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A. E. Mummery has just received a new assortment of those 25 and 50 cent knives. If you are not satisfied you can have your money back. If you are in need of any plumbingor leaking-, cali nt my office and get estimates. 92 J. F. SCHUH. Fifteen cents buys a 25 cent package of Turkish Tooth lJaste at Mummery's Drug Store. ■ ■I MM ■ II. I.. - .. Scissors. ! i We have Just received a lot of flnely flnislied , scissors, froni 3li to 5V4 i inches lonj?. We bouht them at a barsain and . they are yours, if you . want them, at ( 25 ets. a Pair. ] 1 If you see them you will ( buy a pair. 1- SALKINS' PHARMACY.-Í PUR 25 CENÍ UÜLUMN. WANTED. fllO liO.VM- Money to Loan on Miohiaan L Mutual Life tnsurance Company's En downment Policios In sums to snit. B. J. Oonrad, % f UK TE ï) Sa 1 esmen üï i a complete t line of lubrlcatine oHa and greases. Liberal terms to guod salesman. Gariand ReBnlng Oo., Cleveland, O. 93 W4NTEU-Si' voral trustworthy gentlemen orladles to travel in Michigan for established. reliable house. Salary $780 and expenses. Steady positlon. Enclose ref ereneo ana self addressed Btamped cnvelope. The Dominion Oompany, Thlrd Floor, Omaha Bldg., Ohlcago, 111. 03 -Cellars and yards to clean Kuhbish removed. Leave orders with Wni Action, 22 l'ontiac-st. 77tf FOK SAL.:. T AÏTuTÖÏTs SÍE:-The BulïöclTöTKvërctl farm, 3 miles west of Salem slation and II miles fiiom Aun Arbor, contai::ii g 109 acres, house.and burus, stock and wel! water in abundanc 'iraber; school and ohurch witbin a mile; lana naturally the best; all setded down. l'rict and terini reasonable. (all on or addres: Aiidrcw H. Gii)im 80 Alaynard t., Ann Arboi, Mich 45tf HOK KKNT- House on Cherry st. 4 rooms EciosetS lst floor, lar(?e cupboard in kit Chen. 2 rooms and 3 closets 2nd floor, also ■tore room. Good cistern and city water For terms inquire ai corner Spring anc Cherry sts. tf L1! SALlí- (íooíl tocatlon fir wood an V coalyard. Wiii sell cheap Wm. Action 32 I Otltiar-si . 77tf 7 OU New Safe. Wlll be sold at a 1 bargaln. Enquireoí' S. A. lloran, ReffisterOfflce. you OK SAI,H -: miles wosTof city on Dexter road, 80 acres good (arm land (pocidljy suitjible for fruit farm, 1 acres Umber lOniiniro pf A. S. I..VOH on tlie premisos. Tíltf HOU8ES VOlí ÜALG OU RENT-Bea E ;tate bou-rlii ■ ndsold. Firo Insurance in Brst-classcompanles, ( ;ill and consult mi before deeidliiK. 1 belleve i can acco date yna. Mary L. Hamllton, room 11, llaniïlton Block. i7t ( Í.OK SA1.E - Mrsl iiiTnT 3 11 acres, :.' miles eaat of Saline 7 miles mliof umi Arbor, knowu as the' Kelloirp farm. six acres -oud beartng peachorchard House, Dam, stock and wel] water In abundance, ichool within ii mile. Price reasonable terms easy, cali on premisos or 44 s. Ingallsst.t a hn Aroor. 941 f , KOB UKNX. POH Two elegant rooms 011 -nd Hoor of the Hamllton block corner Huroi and Kuurt h Avenue. Steam heating Watei furnished. tnqire of J. Q. A Sessions, Aeeñi 38 E. Huron Street, or M r. Eddy, janltorof tht, Wock. :atf Li'Oll Fotir unfurnished rooms freshly patnted and papered convei.ieni for liKht house keeping. Enquire at 47Soutl División street. m UMIlUCIByvfjffiLr;s!i."a:'aa Your Face Wlll bo wreathcd with a most angaglng smlle, after you Invest in a White Sewing Machine EQU1PPEO WITH IT3 NEW PINCH TENSIOM, TENSIÓN INDICATOR AUTOMATIC TENSIÓN RELEASER, The most complete anj useful devices ever addcd to any sewing machine. Tho WHITE is Durably and Handsomely Buüt, Of Fine Finish and Perfect Adjustment, Sews ALL Sewable Articles, And will serve and picase you up to the ful] limit of your expectations. Active Dealers Wanted in unoccupied territory. Liberal terms. Addrcss, WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO., CLEVELAND, O.


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Ann Arbor Register