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Parentf should never ïo: of the f act that Dr. Cough Syrup is t remedy for Cough, C Croup, Whoopint, 'I ;, and other Th rooi: ;md Lungtroubles. Itissimply invaluable for children. Dr. Buli's Cough Syrup will cure when all others fail. Sold everywhe e ïor 25 ets. Shun substituí Chcw LANGE'S PLUGS. Th? "-: ' Tobar"; dote. 10c. dealers or mail, AC. Miycr Co.,BïKj.m. (JHRISTIAN_ gCHLENKEF 5JOUES ÉAND Best i) tl?e UOfCD áOVER ONE y v Q Mi 5T0VES HARDWARE. . West. Liberty Street. WASHBÜRÑ GUITARS ilL BANJOS ÍESñ HANDOLINS (WpiW ZITHERS WW . 'e call attention particu. Iti 1 lariv, in mentioning these 1 I Instruments, to their l(i 1 U xcellence in "ljÚr TONE - wliicli combines at the same time, remarkable sweetness, good volame -nd excellent carrying power - in DURABILITY- the Washburn InKtruments outlast, by many years, other inaket-. In fact, they show IHPROVEMENT- ith age. If vuur loeul dealer does not have vhat vou want, we shall be glad to send an Instruinent on approval. Send for our Catalogue containing illustrations an( ful) description. Wrtití l. ui Alm St„ Ciiicag', BI bYSTEM I M i . i .11111 utant Btructure la ' '' . oor üi rmitles. i ; i-torthe nerveeanddisease li ■ 'til , wi , -wvrfn! and pernicious ally. 1 11 's Sd nl. 8'ocd m '■ 'e .--'y is fit- ::.rc-. ' dnl EB ' Instan y relieves Ju n' n 1 nu r in u ni'iit 1 y JyISi Sv ture tortnriiií i ai ns UU B 'ËÊk jr (n iho hid, body or flffliBBC" limbs, SLEEPLESS Ktilif! NESS, NERVOUS Blill IK ness, loss of ' maiUnV " NERVK POWEK, 18 DIZZINE38. CONFÜfisl yW SIOM of the M1ND, M lift etc. Delay is dangerous. Sent! (r valn51 yl áble jeatise. jfl 1H Mrs.M QuiuUn, No. 2320 W. Walnut Street, Louisvule, ky. rritei; I think God must have ent yotir remedy to me. I was bed-ridden witn acomplication of disensos which flnally 'esultcd in complete uerve exhaustiou and severe alnkintr spefis, when I lirst commenced usiiifjit. I began improving at once, have used 10 boules and am now assietingin the care ol my home, somethin I have not done for year. i ce,rtai y has ne!Ped me when everything Our ageut at Ioglefleld, lud. saya: A young man who had been down for tliree winte'ra on .stretch with Raeumatism got so bad last lall tnat they made his bed in a wagon and broueht nrni to me. He was not able to raise up. Aiïïi.?"n5 ' boÍtles f your Remedy he is all nght again and says, hefeels as if he had nerer been bothered with Rheumatism. CUSES OUAEANTZEE. Send fet circultr. MAYON'S SPINAL REMEDY CO., CINCINNATI OHIO. TO CONSyfFTïVESThe undersipiea h.iTin, been rcr,(or; to hsaltli by simple meaos, aft r tuñerin for :;v eral year i yitha serereliinxaffectiuii, and that 'Iread disease Consumpliiin. is anzioua to make known to lus rello-.v niBerere the meaos of cure. To those who desire it, he wil! cheerfuKy pead (frec of charge) a . copv of the prescriptiou ujed. which they will fmd a sure cure fr.r Co'nvmptlon. Astlima, Catarrh. Bronchitis .iv'. aXl'SurosAa.xúma Mal-adíes. He Jioen al! FUffere wfll tiy );--. remedy asitisinvu'a.-il.-. T!.,.w'. nthe prescriptlom! wluen will uojst .ïit :i not -.'. . . ■. i mev prove ai bleealDg, m'!l p'. ... i ;:, , ";;. k, ■ .XewYorfcl Wanted-An Idea s '


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