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Drs. Kennedy & Kergan

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ISINFUL H AB1TS SN YOUTH LATER EXCESSES IN MANHOOD K MAKE NERVOUS. DISEASED MEN ID'nelancholï existence. Others reac!. matrtaony "t fiad no solace 'comfort KI ulBit E ISvictims are foand in all stations of Ufe: The farm, the oifcc-, tho vorksnop, tüe pulpit.,,, Illthe trades and the prcfeasione. _ S RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DRS. K. & K. & Twm.A. WALKER. Wm. A. WALKER. HB8. CUAS. FEBBY, CHAS. FEBRY. . RJbefore teeatmeht afteb TP.EATMENT Divorced bat nnited again $ r rS'-NO NAIWES OR TESTIMONIALS ÜCED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT.1Ï - H ■ Wm.i, '.7-lker oL 16th Street saya:-"I havo snffered Bi QVPMH IQ nntoM::.: -.ú'üfcirmy "gaylife." l wiaindiscreetwhenljf Sf O V r n I LI O nn má norant. As "Oue of the Boys" 1 contraoted Kt FMIQQIHMQ öjpliiliMi'üdother Private (liBeasca. IhadclcerB m thelf ClVIIOOIVltO moathnndthroat, bone paine, liair loóse, pimples oiig ES QTRIPTIIRP face, fini-e.-iiuilscamoon. e tiiscion, became thin and= K O! niVl unt. deepouii"i:t. Beven doctors treatfid me with Meronry,l IB riipcn Pota-h, ctr!. T.hey hclpd me bat coald not cure me.W U M V.U Finail-. al'iiendinducedmototry ))rs.Kenncdy&Kergan.p BtíTTíTÑpw ïlethod Tm-iUnpnt cored mo ia a few weeks. Their treatnieiit is wo--.derful.BI gym, frofrortffitnfc' every 1 I have never bewil of their f ai liD? to eire amngk w"' -CURE3 GUARANTfCD OR MONEY REFUNDED Ciipt. ('lias. Ferry eays:- "I owemy Ufe to Prs. K. & K.I nanArrMAV !j4 At UI lcsniel n bad habit. At 21 l had nll the symptoms IMPU I tINUY b &.f Seminal Weakness anl Bpermntor. hcK, Emissions nlAnri C S wrn (Iraining and vreakeninK mí vitulity. 1 marned at VAoIUUUtLt. !? K24 under advice of my lamily doctor, bnt ït was a rnllOOiniUe n 8ad cxiieri. Ineightetn montl.8 wi mre divorced. I LIViloblUlMb lüï then consiüted Dr. K. & K., wlio rptorod to manhood _ I oirr S? Kby their Ntw MelhodTreaiweid. ifeltanewhlnthnUthrongh CUKcU P Hlniy nerves. We were nnite.l asain and happy. ThiB wasl - T - W "six yeara ago. Dra. K. & K. are scientifio s;-ciali3t8 and I heartily ivcommentl tbfñi We treat and cure Varicoie!, f,mmions, Nerveus Debility, Seminal }&v7akne%s. Giet, Stricturtx SyphUis, Unnaturai Jischatges, SefAöu: I. Kidney and Bladde Pistases. , ÍK t 7 VËAftS N DETROIT, 200,000 CURED. NO Risk ' ÍQDCrtlirD ï Are yon a Tiet im? Have yoa lost hope? Aro yon contemplatins mar-V' kantnUtllI I riaRe? Has yonrBlood been diseased? Have yoa any weakness? Onr IHNbw Methol Treatinent willcure vou. What it liaadone for oth-rs it will do for yon J íScONSÜLTATICN FREE. No matter who has treated you, write for an honest oiinion FreiS Kof Charge. Charges reasonable. BOOKS FREE- "The Golden Monitor" tilluBtrated), oü f HlDisi'asesof fileu. lnclose postage. 2cent3. Sealed. U m 35-NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI-Ö (NV ATE No medicine sent C O. D. Nonames on boxes or envel-Q Everythlngconfldentlal. Questlon l-st and cost of Treat-g Etment FREE. No. 148 SHELBY ST.& DETROIT, MICH. & AKsPRiS . IkTatKsPRS 'KftK=PR5 'K8.W


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