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John VV. Cadman. Mrs. Cleveland' nncle, who shot hirasclf at Chicago is dead. An A. P. A. parade at Gloucester Mass., was stoned and several persons badly injured. Eugene Field, the fainoas poet and I writer of Chicag-o, died suddenly of of heart disease. The anarchists of Chicago are going to exhume the bones of live "martyrs" and cremate them. l.Judge Allen G. Thurman, known as "the old Iloman," is seriously ill at his home at Columbus, O. Chairtuan W. F. Harrity, oí the national Democratie central eommittee, favors a short presidential campai-n in 1896. fSir Chas. IJ vers Wilson, president of the (raDd Trunk railway systern, has boen married in London to the Hon. Beatriee Mostyn. The Lexington. Ky.. Leader is out for (iov.-Elect Hradley, of Kentucky, for vice-president, with McKinley at the head of the ticket. AU the railroads entering in Chicago have promised to assist the Great Northern raihv;yy in up theG. R. ü. strike which is growing alarmIngly. Lin Doek Dunn, a Chinese laundryman on South Halsted street, Chicago was shot and killed by the father of a young girl whom he had attempted to assault. The Rritish steamer Irrawaddy stranded off Asbury. N. J. , in a dense toa. The passengers were all saved by being taken off in lifeboats to the tur ! C. P. Raymond. Col. Gustav Pabst, the son of Milwaukee's millionaire brewer, vvho was horsewhipped on the street at Mihvaukee recently by his wife. formerly the well-known actress. Margaret Muther, lias sued for a divorce. The sixth annual convenüon of the National Non-Partisn W. C. T. U. was held at Oberlin, O. The convention ' elected Mrs. Cornelia Alford, of Mississippi, president; Mrs. T. B, Walker, ol Minnesota, vice-president, and Mrs. E. J. Phinney, of Ohio, general secretary. Liqnor cures were discussed and ïmtanees of g-ood resulte cited. Fire started in Keep's shirt faetory I at Broadway anJ lileeeker Btreeti, '] New Vork City, which extended to ' i rosby .street and is estimated to have ! dope ;i daraa-re of 88,000,000. The new buildiny of the Manhattan Savinire institution w;i:, destroyed. 'J'wo other buildings was desttoyed and others damaged. ruining the heart of the retaü section of Broadway. The Buckeye Press association, composed of editors of weekly papers tlinnighout Ohio, Michigan "and Indiana, to the number of 300, took an excurVion to the Atlanta exposition. l'hey were entertained one day at Cincinnati by the Enquirer. W. H. Marvin, of l'tica, Mieh., is the president and G. VV. Wilkinson. of North Ualtiinore, O., secretary, of the assoeiation. While the stages from Oakdale and Angeles were changing horses at Chinese Camp, Cal., (ieorge Morris, the express ag-ent, was shot to death bv two robbers. Five thousand dollars in coin was shipped from Oakdale on the stage and the robbers were evidently nware of the fact. Morris opened tire on the robbers. One of the men returned the fire, riddling Morris' body with bnekshot. They left without taking the money. The Grand opera house, a larg-e furniture store, a dry goods store and ieveral lodges were burned out at Decatur, UI., at a loss of L500,000. I í.Irs. 31ry Ann Starkweather. Ypsilanti"s philanthropist. has decidcd to erect a 610,000 building fpr the Students Christian association of the Normal school, The scliooncr AbÍHe L. Andrews left alo Oct. 17 l.jnnd for Detroit vith coal and notjii en lu-ard of her Sílice. She owned at Bufïalo and was value.d at L5,000. Enos Larkiüs, the colored man of Ottndee, who with lis wife ís charged witli the tóirder Oí Airs. .MerriJl to obt:)in pOPÜMlif ol li,-r prniicrty has been sentenced to Jacksun prison íor life. Guying Stage Driver .Jack Kinney at Fremoni carue near proving fatal" for one member of the 1-remoñt football team, as Kinney íired a shot at the fellow which burued his cheek as it passed. Kimbei-lj-. Clark & Co. ivill shortly coinmence the constructioa of a large paper mili on the Lower Quiunesec Falls, near [ron JIountain. It is said that fully $500,000 vvill be expended on ' the plant. The glass factory at Grand Haven every month reeeives large quantities of glass from Amsterdam to be flnished. The company is recognized as one of the largest linishing works in the country. The citizens of Detroit have been nobly generous in giving ficancial relief to the families afflicted by the terrible disaster - the boiler explosión in the Journal building. Over 812,000 was raised within four days. The drill house of well No. 3, of the Eureka Luinber Co., at Manistee, was burned