is expeoted that hereaftcr a stilt botter showing will bc made.- Ex. The street car line in Ann Arbor would do well to prolit by this example. At present we willsuppose it is barely paping expenses. By peduciág its fare to one cent at least tifteen timos as many people would ride. One-thii-d of these would, as now. pav running expenses, whüe the other two-thirds would make a handsomo proíit. IT is estimated by those who are in a position to know whet'cof they speak. that two hundred thousanü American have visited Europe this suramer. During the earlier part of the season every passenger steamcr lcaving for an European port was crowded to its utmost oapaeity, and berths were being engttgti two or three months in advance. .lust now the tido has turned, and it is the west bound steamers that are crowded with returnlng tourists. Some one has íigured that these two hundred thousand travelers will leave in Europe at. least $100,000,000. not eountfng the 30,000,000 paid to the steamship companies. Thcre is no tion but that Amcricans are the greatest travele on the earth. and, as a eonsequence. they are better infonncd abont the world in general than are the people of any other nation. Comparatively few Europeant. visit th's country, and the ignorance of the averav Knglishman or Frenchinan regardtaf the üuited States is sometbing whlch appals and amazes the travellingAmerican. Such stories as that of the Englighraan ho thought he oould leare New York in the inorniny, spend the foronoon in San Francisco, drop in on a friend in Chicago in the afternoon and return to New York for suppcr are probably apochrypbal. but it is t.-np. that vui-y few l'uropeans have any idea of the size and importantie of this country. - Kx.


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