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[OFFICIAL.] COUNCIL CHAMBER. j. Ann Arbor, Nov. 2iid. f Kegcilar Sesión. Callei to Oi-der by Glen V. Mills, City Clerk. Roll Cjlled. Qiorum present. Absent, Aid. Koen, Burka, Brovm, Soo'.e, Pres. Hiscock. AUVCooi inovüd that Alc1. Mayuaid act as presi 1( nt protem. Ado)t ('. COMMUNICATIONS FROM TUK MAYOR. OFFICE. An'i ArborJVlich., iUl', IS''. To tiie Honorable Ctmtyon uncfl t the City oj Ann ArU,,-. Gentlemen:- I see in tho report of your lasl meeting that you huve ordered six piank cro;swalks at the lollowing places. On Ihe east side of E. Univei-sity Ave., acros Washtenaw Ave. On the west side of Forest Ave., aerossS. Uniyeratty Ave. On the west sido of 12th ttieet across Hill t treet. On the north sido ol Washington Street acres; Ingalls street. On the east side of Inalle street across Washington street. On the west slde of frigaíta street across Washington. Also two brick uroswalks ío ' e localed as follows. On the north site of Jelferson street across State street. On the south sic'.e of N. Urivorsity Ave., across State street. Also a crosf walk on the east side of Diviion stteet across Washington to be built of stone slabs. I would like lo see the above work go on and improvemunt n .-ver case, but unfortunately the tondition of our Finances wih i:ot warrant the c.[)enditure of any more inoney ihis s-a-ou on our crosswalks than is absolutely nee. essary tn] therefore I disapprove the action of your Honorable líody so fai as it relates to all of t;o above woric with the single exception of the erotswalk on the north side of Washiiigto St., across IugulW whih X think alraost indispensible as it would forra ar. oullel to a large section of oar oity. I would not advite your Honorable Body to order the lepair of any tar crosgwalks at this teason of the yeai but would advise that you leave it with the Board of Public Works who au advantage of the weather. Such wor can not be properly done in cold wet weather such as we must expect at this season of the year. Very Respectfully, W. E. Walker, Major. The resolution failel of passage over the veto of the Mayor as follows: Yeas- Aid. Coon. - 1. N;iys- Aid. Maynard, Moore, Grossnian, Laubengayer, Dell, Shadford, llhodcs, Cady, Danforth- 9. A petition signei by John G. Steeb asking for the privilege of building a bara within thefire limiti wasread and referred to the Board of Fire Ccmmissioners. A petitiou sisjned by Mrs. C. M. Edmonds asking for the caring for the surfaco water on W. Huron St., was rcad and referred to Lhe Street Comraittee. REI'ORTS OF STANDING COMMITÏEES. FINAXCK. To the Commou Couucil. Vour Oommittee oa Finance respectfully report that they have had Iba fullowing bilis under consideration and would recommend their allowance and that warrants be ordered drawn for the same. Respectfullv submitted, C. H. Cady, Emtnett Coon, Coinmittee on Finance. CONTINGENT FOND. Glca V Mills, salary.. $ 83 34 Patrlck O'Hearn, " 83 34 Thomas D Kearney" 50 00 (Jlüirlos H Muuly, " 8 34 Glen ' Mills, postage 1 75 nlnd Press, prlntiiiK H R7 Marvin Davenport janitor work n 00 Mack k Schmkl. rent 10 00 Postal Telegram-Oabh! Co telegrams. 