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... C makes minee piesruiak and pudding possible all the jkyeai 'round. Always fresh, m llways in season. Always good, Y( i&that's the reason. Accept no Vj W substitute. Sold everywhere. L Sena D.n,e ud ddresa lor booklet, "Mr. Pop. il W ímf Thnksiving,' by a nottd bimnu wriMir ! MKHRELL.HOI IJ: CO., jiSf fgJ Nr-u... N7X. 2lÏ DRESSMAKING ! Ladies ! If you desire the very latest stylee, the best work, most artistic designs in SPRING SUITS, SI Waists and the latest thing in Bicyc e Suite, cali upon MRS. EDITH CLANCY, 59 S. riain St. letter II. -ad . Bill Heads, Statements and Eiivelopes printed at ttaeKegister Office, 30 E. Hurón 8t. TFUnm Vo " Touch, is a com I f IM 1 1 h K m"n symptom of Rheum I bllllbll Mcjólnts. Khetuatism eau be cuiud onlv hv pup. ing lis cause, preventing the formation and accumulation wlttiin thesyste.i of deleterious substances. To do tbis, use Dr. Whïtehall s Rheumatic Cure. It relieres Inflammatory rheumatlsm In s e w hours, the pain cea.sing and swellinir di men't th6 bei5in!line of tile trêa Fret Sample seut on mention of this paper 50 cents a box; 6 feoxes, $2.50. Dr. Whltoliull .Tlea;. Co. tiouth Bend, Ind OTllunïi COME ana GO. Kut the PAGEstays forever- that is as íi"c.i',s,íu" m'V"d 'í'liis idea of PEKMANENC1 is wuvtli consldering when times are hard. Yon can affoid ""J month'y Paper tree. PAWE WO. 111115 Bilí Tbe Oolg Sleaplng Car Lint bttWMn Toledo and Columbas. Th Only 81iep1ng or Drawfng Room Oar ltnebetwn Toledo, Colnmbut d Marletta. Th Ooty Drawlno Room Car Une bttwNii Tolado, Columbu añil Charleston, W. Va. Pullman Sleepers bitwiin Columba and Chicago. THB ONLY UNE with 4 traína eaoh wy dally between Toledo and Colnmbas. THB ONI.Y LINK with S train each wy on Sundays between Toledo and Colnmbuj THB OSLY LINB with 6 train each way daily between Toledo, Bowling Green and Flndlay. THBS ONLY LINE wlth 2 trains ech way daily beW-een Toledo and Charleston, w Va. THB ONLT DIRBCT LINE beween Toledo and the Virginias. THB POPÜLAK LINE bet ween Toledo, Fortorla, Bucyrus, (ranville and Newark. Fnll Information relatlve to ratea, time of trains, etc., wtll be cheeriully furnkhed by ani Agent oí the Ohlo Central Lines. riOULTON HOUk. O. P. A. I TOLEDO, OHIO Expert Opinión The Canadian Government recently sent an appraiser to the principal bicyde factories ín this country, to determine the exact value of various makes for import into Canada. After an exhaustive investigation, his report to his Government rated Lolumbia Bícycks 7y2 per cent. high ct than any otner $fïK make and they pÈfcsJ$ 1 pay duty accordfmjM? ingly. Thís but WwW&se confirms the popVJËMPyl ular verdict. Col&y ' umbías are &&& c&y STANDARD OF THE WORLD. Unequalkd, Unapproached. Beautiful Art Catalogue of Columbia and Hartford Bicycles is free f you cali upon any Columbia agent ; by mail from us for two a-cent stamps. Y POPE MANUFACTURING CO. Faetones and General Of fices, Hartford, Conn. Branch Stores and Agencies ín almost every city and town. Jf Columbias are not properly represented ir. your vicinity let us kr.ow. ■ "The Mayara Falh Rmte VENTRAL STANDARD TIXM TKA1NS AX ANN AKBOK. ïaking Effect Deeember 1, 1S9L.. GOING EAST. Kall&Express : j,,,, N . Y. & Boston Special g os, FastEastern 10 K Atlantic Ex 7 30 A. Detroit Night Ex 5 40 Grand Eapids Ex n GOING WES1' Mail&Express 8 38.. Boston, N. Y. & Chicago 73 North Sbore Ltd 9 Fast Western Ex 2 00 1. . Grand Epds & Kal Ex 555 Chicago Night Express 10 12 PaclflcE 1216a. m. Fast.Newspaper Train 2 5ÜA. n. O. W. RUGÓLES. H. W HAY G. P & T. A., Chicago. Ag-fc, Abd Art Fort Street Union Station,, Detroit, Mich. FOR Sagínaw, Bay City, Northern Mich., Milivaukee and Northwest, IEFAKTArbits. u'Sagiaaw, Bay City and Ludington Ex., ,. presa. 18 ■■ m +T 30.Bfc Saginaw & Bay City Express. 8 :i0 m 10 55 a. m. sagina a Mllwaukee Express. 1 -10 m 3 10 p. ql. Saginaw & Bay City Express. 6 10 m 9 40 p. i. tDalW tp or from Saginaw and Bay CUy with gleeping o;r. ►Daily. HFnOELLERT D. P. A., ii FortSt.,W". DETROIT, MICft, CINC1NNATI, JACK50N AND MACKINAW. Time Táble in Effect Dec. , '9ft. GoiNG ea8t. Central time; goiho whb. 5 $- a. m. a. m. p, u. r. m. 1150 7 00 Allegan 8 85 4 1 1223 7 25Monteith 8 02 3 36. 114 8 06 Yorkville 7 24 g IK 8 33 Battle Créele 6 58 I 56 2 35 9 05 Marshall 6 3a t ■ 3 10 9 32 Homer 6 01 13 W 3 51 10 01 Hanover 5 31 u 3s 6 06 10 38iAddison 5 00 10 5f 5 11 10 45 Devll's Lake 4 48 10 5 81 1125Tecumseh 4 06 04 11 38 Britton 3 5 9 7 20 12 45 Toledo 2 40 8 P. M. P. M. P. M. P-. M Close connections are made at Allerai with the C. & W. M. B'y ; Monteith, G. R. i I. R'y ; Battle Creek, C. & G. T. RH-; Marshall M. C, B. R.; Britton, Wabash R. R. for Detroit, and at Toledo with all roads dlvereIng. F. B. IMUKK. Gen. Manager T. C. m. M HIMILKK, G. P. A.. Toledo, O. V nul Cllm tiiliH Jfo pi ConUim No Acid or Biniiix. O" L ;" mmmmÊÈ ?g ? i - lij I: _ # ' fntí efil al - -, " SsSB ti f1 f O ! Bliss&CofflS üj Manufacturad by BLISS & CO., 238 Lake SU cmr.u.o, 11,1.. For Sale at Palmer' Pharmacr S„ State state. On a Cold Morning befare got&g out, nothing bo Lnvigoratbag as ;t Good Hot Cup of the dclicious iluvored Vanilla Chocolate, o nChocolat ff QJ? Mcl"crFr ilH ) not liketodrlnkcbo1'V'L 4 -si oolate is becaose you %yugi liever trled a good rJm'"ï''l'Sh I'erliapsyou aeTer f Ji'oi got any. tfll" .i?P:lre a sood cup of _!jT 'J„yj fi-' oiuK'olatü iu Uuybiit SEö Menier. w1 Adtlrrss MENIER, 59WabasbAve., CHÍCAOS,


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