and before assistance could be secured the gas within the house exploded and set the high derrick thereon in flaines. Loss, 81,500. The fate of John Schwartz, an aged Germán resident and pioneer of Marquette, who disappeared three weeks ago, was settled by the diseovery of bis body hanging in an old slaughter ! house near the electric light plant. The Ked Jacket raming sha ft in now down 4,700 feet. The mine is so hot the men are kept in perpetual perspiration, while the dripping mineral water drench's their clothing and raises painful scores of their bodies. Hy an explosión in the mixing house of the Lak e Superior Powder Co., near Marquette, Andrew Erickson was instantly killed. John Tylling was seriously hurt, but will probably recover. The building was wrecked. Leo, 10-year-old son of John Francis, coinmitted suicide at b'augatUck vvith a shotgun. He pulled a string attached to the trigger. The charge entered undei the chin, coming out at ' the top of the head. No cause known. The Northern Michigan Hardwood Lumbermen's association met at Traverse City to discuss the depressed condition of the trade, owing to exces-, sively lovv prices, and decided that the only remedy was to restrict the output froiii 5U to 00 per cent. The semi-annual apportionment of primury school interest money, has been made, 8577,000 beinfr distributed i among the several coanties of the state, the rate being 93 cents per capita ' of children of school age. The above i.s tlie largest sum ever covered by a single apportiooinent. V m. T. Lamoreaux, known as the bean king, fit?m the fací that he handled more beans annually than any other man in the vvorld, coinuitted suicide at Grond Rapids, by shooting himself in the head. He suffered a stroke of apoplexy last sumuier, and since then has had spells of melancholy. Geo. Betts and Albert Kinney got into a saloon row at Port Sanilae. Kinney got the worst of it that time, but half an hour later he walked up to Betts and shot him through the kidneys with a 38-caliber revolver. Betts caunot recover. Kinney soon after surrendered hitnEelf. Eliot K. Herdman, aged 17, son of Prof. W. J. Herdman, of the University of Michigan, left home last month without any known cause and now informa tion has been rece; ved that he iutended to sail from New York to Cuba to fight with the Cubans but missed the boat. His parents are now searehing for the runaway. On complaint of Coroner Beek with, Mrs. Lena Cross was arrested at Saginaw, charged with performing a criminal operation on Nellie Blondheim, a young married wcman who recently died in a Saginaw hospital. Mrs. Blondheim made a confession on her deathbed, implicating Mrs. Cross. The dead woman was only recently married. The Presbyterians of Adrián were invited to inspect a new $10,000 home erected by the Hart family. All supposed it was to occupied by Chas. Hart, but what was their pleasant surprise when Judge Geddes, attorney for the .Samuel Hart estáte, formally presen ted it to the trustees of the church as a parsonage. It was a bequest of the deceased. 'ibe Michigan delegation to the g-ood roads parliament at Atlanta, Ga., report that they gained much valumformation. In New Jersey, for instance. some o.' r,Ue stone roads cost from S;,000 to S7,0()0 a mile, but the increase in the value of oroperty bas more than made up for this. They recommend that a mase eonvention of tliusu who favor improved highways be held in Michigan. It has been discovered that there crept into the charter provided by the last lejislature for fourth-class cities a provisión whicii depi-ived wonien living in such cities of the rig-ht to vote at school elections. It was not the intention of the members of the municijnil charter cominission thus to humble the vromen, and the nommissioners were much surprised when the provisión was shown to them. The use of the word "aiid" where it should have been "or" caused all the trouble. A watcliman's lantern in Mat Sicken's plan ing mili at Marine City exploded and soou the whole plant was u of llames. No water could be ined from the city waterworks on account of the placing of a new intake pipe. It lookerí as if a large part of the city wonld be detroyed, but garden and paila saved" the adjoininobuildings. Loss. 815,000; no insurance. Only one store is left in the town of Arcadia, lowa. Fire burned over an area of four acres, destroying residences, hotels, opera house, 17 business houses, tivo grain elevators and several barns. Loss, 855,000, small inKurance.


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