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Jhas never failed to cure# t Gough, Cold, Hoarseness, 5 S Croup.Grippe, Bronchitis, # Asthma and other Throat 5 and Lung Affections. 5 ? Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup J # is worth its weight in gold, á f but costs only 2! cts. E t Tell your dealer you want J # Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. # Chew UNGES PLUGS, Thí Gwat Tobacco Antldote. 10c. dealers or mail, A.C.MeyeriCo.,BaKo.M. fHRISTIAN SCHLENKP T" 5TOVES ÉAND Be8tii?tl?e UOFfCD OVER ONE j STOVESI EUrÉl HARDWARE io West Liberty Stret. wasHbürñ GUITARS ÈLj& BANJOS MÈm ZITHERS NJHJp ■ bje cali attention particu. t K!, Iarly,inmentioning these ; R '■ instruments, to their i 11 excellence in JTkií TONE - which combines at the same time, remarkable sweetness, good volume and excellent carrylng power- and in DURABILITY- the Washburn ínstrumentB outlast, by many years, other makes. In fact, they show mPROVEMENT- with age. If your local dealer does not have what you want, we shall be glad to send an instrument on approval. Send for our Catalogue containing iüustrations and full description. Wibash Aï3. and Alams Sf„ Chlcagi. III THE NERVE SYSTEM I the most !e1icta aud important strnetnreln tke bumau body Itis tbe seat of our lnfrmlties. Htrengthon and restore the nervesanddlseaie t bas lost its most powerful and pernicious ally. Mayon's SdImÍ, Blood IL ind Hfrve Ktmtiy i Vt' prepareil especlally kSÊÜ.'' for the Nérvea. &ë Sk nstant)y relieves jB fím-' end permaneutly jKtfWj PL cures torturing pains Pjjsj ÊBÊ ■Mr' In the heid, body or ff Bï S K" limbs, 8LEEPLESSm k NESS, NEEVOUSW fiw IS W KESS, LOSS OF ' Ulv9m NERVE POWER, lillSsS DIZZINE3S, CONFUfin WÖ SION of the M1ND, jjjjl vi etc. Delay is daugerons. Send for valuU ■ Mrs.M. Quinlau, No.2320 W. Walnut Street. LoaiBville, Ky. wrltes: I think God must have sent your remedy to me. I was bed-ridden witnacomplication of diseases which flnally reBulted iu complete nerve exhaustion and eevere sinlcing spefis, when I iirst eommenced usingit. I began improving at once, have used 10 bottles and am now assisting in the care oí my home, something I have not done for yeara. x' oertainly has helped me when everything Our agent at Iuglefleld, Ind. saya: A younr man who had been dowa for three winter on stretch with Rheumatlsm got so bad last f all that they made his bed iu a wagon and brought nlm to me. He was not ab!e to ralee up. After using 5 bottles of your Remedy he is all rlghtagain andsays, hefeels as if he had neTer een bothered with Eheumatiem. CÏÏÏ2S SUA8AHTSÍD. Ssd fot eliculir. MAYON'S SPINAL REMEDY CO., CINCINNATI OHIO. TO CGË4SUfiilPTIVE8. The underiin;t" hftvin?; 1 i 'Morr-A to halth by simple mean.;, aft rimiïan g fort -ptwrU years vithaseveit'hii-r:íi.i.':.tioiL.n tl y.t ?..c itueaso Consutnpt"' ■■■;.■ tf HjB+oinuk j 1 ik ,u tohi.i fellow Bulfttt'ottj the iuu-uiö of : .. u. 'i'o those who desire it, be wjJJ cl. 3U .'t . ef charpej a copy of the pre uswj vi ich tli' y 'iil find a suro euro ar tfrnirumptirvpjl. t. tu, Catarrh, Jirc'tiXtis.i tuAn .at.rutl n' tilalodies. .all u'fererswill fcy hi retnedy, asitisiOTalua)...-. ' ■ prescr'püoo, which will Kt . ,ot „jt .. . . .. y pw'ove a blessinir, wi'1 pi 10c r x , Rev.tBV-'i'J ,..?. . . ;wYorfc Wanted-An Idea SSS nd Itat of two bundred iarentlon wanted


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