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E. N. Ford spent Sunday in Detroit. M rs. Corkins, of Detroit, spent . day here. Mrs. G. Itrown, of Ypsilanti, called on friends here Sunday. Revival meetings have been continued this week at the M. E. church. Died suddenly at his home, Chas Lashier, aged 78. Funeral service. were held Sunday. The Ball Game of the season take place Monday afternoon between our buisness men. The High Schonl Ball team went to Milan Saturday afternoon and were defeated by the Milan High School. DIXBORO. Oscar Look, of Howell, spent Sunday with his parents. Do not forget the social at Frank Bush's tomorrow evening. Mrs. Délos Rice, of Ann Arbor, visited at Mr. S. Shaughneis' last Sunday. Miss J. Clements, of Detroit, has been viaiting her neice, Mrs. F. Bu'sh the past week. Miss Lizzie Dunn, of Ann Arbor, has been visiting her, sister, Mrs. P. Ualpin this week. The Frainse Lake school gave a literray social in the school room last Friday evening. The object was to raise money to help purchase an organ for the school. DIXBOKO. Rev. Newkirk, of Fairftald, waa a caller here this week. Miss Florence Wilton of Ann Arbor vi-Hed at Mr. M. Galpina Saturday and Sunda . Miss Nettie Shuart and Mr. t'ooles will be married this evening at the home of the bride. Miss Matie Galpin celebrated her birthday last Friday by giving a party to a few friends from Ann Arbor. The Dixboro tiine went over to Cherry Hill last Saiurday and scored a victory over the nine there. Miss Mary Keedle and Mrs. Editti Townsend went to Chelsea Tuesday to attend the Missionary District meeting there. YOICK Rob. McLachlan visited his parents. last Sunday Quite anumber of the Moorville Odd Fellows attended the eneampment last week. Mr. and Mrs. D. Forsytheand daughter Blanche visited Ypsilanti laat week Wednesday. Mrs. E. Ford represented the Milan chapterof the Eastet-n Star iodge, at East Saginaw. M. Davenport has his cottage nearly finished. It will be a great improvement to Moorville. Mrs. S. Hale returned Sunday from near Wayne where she has been visiting her' sister, Mrs. Condus. who is suffering with dropsy. The York and Moorville Baptist churohes have given Rev. T. F. Smith, of Ypsilanti, a cali, which they hope he will accept. JIILAN. Editor A. B. Smith visited Ann Arbor, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Coe have returned from their bridal tour. Rev. J. Ward Stone has returned from his Kalamazoo trip. Mrs. Mell Barnes and son, of Tecumseh, visited Milan friends last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dexter, of Williainston, are moving into Mrs. Otto Bennefs house on County-st. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hack have purchased Mr. Friend's farm and will move there the last of this month. The L. O. T. M. of Milan will indulge in an oyster supper the 18th and a nice program is expected. Miss Cecil Gauntlett in the grammar department captured the prize for having the most names on the lecture course for tickets. The M. E. Society is makinir arrangements for an interesting entertainment at the church Saturday, Oct. lftth and Monday, Oct. 21. ('HKLSEA. Leo Staffan spent Sunday in Ypsilanti. II. J. West of Toledo, spent Tuesday in town. H. L. Wbod was in Ypsilanti Monday on business. Deloe Spencer is now clerk in the Chelsea House. Miss Carrie Everett of Ypsilanti, is visiting in town. Sam Heselschewerdt, of Flint was in town over Sunday. George Staffan has returned from a ka visit in Woetphalia. Tommy Wilkinson, of Ann Arbor, I spent Sunday with his parents here. Fred and Harry Morton of Detroit, were the guosts of tbeir parents over Sundny. Mrs. Artliur Walker of Detroit is the o-nest of her parents Mr. and Mrs. -lus. Hudler. Dr. Holmes is attend iag the Jackson Oongregational Association at Salem this week. Mrs. Watts of Jackson and Mrs. Sparks of Leoni were the guosts of Mrs. E. Bparlaover Sunday.


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