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W. C. T. K. For God, and Home and N'attve Land. Edited by Mrs. A. E. Van Valkenburg. Press Superintendent The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held this afternoon in the Y. W. C. A. rooms over the post-office. One week from today a special meeting has been arranged for the purpose of listening to a report of the National W. C. T.U. convention which convened in Baltimore from Oct. 18 to 23. Dr. Mary Wood-Allen and Mrs. Jennie Voorheis attended the conventiou, and Mrs.' Voorheis has consented to make a report especially aiining to bring to the workers methods of carrying on the various Unes of work as shall ixTthe means of producing more intellignt efforts in the future. The plaue of this meeting will be anuounccd later. LOYAL TKMPKRANCE LEGIÓN. For several months the W. C. ï. U. have been making arrangements to orranize a Local Temperance Legión in the city this fall. Miss Anna Richards for several jears president of the Univorsity Y '8 will be the leader of the ion, and her assistants will be chosen from the young women in the University who are members of the Young Woman'8 Christian Temperance Union. The W. C. T. U. feel to congratúlate themselvesupon havingsecured ayoung vvomcn of sueh marked talents, and experience in various Unes of temperance work to devote herself to this most hopeful department, and' trust that ihe efforts whieh she and her assooiates shall put forth to train the boys and girls in the principies of total abstinence and purity, may not only result in enlisting the children to lend a"hand in every effort to help otliers and to overtbrow the liquor traffic, but may rebound in blessings upoa their own braneh of the organization and their labors for temperante in the sity. The meeting for the purpose of organizing the Loyal 'lemperanee Legión will be held Saturday Oct. 26, at two o'clock. Every boy and girl in the city hetween the ages of five and sixteen yc-iars, of every race and creed and station is cordially invited to be present at this meeting and to jolnthe Legión. WAXTED. A cabinet organ for the use of the W. C. T. U. during the coming year. Has not some one just the organ they would like to have used to help swell the strains of these inspiring temperance songs found in the liWhite Ribbon BymnalV" If so, kindly drop a line to Mis. VV. W. Wetmore. 84 W, Huron street. BEER. Not long aince. one of the wealthiest wholesale liquor dealers in eastern Indiana arranged with a prominent life insuranee company to take out a policy for two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, partly for the benefit of an institution he wished to endow at his death. The papers were made out, but on going to e examined as to his physical condition. he was unable to pass, the examining surgeon announcing that he had heart disease, and his life was very uncertain. Frightened, as wellas indignant, he went to the board of examiners in New York. whichalso announued to him that he had organic disease of the heart to that extent that its action might erase at any time. They prenounced the real cause of the trouble to be the fact that he had heen the habit of drinking beer. Of course the life insuranoe company would take no risk where there was such an uncertain tenure of existence. Actual fact proved by the light of science, shows that lager beer is not food; for there are nonutritive elements in it. Instead of being the sustainer of life, it saps at the foundation of all vital forcé. Instead of promoting heat in the human body, it lowers the temperature of its victums until they are far more susceptible to cold, even to death, than healthy bodies free from all alcoholic taint. Instead of imparting strength, iteimply produces a temporary fictitiou8 vigor by spurring the heart and nervous system to unusual effort, whichis invariably followed by poportionate exhaustion that weakens those functions to a degree that will produce premature decay and death. Thus givïng neither heat, force or sustenance to the human tystem, lager heer is shown by seience to be a 'living" beer in every claim it makes to this effort. Some of the creditors of the defunct Michigan Mortgage Co., of St Johns, which company was wrecked by S. S. Walker, have brought suit to recover upon a mortgage which it is claimed was paid twice. Suit is now brought against all tho stockholders in the company which includes Profs. A. H. Pattengill, H. M. DOoge, and Wm. H. Pettee. _ Doctor D. A. MacLachlan has consented to write a treatise on The Eye for a Chicago publishing house. His being so long connected with the University, besides being first vice president elect of the American Institute of Homoeopathy, president of the Michigan State Homoeopathio Society; honorary member of the New York State Homoeopathic Society and editor of the Medical Counsellor has made the doctor so well known that his book will have a wide eirculation. He has found it nooeasary toremove to Detroit to secure leisure for his literary work. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder WorM's Fair Hteheat Award.


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