1 31 sul W. Mlllard, prlntin 7 50 Clwlnner BroB. acet. asslRnud. 2 i-, Jacob Ganzhorn, services 21 00 Mrs C A Greene, rent 3D n liliin V Mills, uxpress 2.- Schnelder Bros. laying drain ar 80 S H McCracken, copies electlon law... :) 00 Chris Breniier, livery 00 Bien V Mills accounts asslned. .'..".. " (O Joiiu Baumgardner, well cover 4 00 U Rxdrasg Oo. express 1 10 Geo MUler & Son, repairiiiü pump 3 30 Glen V Mills, assignud byjohn Andre ]0 00 rne Arlington. lmard 3 00 Al Staebler, eoal.. , 1 5 Josoph Blackburn, labor 1 uo Waslitenaw l'ost, printing C 30 11 C Wilmot, posting 5 00 Walker & Oo., robes 8 80 Kenney & Quinlan, rppairs ai 58 Ann Arbor Savings Banh acets. asigntd : S A Moran, printing 28 22 Ira Bartlett, labor _ 5 25 SI 47 Geo H Flscher " . 2 70 Crank Sutherland, labor 2 70 Kennoy & Quinlan. repairs 31 OJ Ann Arbor T-H Electric (Jo. llgliting 311 10 J A Polhemus, sprlnkling _ 25 Oo Dr John Kapp, salary _ 37 50 K A Clark " „,„, as Os BUWUoore 12 50 II It Dodsley ' g W Total $ 1219 15 SEWEIl FUND. Ann Arbor Savings bank aectü. usigned 14 92 Schnelder Bros. relaylng sewer 5 50 Kiimy k Quinlan. labor and supplics, 28 74 District No. 5. K W t"i'ovcs salary 75 00 K 11 llcCnllovgh suuplles 7 50 Wm (i McLay. repalrlnu cistern :i 00 Krank Sutlierluud, labor !l 30 Qeo Plscher, '.abor 10 95 Ann Arbor Wateer Co., connectlnc llufli tanks „. 86 63 Total $ 240 54 BrtfcGE, CULVEIiT AND CROSSWALK l'ÜND. Ann Arboi Bavlnn Bank, accounts assigned: 'James Hanby plank f % % Joba Groff, labor I 50 Alexander Sehlupc ' r 13 Wm .1 SebrlnR " 1 85 Martín Nagel " Vi 65 Thomas Eagle " 8 R. EdRoss " ti 8'i WmBrowe " 8 g John Sclioeireuljcrger o ifl LlndonschniiU & Apfcl acet. assigned ■' ('has Uauser labor Híj George Masmi " 185 Israel Mawhorter " ti 7' Westley KU-hmond " 0 Tfi Jamos Masón " 7 3. Mtebael Williams " i fg WmBury " 3 00 W J Sebring " 7 BS James Masón ' 7 50 Alexander Schlupe " 3 00 Wcsloy Ulchmond " 7 1 Israel Mawhorter " 7 50 EmilMilc.-r " 1.80 Martín Najle " 13 30 Thomas Basle " 1 15 August Yanr " 1 '0 Lind'nschmitt & Apfel acct. :i.-.ÍL'ni'(l T .'0 Jake Mewor labor 4 V) I ri HftSOD " 7 50 MMWueelock " 3 00 W.'slcy Ki-hmond " H ',n Isrul Mawhorter " D 00 Gcorst' Hchnearle, stono -lii 00 James Williams, labor 8 5Í Georae Muson " 9 00 Wm J Sebrlng " 0 08 Jumes Masón " si M Jake Mowrer ' D iKI . Edward Ross " 00 Martín Naglé " Ís oo Thomas Eaitle " 9 00 Llndensi'limitt & Apfel acct. assigned 9 00 Goorgo Masou labor, s 31.' Israel Mahorlcr " 6 32 Win.I Selirinir " s :tí Charlea Masón " 8 03 John Schoenenberger 18 M) ' 8 32 .lames Masón " K :i: UV-lrv lüehmoml " ', :,? Edward Koss " 9 00 Thomas Easle " 9 00 Ollbert Kellogg " 9 00 Martin Nasle " ÍS 00 Lindenschmitt & Apfel acct. asslgned 8 33 4T9 52 National Sewer Pipe Co. brlck 120 40 Aun Albor Kailroad