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Sprlus: lï ;■; i ir. That the Impuritiee whieh havo aeouir,uhiti'd inyonr blood during1 ihe winter shall be prompt )y and tijorelighly expelled if good health is expee'ed. When the warmer weather comes these Impuritles are lial.le to manifest themselves in various waya i nd often lead to serlons illness. Unios the blood is rieh and pure that tired feeifng will afflict you, yourappetite will failand you wül lind yourself "all run down.'' Hcod"s áarsaparilla tones and strengthens tdo system, drives out all impuritlea and itiakes pure, rich, healthy blood. Hood'ü i-arsapaiilla is the one trie blood puritier and the best spring medici ru'. 15e sur'! to ret only Hood"s. Wtati Te It N"ot Populan If you cali for tea at a restaurant la Caracas, the proprletor will send to th oearest drug store for lt, and expresa a regret that you are 111. The native Venezuelan regareis tea as a most unDleasant beverage, and to be used only medicinal))', lt is not kept in any of the ■■.otels and when it is especlally ordered he quality is simply abominable - for ii ti,B world like a dos? nf aenna l(iil( Itll the Story. A vaat mass of direct, unirapoaehab'u! testimony provea boyond any possibility I of doubt that Bood's Sarsaparilla actually does perfectly and permanently cure diseases caused by impuro blood. Iti record of cures is uncqualled and these cures have often been aceomplish'ae after all othor preparations had failed. 3O E. II iimn St., fine Job Printlng-, THE NERVE SYSTEM Ta the most delicate and important structurein the human body. r Itls the 8eat 'of our inflrmities. Strengtben and restore the uervesanddisea-:e tas Io9t ita most powerful and pernicious ally. Mayon's Soinal, Blood !iy , and Nerve Remedy fci 9M' prepared ejpocially HjHfei Instantly relieves JBBÍ Wl ' and per manently JyjjB cures torturing pains MÊJ ÊÈfmÈ'-ÊK' in the hed, body or W Bföamk HS." limbs, 8LEEPLES8E H(S fíS NESS, NERV0C3W KHffll] W KES3, LOSS OF T VMBfHI j NERVE POWER, WfTt!' DIZZINE33, CONFL' wH SION of the M1ND, ■& YM etc. Delay is dangerous. Send for valuVlj Wi Mrs. M. Quiulau. No. 2320 W. Walnut Street, liOUlsviile, Ky. "rites: 1 thiiilc God must have I sent. your remedy to me. I was bed-ridden ; witu acomijlication of dijoases whioh finally j ■esnlted in comp'eto nerve exhaustion and vere slnkhiK pi-'üs, when 1 lirst commenced uslugit. I began improving at ouce. have ufed 10 bottles aud am uow assisting iu the care of iny home, somethlns I have aot done íor years. I It certainly has helped me wheu everythiug else failed. ' Our ggeut at Iog'efield, Ind. says: A young man who had beín down lor three winter on ■istrercii wlr.h l:n niiiKtUm ic't xo bai iaat f„]i thatthey made nis bed na wagon and brought him to me. He wu not ablu to raife up. ter tisini 5 bottles of your Remedy he is all rijtht auiiiii uu.lsays, hëfeels as if he had oevur been bothered with Rheumattsm. C7SSS 33A2AMTEE5. Snl fer elrcuUt. MAYON'S SPINAL REMEDY CO., C.'NCINNATI OHIO ÍEi:m,'HlilUiBlHfl3]


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