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The Ann Arbor Savings Bank

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Organlzed 1869, tinder tUe General Banking Luw of hU HKk. CAPITAL, $50,000. SURPLUS, $150,000. TOTAL ASSETS, $1,000,006 Busir.eseMev, Guardians, Trustees, Ladies and other persons wilt ftnd this Bank Safe and Convenient Place W make Deposits and do Business. inUrtst is allowed at the raU oj 4 PER C-fcAi. on all banngs Deposits of $1.00 and upwards, according to the rules of Üu tA-, and interest compounded semi-annually. Money to Loan in Sums of $25 to $5,000. Secured by unineumbered real estat and other good securities. VlBJSClOBa: Christüin Mack, W. D. Harriman, Wüliam Beubel David Hinsey, Daniel Hiscock, W. B. Smith and L. Oruner. OF FICE BS: Clmstian Mack, President; W. D. Harriman, Vice-PrtatdmL Chai E. Hücock, Cashier; M. J. Fritz, Assistant Cashier. Report of the Condition of the Ann Arbor Savings Bank. At Ann Albor, Michigan, at the close of buslne9s,áMay 7ta, lU)t. RESOUROEP. UABIUTIES. Lcans and Dlscounts t 491,144 4S Capital Stock pald In } 10,000 00 Stocks, Honda. Mortgttgca, Surplus fund Lw'üOO 00 etc 406,104 54 UndiTlded proflta lees CuiOvcrilrafts 1.C93 99 rent expenses, Intortat Ban kins house 20,500 00 and Taxes pald 13 446 04 Fiimlture, and Fixiurcs 8,417 32 Dividends unpald u oO Other Real Estáte 16,271 12 DKPOSIT8. cíuti Commercial deposita subOAhü- Ject to check $ 188,012 91 Savlng doposlts 728,743 84 Dne from ban lu ressrye Savlng certlflcates of doelties $139,085 73 Due to ba'nks and ' bank' Du-.' from other banks and ers -M 07 i m oi n bankers 1B5 87 ers ,.48 O7-1.W8.913 il Checks and cash Items... 7S7 08 Ñickles and pennies 3.11 22 BH ver ola.. „ 1,800 00 Tot I1,SW,T1S M UldBCand 'ÑaVlbnai'Bank 8tat1! ' Michioax, Ooontt o WíbtmIaw, ■ vï 40,505 00-216,244 90 I. Chaí. ï. HisoocK.Cuhlerof tha aberc Bua4 Bank, do solemnljr iwear that the ibr ttatvment 1 tra, to the kett of mj knowleg aad Í1.249.775J43 belief. CHA8.Í. HI8C00K, CMhler Uorkect- Attest: Cbeisttan Mack, W. D. Habkikan, L. Qbünïk, Directora. Subscribed and stoom to bef ore me tti I9th day of December 1896 MIUHAEL J. fRlTZ, Nolary Pvbtté


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Ann Arbor Register