t'o., frelght 57 80 M C Kailroad " 4 32 Charles Tessmer, culvert 335 K Louis Kohdc, accts. asslgned 107 45 R (' Barnoy. labor and supplles 27 5! Barrett Mnfpr. Oo., comcut !7 40 S Wood & Co., tilo 50 77 Edward Bycraft, labor M W Cuttintr. Reyer & Oo.. acct. asxlgccd . . S 85 James Tolbert. supplics 103 27 John Baumgardner, (eaming 58 52 STREET FUXD. Ann Arbor Savtngs Bank orconnti ussisnod them: .Tiiüns Funke. labor (18 TS FredHentz " r Oí Elmer Thomas " 7 so FFay " 6 87 wi [tAmborn " :í ir OHealy " 5 92 aiitt-íii Tice ■ i :m Elmer Liiwsoi] " 4 TiO .Tolin Colllns " 4 so v rtt-ii'ii ■ i', no S T Sweet " 15 00 iknRmtP " 2 70 August Hernion 6 sn Frank Bevler ' ia M Kustcrer " finí .TíTiie Ourney " pn C Pagle ' ' i IB A Schwemmen 6 90 JMcHnch " IS :ñ F tuebke " 6 60 Wpi Kanfl ' fi 00 W J Randall " 13 20 R Horton ' 7 80 T Eiielc " no Kr Kiiss . " cío WmBrowe " 90 Michael Herey " „... 13 20 Daniel Cntwford 12 30 M O'Connor " 4 10 .T Kies ." :t 07 JKlttle " _... 18 8g J Ely " 9 82 Wm Fiotchor " 10 50 Robert Orawford B 15 James H Groen 4 so M Hessian " 6 82 O Hintz " ...- 6 30 ,T Brown ' (75 T Gousli " o 60 Oustave Waltera i 82 M Williams " r S Joh Stabler " 6 o WmBury " 4 50 I, Hoa " 7 50 J Funke " 187-, J Colllns " 2 2i Wm Wheeler " 2 50 Frod Hentz " 7 R5 FFay " 6 75 Wm Kane 7 5 Wm Bury " js 30 M Kusterer " k ) F ülrlch " „" 7 m John Clurken " 8 55 O Healey ' 7 $q John Luipold " 5 HS Wm Lamborn " J gj Fred a Luebke ;b El mer Thomas 7 so Thomas S Gough g 15 John Klttlo " 13 80 Frank Be vier " 1; :o Alexander Schlupe 4 ío M Horey " 15 30 Charles Alber " 270 J McIluKh " 13 50 Wm Flotcher " 8 58 Ed Ross " 8 10 T EaKle " 45 P T Sweet " 14 00 lke Rowe " '. .', 7 gs August Herman 8 10 WmBrowe " 8 10 Emil Milser " 6 15 John Elte " 45 Daiiiel Crawford 15 30 Chaa Paseí " 5 40 Aujzust Tafii " 4 5Q Lii denschmitt & Apfel labor. 53 7." Z. Sweet labor M fl Herman Miley " 40 Julius Ntm "... (qo WJKandall " ' 1530 1! French " 9 00 M Williams " 7 SO Charles Jarska ' 2 40 James H Green ' . (15 GeoW Weeks " '." 160 00 MMWheelock " 4 59 Julius Funke " 18 75 Daniel Crawford " 18 00 Gusta ve Zachman 4-0 (i Wulters " ... 4 (j5 Gee W Healey " 45o Jolin Clarkcu " 900 F Hentz " ij co ST Sweet " ís 00 Albert fechwemmln 7 15 3 Weinmann labor o j-,(j James H Groen " ........ 8 70 Ed Hare " ; oy Geo Flowers " 3 qo F A Luebke " g 70 Wm L Kane " s 70 f uirich " ; ;: k: Tnos S Goush " 8 70 M Kusterer '■ g jj Julius Nims " u 00 Mlch&el Hesslan " 1200 (ottlieb Kugatli" ... a 00 M Herey " M 00 Wm Bury " J6 05 WmJ Randall " 17 40 James Slilrley " ]'" 3 00 Alexander Schlupe 1 00 Arthur Herbert " ' 7 59 „" , j " ;; ib so Frank ïay 795 Wm Lamborn " g 79 E Thomas " j jj Barney Morrlson" , „-, 5 5.-, Wm Fletohur " n q GUbert Kellogg " g 10 Z Sweet " 17 55 John Klttle " 11 m j stabier " ...■.;■;■■.;■.■;'.' iOg," Theobold Martini 4 9-, Ed Zachman " 73 Gus Zachman '■ ....._....... 90b Ed Zachman " 4 .y) Groff " „.. 