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TO STICK llllM.s USE CHEAP Ql ICK and CERTAIN Repairs China, Glassware, Moerschaum Bric-a-Brac. tipping billiard cues, to put on cloth, eorn and bunion piasters, to hold a bandasre on wound or sore finger, to stick a bunion piaster or thick piece of cloth over a boil 15c and 25c. Major's Rubber Cement, 2 ounce, bottle, or in collapsible tubes, for repairíng rubber boots and staoes, bieycle tires, oíd piece of rubber will do" for patch, rubber garments, silk garments silk umbrellas, &c 15c Major's Leather Cement, repairs boots and shoes, garments and umbrellas of all kinds of material exeept rubbers applied same as on leatber goods. 15c Major's Liquid Glue, repairs furniture, books ioc The material we use is of the best. Don't be pursuaded to takea substitute, For sale by all druggists. A. MAJOR CEMENT GO. 46f Pearl st N.Y. City. Hltbea "p"r"TRADC MARIS THESE ARE A High Grade Class of Goods. ALTHEA TOILET SOAP Is the purest soap on the market. Th is assertion is based on the testimony of expert chemists, and thousands of testimoniáis reoeived in its praise lts PERFUME is DELICATE and LASTING. lts medicinal propertieu are such that ít can be used on ALL IRRITATIONS and INFLAMMATIONS, producing beneficial resulta immediately. It is aiways a luxurv often a NECESSITY. ' For Sale by H. J1. Brown,'A. E. Mummery, Ann Arbor . i - C. W. Rogera, Marford & Hyser, Ypsilanti. "Hints lor the Toilet." A book on the correct use of all toilet articles malled l'ree to any address. ALTHEA TOILET CO., Ypsilanti, Mich. HUJV1PHREYS7 SPECIFICS are scientifically prepared Remedies; have been used for half a century with entire success. K. SPBCIFIC FOB 1- Fevars, Congestiona, Inflammations. 2- Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Uollc... 3- Teethine, Collc,Crying,Wakefulness 4- Diarrhea, of Chlldren or Adulta 7- Coughl, Colds, Bronchitis 8- Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache.:... 9- Ht-adache, Sick Ileadache, Vértigo. 10-UyspepBia, BlllousneBS, Oonstlpation H- Suppressed or Palnful Prriods .... 12- White, Too Prof use Perlod3 13- Croup, I.nrynïitts, Hoarsenesa 14- Sall II heum, Eryslpelas, Eruptlona. 15- Rheumatlsin, orKheumatlc Falns.. ' 16- Malaria, Chills, Ferer and Ague 19- üatarrh, Influenza, Cold in the Head 2 -WlioupiiiK C'ouBh, 2T-Kidncy Ulaeases, 28- iervoua Debilily 30- Urina fy Weakneas, 34- Sore Throat, Quinsy, Dlphtheria.... "77" for GRIP. Sold by Drncgliiti, or Bint prppsld on ricelpt or prt. c, or s Tor 1., (ni.y be nortedl, ecept 28, l. lzc only. Dn. Humpubbvs' Manual (KiilorKedl Kpvlsed i uüisDrmo BlSIPllRKÏS'MKD.CO.,lllAllWIIIIiSl.,Newïirk. É"r REVIVO 'Hl RESTORES VITALITY. . töay.pWjJËWell Man ïBt.hDB.j.-m' of Me THE GREAT 3Oth iïay prodHces the above resnlts ln'30 days. It art.. po erf ully and quickly. (Jures when all othera fail roung men will regain their lost manhood and ol mpi wlll recover their yoiithful viüor by -sn KI. VIVO. It duickly and surely reuljya S v. . neiM. Lost Vitality, Impntency. Nlghtly kiuimion Lost Power, FaiUng M.TOory, Wwtlnr blseae. ill effects oL self-abuse or excei f acd tadlscretioii hich unSts one for R-nriy. bnfdnem or m.n riage l not only curen by ptartinc at tlie wat 01 dlsease b I lsagreat norvo lonic and blond bnlldrr. brlnging back the pink elov to palé rtií.lrf ii.rt ra Btoinig tho Ore of yonth. It wrrtn on nnlty and Consumption. Inülst on bavlnii otber. It can be rarriid In vrst iio.kct. liy mail 1.00 per package, or slx tor W5.00. wlth a pohI tlvo written );uar',intee to nre o rerunr thcmoney. Cln-niar free. Adirss ROrAL MEDICINE CO. -3 fllver St.. CHICAGO, IL For salo by Eberbach Drug an.l Chomical Co., Arm Arbor, Mioh. STew Typo and Kew resses o th fl eU work-botli are fonnd. at the ttcgtster Office, 3O E. Hurou St


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