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A chimo of bells will be put in the new Bothlchem cburoh on S. Pourth iave. A briffht little boy carne to the homo of Andrew Reule Tuosday. He vvül reïnain until ho is 21 years old. Henry K. White, of thls city, was marriel lat Saturday at Jackson, Mich., to Kliza J. Fi-eeman. They will reside hei-e. A petition will ba presented to the council next Monday night aBking that Catherine-st. be opened between Mvision and State-sts. The regular meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary will take place next Mondav at 3 p. m. in the V. M. C. A. rooms, over Tinker's store. It is hoped every member willmake an effort to attend. nd Mrs. E. C. L. Miller arrived in Ann Arbor yesterday, (rom their old home in Watson, Mo. They sail on the 12th from New York for India, where thoy go as medical missionaries. Mr. A. R. Kent has decided to ent-r the ministry o( the M. E. church. He has been assig-ned to a charge at Madison Lake, Minnesota. Mr. Kent will leave tomorrow for his new field of labor. The fire department was called to 75 E. Washington-st. at 1:00 a. m. Monday moralng. Only a sliffht blaze occured. The fire waa soon extinguished before muoh damage was caused. An explosión of hot air in the building while the Breinen wei-e at work threw Edwards, ono of the firemen, against the wall and sliyhtly bruised him. Ann Arbor had only two saloon powb tuegday niKht. In néither case was anonu scriously hui-t, though at tirst it was thought that the young man who was knocked down with a billard eue in Polhemus" saloon had his scull frat-turcd ft proved only a ílesh wound. It was mere chance that the blow did not proyö more seflóúa. A prominent Ann Arbor business man who has the reputation of being one of the shrowdest advertisers in the city decided one day recently to have made a careful canvass of a certain portion of the city. At each house was asked what papers wcre taken. In the district covered it was found that The Kecüster was ahead of all others. The flve years' subscription to The Register for the best five pound crock of butter, was captured by J. F Avery, of 18 Church-st. The judges pronounced the samplo ofïered the best they had ever secn. Accordin# to theic system of it stood ü pointe out of a possible hundred, It is seldom that any butter stands above 87 pei' cent. The Horaeeopathic school now has its faculty eorapleted, Dr. M H. Pai-malee. of Toledo, Ohio. having: aecepted tho position of non-resident professor of obstetiics and gynasoology. Dr. l'ar malee is a gradúate of íhe'Hahnemann Med. Coll. of Chicago. He has a great reputation thi-ough Indiana and Ohio, and it is believed that he wiil draw a large nnmber of students from these states. The foUowtng is fi-om the Ann Arbor eorrespondence of yesterday' Detroit Tribune: A committce frota tour leadiiv college frateraities mot here toni.'ht'to arranrefor the wjcanization of a Detroit bi-anch of the Universitv of Michigan Alumni association. 'The four fraternities leading in the movement and the membei-s of the commiUee are as follows: Psl Upsilon, Duane Stuart, Gaylorö Gillis: Delta Kappa Epsilon John Condón, Hai-ry Nichol: Alpha Delta Phi, J. D. Richards. Two leadïng ■ members of oach fraternitv i-esidinom Detroit will toko immediate charffi of the matter m that city. The followhig appeared in last Satürday's Daily Courier: One year a-o tho proprietor of the Am, Arbor Daily Oaurler entered nto a contract with the Detroit ve,"1"" í"rnal to PuWfeU for one vroor, lhat contract has been faithully and well fulfilled. It has not )ioven proliitablo, consequen ti v with )' bS DaÍly rurier ceasës to be Ifs obituai-y will be written bv its ntomporaries. We think the above is a Bnfflctent ob Ituary and so will add nothing to it. H. L. Kose. of Manchester, made a flne exhibit at the fair of samples from his vegetable garden. He took liret prize upon everything he tried for Mr. Rose favored The Reuister office with threeeampkw of his premium veg. etables. One is as line a Hubbard squash a e ever saw. The second is a monster sweet pumpkin, just the-sort t„ work up into sueh pies as we used to eat -hen we rere boys. The third was a specimen of cucumber . The soed same from California, and the sample Bow In our office is over four feel lon2. ome in and see ii.


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Ann Arbor Register