17 85 Wm Stockinfí " 4 50 Charles Uauser " g (;j BFrench " 17 Barney Mast " 9 o lke Rowe " cj 45 Wm Browe ' 9 45 Aujtust Y all r ■' .. .. g k,-, T. Hessian u .... 1 w Emil Milcer " -; Charles Herman " 193 Charles Pagel " g J;5 Aueust Herman " g 5 J Brown ' 9 00 .1 Gurmy " Geo M Kimball " " 83 20 Newton Pelen " 15 (o Julius Funke " , ig 75 Alexander Srlilupe 8 ís Albert Schwemmin 9 00 ST Sweet ■ n 00 John Kittle ■ 17 iü JohnMcHugh " 1" '.111 Vv'm Jackson ■■ 4 95 .1 W Hass, acc't asglgned 475 Fred Ilintz labor 8 10 T Hessian " g m Herman Bhallhorn" g ;-, Lawr me HiirIis' 17 1,1 .lullu N'inis " 8 :i ( ii-o Flowers " 8 10 F Di'lliai " Geo W llcaly " ; Daniel Crawford" ii; 20 Win Bury " is th) Wni JacKHOn " ü oo Wm Btocklng " 4 sii Win Lamborn " 9 00 M Hosslan " 8 ii F l'ay " 8 38 T S Gough '■ '.i mi Krank Olmstead" 1 fiO E Thomas " s h Geo V Coats " 1 ;r James H Oreen ; 7 so Wm L Kane " T.M) Fred A Luebke " 9 oo Michael Kustoicr" '.Hui PUlrlch " 9 uo Wm Krbmiui " 5 .S Mlchael Horey " 8 10 Jacob Schnetter " 6 S Wm Pietcbec '■ lo 50 " 4 02 August Yahr " 9 (M Jacob Slimmer " 9 00 Jobo Hl'own " !l 00 Chas Pagel " o oo M Williams " i; 10 John HcHijgb " 1:! 50 Mlchael Seerev " ■? T0 Clinton JSnyder" B 20 Gustave Zachman 9 00 John Clarkon " 9 00 J Groff ■■ lt 10 Burt Hazclwood " 4 .V) Barnay Must " 9 00 August Herman " 'j 00 Wm Itrowe - ii go EmllMlleer ' 9 00 Ike Kowe labor 9 90 Wm .1 Bandall " lt; 50 Geo W Weeks stone !tó 00 8068 34 A un Arbor Savinjrs H:mk aCCOUntS asstgned: Eberb&cb Hardware Co. supplles 105 n; Luok Brotbors, acets asstgnod 5 in .1 r Schuh supplles o no Bailey & Edmunds, supplles 15 65 Ann Arbor Agricultura] üo repairs.. 10 99 Wurster & Kirn repairs 8 40 Jacobus 8on labor 12 tso Walker & Co repairs 10 i0 c; t' Rhodes Inspector ::;r:i; Wm J Olark assigned by Geo Healy... ;t 00 jolm Baumgardner labor .' j 40 Charh-s Uaoly labor 90 Artliur Herbert labor lfl 80 Ed Hare labor - in Chas E Godfrey labor 5 40 Wm Burns labor „ _., .-, gg Louis liohde supplles . VLi (Ki Georee Schnierle labor 15 00 A B Bchmldt repairs SI PO Geo W Seybold repairs 411 15 Geo F Key salary 10IMK) AGSchmidt repairs ::; SE Manu Bros account asslgned 8 00 K Wurster gravel 12 ïö Daniel .1 K'isssalary 08 li'i W P tiOdholz nalls .v; LKohde labor l;4 :i) Geo II Plscher labor lr iio UrsDJ Eosssalary - 20 00 Henrv Richards eoal 4;j 13 Frank Sul herlaiul labor -ju 56 Glen V Mills aocounts asslrnod by J. Phillips .'. i 58 Chai Grefner lalior 35 50 M Staebler supplies :l 12 Kssllnger Bros. suppMes 2 9 Farmers & Uechanlcs Huik b :counla asslKneri : GotUieb Kujtath labor 7 (i" T 66 Wm 11 Mi-lntyi't' acc'nt assifrned by J. Gurncy l 00 O H .Mai'ily accounts usstgned by I s Gouzb l ."0 St:ite Savlngs Bank accounts afl iuael : Mlrliael llrsslan labor .1 il". V Erbman labor ti Ij Oottlleb Kniath labor lü, Barnard Alorrlson 310 fKi 831 S To'al ?;iss. PÓLICE FÜNU. M O Peterson. salar; and expenses..! 