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ÖEO SCOTT, Architect and Superintendent OFFICE 38 Fountain St. MAIL ORDERS PRO3PTLY AïfSSDED Tö For THIRTY-FIVE YEARS hava jnaintaincd thcir superiority for Quality of Metal, Workmanship, Uniformity, Durability. Sample card, 12 PENS, different numbers, ior all styles oi writing, sent on receipt of CENT8 in postage stamps. SPENCERIAN PEN CO., 430 Broome St., New York. $j f"ik RESTORES VITALITY. wíylíK % Madea IBtbDay.jphy' of Me. THE GREAT 80th ÍJayproilocei 1 lic Bbove resnltg in .",( !:!ys. It ais rfuïly aud quickly. ïamcmenwillreg t manhood.íud old nou will recover Il ir yc ithful vitror by ing HSiViVO. It (;;:; [Orea NiTVOUS: ly En Ejoct Power Falling Jl'mo all aOecta oi ■ icretion, which unüts ene ! notonlycm of díseaee, bu isaivat nerretn fl fcuSldi r, '):ingii'g back the pink gtow to pale cheebBftudre storing thu lire of yonth. t wardu ofl Frmanity and Consum RKVIVOtOo ithfr. Ii cai SI. 00 pnr puckoKo, or Bis tor KS.OO, wlth a posl tive writteu pruaruatee 10 -ure P" refund themoaey. Circular froe. Adirous ROYAL MEDiCIKE CO., 53 P.lvcr SI., CHICAGO. IVFor salo at Ann Arbor, ílich., by líber, bacil Irug Co. Jf You Are Going . Any where South V This Winter You should write aud get correct iuformation iu regard to the facilities offered by the Louisville & Nashville R. R. THIS CAN BC OBTAINED OF JACKSON 5MITH, Div. Pass. ALt., Cincinnali, ü. G. P. iTMORE, Gea'l Pass. Ast., LouISYille, Ky. HOMES IN THE SOUTH Can be secured on niost liberal terras and at low ralis. Write for County Map of the South to either of the above nained gentlemen, or to P. SID JONES, Pass. Agent, I11 charge of Iraraigratiou, BIRMINGHAM, ALA. L I 1 ii SEWING MACHINES POPULAR? BECAUSE LAD!ES J8UY THEM LIKE THEM AND TELL os. lntlies have used otir machines ïwenty to thirty years in thelrfamily work aiici are still using the original machines we fumished them a c-eneration M;iiy of oi'.r machim s have run mure than twenty years without repairs, otlier han needies. Witli proper care they ir out, and seldom need repair. We have built sewine machines for more than forty years and have con, ïmproved them. We build our machines on honor, and they are recOgnized everywhere as the most accurately fitted and nnely finished sewing machines in the world. Our latest, the " No. 9," is the result of our long experience. In petition with the teadlng machines 1 world, it received the Grand Prize at the Pans. Exposition of 1889, as the best, i'tlier machines receiving only complinientarymedalsofgold.siiverandl,: 1 He Orand Prize was uliat all sought for and our machine was awarded it. Send for ofir Uustrated catalogue We want dealers in all unoccupied territory WHEELER & WILSON MFG. CO. 188 & 137 WAt A3H MVE.. CMIAG0. GEORGE R. KELLY SELLS W00D. BUSINESS CABDS. "I R. WILLIAMS. Attorney at r,:iv, nilan, ïlidi. Money loaned íor outside psrties.AH legal business given prompt attention. W. S. 31 0 O RE, DENTIS7 ! Work iHoue In al] fortnu nf modera den'lstry. :i at (1 Iiritige work a specialty. Saüsfaetlou Guara iteed. pp M. Gradúa tjs.) 26 South Main St., - - - Ann Arbor WM. W. WICMOL8, Dental JParlors ! OYEli S ATINGÍS BANK OPPOSITE COI RT HOVBE SQUARE. AR TUUR J KITSOWS Contractor and Bu Ider ! Est mntes furnfBhed on Ril kinds of Architeo ture. Reskieoce and Shop, 21 Gedaes-ave Choice Meats - AT- at:ei:n":m:.a:n 's Cor. aNlilitgton-wt., and Fiftli-avc. Our im is to plenfe our customers by always haud'iiig the very Choiccit Meats tbattue ma ket aflords. J. J. FERGUSON, Jobber and Biiilder. Etimati's Givc-n 011 Short Notlce, Eepairing, Rebuildiug and Jobbimj u 8p ' ialty. ALLORDEFS PEOMPTLY ATTKNDED TO MiOPrANE BESI0ENCS, 16 W. Snit St„ Arm Arbor, MiciiOii and Gasoline Brought io Your Door Without bothe. in? to crder erery time jou re out. Drop a Postal Card, Or cnll upon me at S. W. Cornf r of E. Wath re tonend S Flub-ave. and k uve your order ai.d I wijl ketp jou tupiUtd ot loweet raies. m. ;ooialic. JOHN BAUMQARDNER, Dealer in American nnd Imported QRANITES ! and all kinds of BUILDING STONE! Cemetery Work A Sri'XIAITï Corner of Detroit and Catherine sts. ANN ARBOR. 11TCH ü. OF M. SHAYING PARLORS AND II A TM KOOiUS. Ladïes' Artistic Kesr Dressing and Eath Rccms UP STA1RS. 50 S. State 8L, Next to Shedian's. Jin. A; KUS, J. H. TKO.1 ATVOWSIil Hts. f tlioni to your or&4xk. $3 tö $io y 1! moiuJi I JCHN BYERS.Agt. V l'kw Ann Arbor, Mich. Víái RINSEY & SABQLT HO. 6 and 8 Washington St. Have always on hand a complete ■ Stock of evei-ything in the GROCERYLINE Teas, Coffees and Sugar All prime ttrticlea bought for cash and can solí at low figures. Our frequent 'ario invoices of Teas is a sure sin we ivo bargains in Quality and Prices. We roastourowii coffeei overj v.-eek always fresh and good. Our baker; turna out the very best of Bread, ( and Crackers, (all and see us. HASKINS' LIVERY Feed and Boarding Stable. O W. ANIT STB E ET. lagei Io let. Hortte boarded al rtatonable ralr. Especial care taktn to luB toerden in aoot or! r. v COME AND SEE VS In .. .CURtS WHtBfc ALL ÉlSeTaíLS. tïl hd Beat Umgh Syrup. Taats Good. Use P li In time. Sold by druggiRta. tti


Old News
Ann Arbor Register