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jEJHo!rK& - loi-. - 11909 ffö$$&fÊLÊiÊ I Con V SpMorív ís - ; - . .. fijn? Diarrhav Dr.Bayer's COLiC DROPi Wurantcd ór noncy Kfunííct! ■ ' '■. : ..: ;,v; i r I '! I'17' ■ I V ! Jo. M .y - tunal aaa wdír ii'i : nsíiao; ,i sta ■■;,.;■' o siitaiu and cis w im I f C ■ :r ;.-; Liberaf Weight, ■ ;; Prices Moderate. Promptness in Delivery. ■ p - - , - , - - jiuw TRAOE MARK irTni- Heartl.i}p ..AND,' m M'jjf l'OHTTTY ríf-JS HEA KT ! DÍSJEASE, , L PILEPSY, 1 1 Nervfous Prtistration ■ si. . .:.-.-m,i- and uil di mngeni'nts nfilie ServoiiH 'Svsicin. ünexcelled for Restless Babies. Purly . flablf," náriinlií.l lrp trom piatf. 100 liillxlzr toKr, T,V% i ■ ■■ ■ ; -M. 1). B; Ii .-fi i rit: Tcüit, Onuicl H;ip1(1-;. Mli-h Bkvlttgii Bank, siys hc caimot siy tou murli n f:ivinÉ oí ■■.lir-ci:i.';t. ' lict-li-r's Beari and Nfn ( Cure, For Sale 111 11 Ilru-M. W. H. BUTLER, 16 K. Iliiroii-M., t IKBOH, MJ.CÉ i-crrtuty oi,il Ttntiurir Xut.Svijingfc anti Loa .-; ., . ..Aqsociatin, -MOXKV 'JO LOAN. {mïtriïr REVIVO sL i r% RESTORES VITALITY. im ww. fsjf yJ C-Well Man i i.-....Uay.lph Of Me. THE GREAT ;)oth t)ay. PREWOÖ nmVEZEüDY .riniii'-t-N 1 aiidvi' rt-iilts in :{( tays. It ats ' mam rlulJy iid -juit-kly. Curöli wiiou all otbere fail 'niiiii! men wij) ream their lost njauliood.nd ■.]! neta wirt recover the ir yoütMul virfor by uhinjr í KVtYO. lt (Jláclcly and Hilrely rentoret Nervnufli-KK Lost Vitality, Impotcnry. Xigii tly EmiPsioDR. Lost Power. Failing Mfinory, WaKtiniz Piseases. and ti eiïects of Nfli-;' ur cxc-nk amJ rndiscretion. ■ Inch uniits lor k nfy htihiiii sk ir umrriSK1' it üot ouly cnres by stai;tin([ at the eat ot distase, bul ,h a Rrrat ntrv ionio and Mnod bullder, brioffIng ha-k the piitk kIow to pale rheelCR ik! re rouug tb tire of jm,h. Jt wardn ofif Jnanity ud CüLMuniptiuii. Iiiiht ito haviuj; KK'lVOiiu) tlKT. It can Uu rarncd in vpft pocket. By toail, Hil.OOptTparkafte.or kil t or 5.OO, wUti a pont tiv rrltten KU:rnte to -ure o" refund !ie (uoney. Cii ular irto. Addrees ROYAL MEDICINE CO., 63 Rtver St., CHICAGO, IV For MTt ut tiiu Arbor, nr 11., I.j Ebr1TR3 Bwy I CURES llwuhtclte. Xeinafrjiff. Insoauiia, ■ Rj:r.iKYi:s QtnCKLT ai.l I lit en m d t te la i h s HUI !; 25 'MTS. mam wiicox compouno JB REHARÉ OF COCHTEBFEITS. m 'no imiIy afe aml alvvays rrliable Rellcí JBf I. r l.ailí.s. Aixtpl mi wurthlesa oml aanBm ffermis ímitatlons. Save money anl guara Jm h.alil: iiy laUing DotMiijr hut tlie oulyKeuuD Uld tirlKiua. AVIlciix ((.inlX'UlKl Tansy i IV l'IUs, In metal boxes berln([ shlelil trade mg u.ark. prif-e Í2.0Ü, all lirusglst?. Send 4 1 cts. (or Wuiiiaii'sSarcCnard ecurely mallea. I W1LCOI PECIFIC ■., __ 32M Soulli liulilli Mtrv, rliil., ! About Knives. A c'heap Pööket-kiiife caii b bought at every Store, luit it is not Ihe kind y au want. One dollar ÍS the lowest price that a really good knife can be gold for. This ïiloumn is placed in this paper to adverl e the vei-y best 'o.-ket-knife ever sold. ItteJ. C. Tidmarsh'.s Slietlield Steel Knife. . Never buy a knife only bocanse it lookswell. Jf bhules are iwt the best Shettield std-l tli.'v wil] seeri benei, no matter how thev wil] look. Stil!, you want a fine-lookinjr knife. . The United Shites luw provides that only samples to i'H1s umi to the traüe will be admitcéd free f ]ntv. You can, tli"ivlor,'. see 1 lic advantatre that I have s np .-s to 'aconta over thöséwho li.'