86 50 Keuben Armbrustersalary 50 00 John O'.Mara. salary 50 00 David ('ollins. salary 50 01 GèqrKe Lsbell, " 5000 Glen V. Mills asalgned hy Pred Darla 4 00 PaalSchall special pólice 200 C.lSnyder ', " 2 00 Total $ 274 50 FIUE DEPARTMENT FUND. Frod Sipley, salary 60 0C C A EdwarJs.. " no 00 W H McLaren, " 50 00 Mai Whltllnger, " 50 00 AlbortWest. " 50 00 Eugene. Williams, " 50 o Herman Kim, .- 50 c( Louis Iloelzle. " no 0( ('lias ('arroll " 15 00 Samuel McLaren, " 8 0Í V I. Schnierle. 00 Ed. Hoelzle. " B 01 Wm Eettlch, " 8 00 Geo Hoelzle " s 00 J F Lawrence hay jj úi Kenny ft Qntnlan rspaJrs 3 33 Wm Beyfrled strav 3 00 Mrs. lieam. washliiK 7 00 Patrick Gitraey hay 9 24 lleniy lüciiards coa.1 17 7") Total $ 513 99 POOR FUXD. Kred Sipley. salary 3 10 00 G F Allmendinsertirocerles i 3Í P lüiralke. groceries 5 00 Chrlstian Iirenner livery 2 50 Ed Uuffy. rocerles 3 00 W and E Dieterle coffln 10 00 Mrs Evans, cash 5 00 John Goetz & Son, grocerles S B8 Jolm Goetz. Jr., grocerles (i :n L Gruner shoes 1 10 ; Hooffergrocerlea o 00 Doty&Felner shoes 2 00 W F Lodhulz, rrix;aries 2 00 C A Maynard ,t Oo grocerles 3 32 Wm 11 Mclnlvre. prrocerles 8 84 (I Martin coffln 10 00 O'Hara, lïoyle & Oo, srocepios 2 50 O Kinsey, grocertes... 5 k Hinsoy&Scabolt. (rroceries 9 11 L Kolule coal 3 25 W F Stimson. groceriea 5 8S Wahr & Mlllerahoes 175 Chas Zuern, meac 20 EP Mason livery 150 Total S 114 80 RECAPITULATION. September 1896. Contingent fund 1 121C 15 Sewcr Fuiid general :i ui " " disB No. 6 í Bridge, ('iilvcrt and Crosswalk Hl'l Bö Street fund Sli.'.s;-Pólice fund 271 "n Fircmeii's fund 513 99 Poorfund 114 HO Total $ 7128 .: Adoptod as follows : Yeas- Aid. Maynard, Moore, Grossman, Laubengayer, Dell, Shadfurd. Ilhodes, Coon.Cady, Dan forth- 10. Nays - None. SIDF.WALKS. To the Common Council. Your Committee on sidewalks would recomtnend that a stone sidewalk be ordered built on the south side of Liberty St, by tho side of tho property of Win. April. Kespeetfully submitled, Emmett Coon, H. P. Dan forth, Jacob Laubenfayci', G. C. Rhodes, Committee on Sidewalts, Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Maynard, Mooro, Grossman, Laubengader, Dell, Shadford, Rhodos, Coon, Cady, Danforth. - 10. Nays- None. HEPORTS OF CITY OFFICERS. The reports of the City Treasurer, Ch iof of Pólice, Superintendent of the Foor and Chief of the Fire Department were read and ordered placed on file. Ann Arbor, Mich., Nov. 2, 1890. To tin. Commen Oomcüof. the City of Am: Arbar. Mieh.m 'Fhis will certify that Chas. H. Manly ïad on deposit to his credit as City Treas., under date of Sept. 30, the amt. of tliirty thousand seventy and 19-100 dollars ($30,070.19). Respeatfully, M. J. Fritz, A8st. Cashier. riTY TlirASUIlEIl'S REPORT. balance on hand, lust reporl 129286 11 UONEY BECEIVKD. Contingent furul ületi V Mills llcensc 13 .10 Pollcc fiml M ( ' Petersou fees Si reel fund l'a tns iti ate drlveway on Detroit street 1" OJ lloi; f mui OV Mills llcense 4 00 41 SQ Total ' $ 2H2-.IT 94 HOMVr DISBUfl Contingent fuud warrants ...t 1180 5S Streel rond 2182 1(1 foor tand 101 ü'i Bridge, Uulvort and ürosswalk rund i;r.i 