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Did A Misspelled Word Cause War?

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An lngenious explanation oL the action of Dr. Jameson is given by the London correspondent of the Birming ham Gazette. According to this Jameson with hls men, were waiting for some word from Johannesburg. It caine in a telegram worded thus "Revolution carried, in compliance with jour desire." That was the telegram received. The telegram actually sen from the Johannesburg committee was "Resolution carried in compliance with your desir." That "v" instead of "s" made all the difference. Jameson madt hls plunge into the enemy's country expecting to find the settlers in armswaitlng for his coming. Instead hf found only great masses of armed Boers barring his way. The Boers were fully prepared and expected his coming This raises the curious suggestion, har they anything to do with altering th telegram? Was it a trap for the Eng lish raiders to draw them on in order to justify the quaint vulgarism of Kruger that when the tortoise put out its head they would cut it off.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register