.il in öheMetó goods in America. ■-■ ■ T am an ftdvertistóg aeent: T am epfcfusted wtth a oertsifi ain ttiesö1 knives (the beSt Value -,t BeeB in America at One Dollar teh): Now. the fWfe H) its owb U'Sfadvertisf-ment. - Imagine a Pooket-knife (3j ineues long-) with the mofst beaittifully-grainea vory handto-irennine A frican ivory mand 'withtwö blad-es of the Very bost Sheffleld that will last a lffetilöe and cut Hke a razor. The tips of the handles are heavilj plated with ïug Miver. .vnu trien a very niee chamois leather case goes with each knife. Now, .vould it not be easy work selling this knife at One Dollar eaoh? , I know it would. for it Iook9 as if it were worth two dollars. V And 90 it is ff yo compare it with the value offerecl in the ordinary Store. v . Is nophih its own best fflier # You eau nialit -l per day selling : tl e- Itnives. yiiis U a yenuiuo and btraiiittorwaid utoment. This is Bhijfc 't to oniv i Ay: And every ; one 'nMlHjHfV'ii) sa it is A Looii i valué fol' W ' 1 he knives are sold to 'v ynf{W.)SfTtïlt1you sell them %ktl each. i I BkBfnitMtfl íáníblaijse mu oi. aUveiiini-noey'Wsntd-to me In v.'iKjiiijroui fi-Vl Kijcpícs to Thoso vrho proo4itü:t swáfíeBts-Xur the .ale oí you rDU.t ii.iL.tliu.tuiipe at tjiu ipot of this.-oluniu. mi.-maif a, iepo shdw ■■! in HHkingf for tlá knife vou ting in r'iöd fa-ith Thetliíí tliat i ask df you fs U cents-ajsout Ijalf tjie. .olf.salelt oi the knife. and Vss'tTian one-thinl what you woullrai-tó % for:!(ifêiifika ït, if you Uht ontt. " SftDö the uioney hy a l'ixítU Or(Jet -or one-cent Stampa for 4+cts., . und pat fivent: -stamp on tfn Mftter. which must riót ttfgh moro Hu onu-hálf ounoe. - , , , . ., , TjBt.ortwptp.will be:, placed lo ywm emah, iafr n-ni he dedm-ted from .yo,,r tir-u wdmatHe down ráte. tíliÉ'añ.'ááyeVtisiiiíf tfent, cóntractor und pubüsnnr ith onu of the largest AdvrttóiM.bu8inessM in H)4i.-orW,and abBÓlutcly írnnrant.'o toínri, pSñkge paid and dufy freéj thè knifó deétíHbed IaWWe tm Wesñjotíé Wtíó ñcrns the promiSe below. afad wndsit with tha deó!lt"asst,Atv-(T. ■ Lct me advise you not to part with yoursampleveirif you sjbould lose a sale at $1 by aeíuaiag, 'ás t will take time to replace it. I coulc' not send you-anoihóv evon if yoii stint the fulUl. After the sample th.ey can only be suppliëd to you by the dozen as there is duty on them to be' paid. Aay,nfji8b Banker can give you Information about my high standing, or write to the uublisher of t,hi i.imi..,. who knowg tht I do a largé. and straightforward advertising business. and that I do m-aotly as I say. n i I have taken thipaee in thjs paper for three yedrs ! ' The tirst one answer. ing thisailvLTtiseiiiönt after thig number of the paper has come out will, if he likes.have Jis name printed in ttais , space as agent for these knives. ♦ ■ ■ The Editor of the 'SprbiyJieM '(Ohio) Jfew Era writes, in his paper of Juna 29, 1894:- "1 have received a sample knif& rem Mc. Sears, ant) am hn inuoh pffifed wit]] it, Jfv if thp owner of h vci-v large aavei'tisiDg business ' in Lomlon', tonl ia. 1 bêltoye, )).rfeetly responsibli! and Bt.ralhlrorWaiiin ñamo ai. adiircss to thö foliovinrgv'ut ib. out .anti neuii it with Postal Orden cwatampa fw 44 cents, and you will receive by retucp of post thob3ttutifnlkríifeías-.íí bov P.;i;s, Ali 'KKTISiM; Ac'fXT A.Vfl GONTRACTOR, y-iiui.i-:s il-K. Kxife Al) ERTI8ING I)i;PAHTMKNT, lag BLEK .StkkHt,'. Dkak SiR.-I.fBithfuli.5t pi-omiee.on iny ami to show the Sample Knife ye promiscd ! fend me to one or moro of my friends, thereby cdnstituting myself an agent. This will raake me "in the trade" as far as Pocket-cutlery is concerned. By tbif prornise I am entitled to a sa-nple ot your beautiful Dollar PoeKct-knife wim enamois leatner caso, to ba 6unt I me post-paid and duty free. I also enclose 44 cents i'ostal Order or stamps, whiuh please hold for mo until I send you an order at the dozen rale. Name. . . Address Addrtss all kitt ra to F. W. SEARS, Wholesale Knile Adivertisement Dept. 128 FLEKT ST.. LONDON


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Ann Arbor Register