88 Pólice Cund E80 S6 I iiiiiicn's tund 503 33 City Uemetery fuud 4W 6016 86 Total , $::; EAI.ANCE ON HAND Contingent f umi ï K.12I cl Main Sower boud fund 3300 00 Street fuud 2Ö7J !ix l'oor fuud Ü139 81 Bridge, i'ulvi'it. and Crosswalk fund 550 63 Pólice fund E240 02 1' irehien's fund tilsl l'.l City Oemeterj fund 04 si Water fund 4782 40 Dok 'l'ax fund ls'.j 00 Gnïverslty Hospital Aid Bond Fund 3!io 00 Delinquent Tas fuud 796 H Ducollocted Olty Tax 10306 77 134384 4:i U103 :.'l 11103 21 Total I 38381 38 s i:VKil BBPORT. Bapt. 1 Ainount onhanu... S7 o MO.NKY RECEIVED. Bept. 30. Main sewer, Tiipficeuse Qlon V Mills 30 00 Sopt 80 Taxacc't District No 1 tax COl 37 7Í) BoDtSO Tax ac-'t Tax collec Dist. No. 3 S4 ÍS Sept 30 tax acc'l Tav colloc Dlsl NO 3 20.) 113 Sepi :; tas ac't Dist No 1 tax colleci Ion 41 33 SeptaOttlX ar I Dist Nu 5 tax collectlon 1771 M 2170 10 Total am'trec'd (ormonth $ 101? 7,s MONEY DISUURSED. September 31. Main setter warranta patd..l ."p.o." 03 Labor acct Dist No 5 .:7:i 71 :öi7 c; Balance on hand 1631 1 BALANCE ON HAND. September 80. .Main sower í HOU 53 Labor ac't lateral sewer DUt . No. 1 bq 1 1 Labor ac't lateral gever Dist. .No. 2 27 28 Labor ac'l lateral sewr Wst. No.3 411500 Labor ac i lateral sewer Dist. Nu. 4 gag 7; i. ib ir ac'l lateral sewer Dist. No. fl 4:J2." :i. Labor aö't lateral sewai Dist. No. 0 3 95 Tax ac't lateral sewer Dist. No. 1 715 gg Tax account lateral seweí Dist. No. I 1217 30 Tax account lateral sewer Dist. No. 3 7SI0 SS Tax account lateral sewer Dist No. 4 102i lü Tax account lateral sewer Dist No 5 1771 84 Uncolluctcd sewer f.ix 91 20 15838 22 8827 11 8327 11 Sept 30 Total atu'nt of Sewer 1 ix $ OSU 11 A!l of which ij raspectfully submitted, C. II. Manly, Treasuror. Aid. Mooro move.l that the subject of the grado of Oxford stroet be taken from the table. Aid. Dell mored as an amendmeni that the subject be laid over until the next session of the Council. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Maynard, Grossman, Laubengayer, Dell, ShadforJ, Rhodes, Ca'ly, Daafoi-th- 8. Naya- Aid. Moore, Coon - 2. RESOLUTIONS. By Aid. Cady. Resolved, That the Board of Koalth takc imnaediate steps to seo that Mr. H. Morton coraplies with the order of this Counoil in regard to fillinjí up the pond on his proparty adjoining S. Ave. Adopted as follows : Yeas -Aid. Maynard, Moore, Grossman, Laubongayor, Dell, Shaoford, Rhodes, Coon, Óady, Danforth - 10. Nays - None, By Aid Grossman. Besótoed, That the Board of Public Works be and are hereby instructed without dolay to p;ive proper grado and grading on west 7th St., ontheea3t side fro:n Liberty to Washington, so property owners can lay their sidewalksas has been ordered by the Council a month ago or over. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Maynard, Moore, Grossmap., Laubenaayer, Dell, Shadford, Lïhodea, Coon, Cady, Danforth - 10, Nays - None. On motion the Council adjourned.


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