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e Times took a vacation last day. i should go and see the art school e lition. e Watts' stock of jewelery is being ined off. was almost cold enoug-h Sunday a f rost. . and tdrs. Martin Schaller gave J party last Thursday flight. I niversity Mansonic Club Buu■.villbe held Saturday night. . Schweinfourth will preach at the I! hem church Sunday morning. Tnere will be a program party a' (I mger's tomorrow night. s Ann Arbor Savings Bank now barge of the City's cash. i. Houser, of Salem, died Monday ii' t at his home in Salem, at the ae of . i o, Wahr has removed the Stabler stiv k of wall paper to his store on Main t. . ■ oijílity cent rate to Detroit and )■■ rn uext Saturday will draw a big a. " ■re will be a faculty concert at the School of Music this evening at lock. ie North Side ball team defeated Dixboro niiie by a score of 8 to 3 11 Saturday. lit. !■'. Stabler and Miss Mattie C. will be mairied at Trinity Luthei church tiext Wednesday night. ion will be by eard. .uhn Bauingardner received two caiBarry Grauite, Monday. The 't weigbed flfty-ODe and oneli..i tons. James Lovo has opened a restaurant at 24 K. Huron-st. He will koop open day and night. The lire department has asked privilege to selloneof their teams and pinchase a new one. One week from tomorrow night vvill ocour the Y. W. C. A. entertainment at High School Hall. Miss Vesta Mills, of this city, will give a recital at the School of Music at 4 o'clock this afternoon. The University of Nashville has conferred the degree of Doctor of Laws upon Prof. I. N. Demmon. A. C. Schumacher, O. P. Cole, H. W. Con nors and Titus P. Hutzel became master Masons last Friday night. Next Thursday aud Priday nights will occur the annual June Festival of St. Thomas Conservatory of Music. Commissioners Pond, Brown and Gruner heard the claims against the Marsh estáte last Tuesday afternoon. The council on Monday night granted Dr. ,T. A. Dell permission to have a riding ring for his shetland ponies in Felch park. The Fifteenth Annual Recital of the High School Elocution classes will take place in High School Hall tomorrow night. The council disposed of the bill of ex-city attorney Kline forsalary during May by promptly laying it upon the table indefinitely. Jacob Keyes gave his wife a severe whipping one day recently and on Monday paid a fine of $5.00 and costs in Ju8ticc Ponds court. Rev. W. L. Tedrow performed the marriage ceremony between Mr. Win. P. Kauska and Miss Anna Eisenlo'ïel 1 ist Thursday evening. Dr. W. U. Smith was elected president of the Board of Public Works at the ñrst meeting of the full board held last Wednesday night. Rev. Alex L. Nieklas, of Marión, O., president of the Northern District of Ohio Synod, has accepted the cali of Zion Lutheran church. A week from next Sunday Rev. W. M. Forrest, the new pastor of the Church of Christ on S. üniversity ave., will begin his work here. Some thief, probably a tramp, broke into a sealed freight car Tuesday night on the M. C. tracks and carried o il' a considerable quantity of goods. Af ter a lengthy discussion Monday night the council orrlered the cemetery as-ooiation to build a walk along the south side of Forest Hill eemetery. The Christian Endeavor society of the Bethlehem church celebrated the fourth anniversary of its organization inthecburch parlora Sunday evening. Chas. C. Clark, of Observatory-st., tried to relieve asevere headache Tuesday by taking a close of chloal. Oe took too much and it carne near emlinr his life. Jaöobs and Allmand have a half pao-e talk to Registeb readers this weJk. Thisfirm is pushing the shoe business and is doing it in the most satisfaetory to tmyers, that is by low prices. Sec their advt.. on page 4. Charles Schleicher took too much puor Ann Arbor whiskey last week and was sent to the Detroit House of Correetion for 90 days by Justioe Pond Friday morning. A juflgement was glven in Justice Poad'scourt last Priday toGoo H. Lar, of Detroit, against the Street Itailway for interest due on bonds. The intei - est due was $'!00. Target shooting upon our streets would not be much' more dangerous than a great deal of the reokless ball playing that is indulged in daily by students on the streets. Clarenee Noble and Warren Conner left Monday to wheel for N. Y. City, whence they will sail to Europe and spend the summer traveling over bhe continent on their bicycles. The trimming up of the trees about the city will save the lives of many of them and at the same timo give the electric lights a better opportunity to light up the street at night. The board of fire commissioners have ordered the frame buildings iu the rear of the stores of H. and E.'Kitson and W. C. Rinehart either taken down or covered with brick within fifteen days. Mrs. Mary Archer did not like the locatioa of a line fence of her neighbors and prooeeded to tear it down. She paid a fine of $5 and costs, for her amusement, in Justice Pond's court Monday. The various young peoples' societiee of the city will picnio at Whitmore Lake next Saturday afternoon. Kound trip, 50c. They announce that they will go, rain or shine, but they have a preference for the shine. Henry Marsh lost a thurab and had an arm fractured by one of the hoavy beams for the gymnasium. He was unloading the ponderous irons when one feil upon him with the above results. Dr. Darling is attending him. The Board of Public Works elected Daniel J. Ross Street Commisioner notwithstanding the claim that he was not a citizen of the U. S. Mr. Ross hae ince taken out naturalizaron papers and thus headed off objection. The patent Bicycle Rest whieh has been patented by Frank Minnis, who is also the pantentee of Minnis' well knon Razor Strop, is destined to be a great convenience to wheelmen. Properly handled it will have a large sale. "Christian Discipleship and Fellowship" will be the topic for the last address of the series at the Adventist ehurch, E. Liberty and S. Division-sis. next Priday eveniug at 7:30. ''Whosoever will, let him come." Seats f ree. PatrickRyan, who has lived in Ann Arbor fora great many years died at h is home on Beakes street Monday nijïht. The deceased was 84 years of age. He carne to this country in Hls aml has resided in this city ever since. The great musical artist, Frau LohseKlafeky, wbo recently appeared in Ann Arbor, receivès (1,500 an evening for singing two or moro numbers, in some thirty minutes. No wondor her husband travela with her. She can afford to takc him. -Ypailanti Commercial. ■I. M. Patterson, ol the West■■■ i 'resbyterian ihurch of Detroit, ibed in the pulpit of Rev. Mr. on last Sunday; hls subject in the norning being"The FinalJudgment" d the "The tvieaning of the Groas." On next Sunday evening Mr. Gelston will preach upon thepostponed topic ol "Religión and the Ballot." l Nexl Saturday tlie Congregational j 3. s. of ypsilanti will run a special excursión train to Detroit and return: Qg froin Ann Arbor. 11 will be ' the obeapest excursión ever run between here and Detroit, the round trip bei iii; only 80c. Sec ad vei-tisement in p.nother column tor time of leaving j Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti and also time the train will leave Detroit in the ing. e Studente Director; gotten out by the publisher of The Register 3 certainly a much used little book. To asi rtain just who used the book and how many cared enough for it to cal! dt The Register office for a copy, they ivon' dis tribu ted f rom this otlioe alone. Between lí)00 and 2000 books ! wore called for only one copy beiny givan to each persön. This means that ! there is a copy of this directory in almost every student 'a room in the city ' as well as in the large majority of I business houses and board ing' housos. Nearly ono hundred professors also ' have called for copies.