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That Post-office

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Now that there has been or soon will bo a change in the administration of tbo national government, and as a result, a change in the Ann Arbcr postotïice is to follow in due time, it will bc oí interest to many to know something of the Ann Arbor post-ofliee. At least wo are safo in saying that it will bo of interest to the score, more or less, of eandidates and the numerous friends of eaoh. Few pcoplo, especially those who have not given the matier a single thought, realize how many persons are rcquired to handle the great volume of business done at the Ann Arbor office. There are tvrenty-tvvo in all with regular commissiona from the government. Tlie work is so thoroughly systematized by the Postal Department that everything goes along like cloek workso long as eaoh one does rightly the particular work allottod to him. The following is the complete list of al] the officials with their proper titlcs and the salaries they rcceive. S. W. Beakes, PostMaster $ 2300.00 W. W. Watts, Chief Olork ... 1100.00 P. A. Hewlett, Money Order and Stamp Clerk 800.00 Miss Mary Sullivan, Distributing and Registry Clerk . . 800.00 E. I. Taylor, Mailing Clerk. . . 800.00 Clenn Trowbrid#e Asst. Mailing Clerk 400.00 Charles Dunn, General Delivery Clerk _ 400.00 Miss Sarah G. Come, General Delivery Cierk 400.00 llovvard Coffin, Carrier No. I S50.00 Charles Meyer, " "2 850.00 James O 'Kano " "3 850.00 Èarl Ware " " . 4 850.00 W. F. Armstroug " "5 S50.00 Frank O'Hearn " '; Ö 850.00 George Blum, " "7 850.00 Wm. L. Baxter " " 8 850.00 Chris. F. Donnelly " " 9 850.00 KarlC. Kirn " "10 850.00 Wm. J. Miller " " 11 S50.00 This makes nineteen of the twentytuo, and their salaries amount to $1(5,850. 1q addition to taeabove, there are two substituto carriers who supply any vacaneies caused by the absence f rom any causo of the regular carriers. Such absences may bc caused by sickness, leave of abssnee, or by the regular lifteen day vacation wüiab oach carrier isallotved each year with full pay. During the time that the regular carriel' takes his vacation, the substituteis paid at the rate of $000 per year. At all other times when the substitute iills the plaee of any of the regular carriers, he receives the saino pay as the regular carrier. The two substitutes are No. 1, Bon O'Neil, and 2, Gcorge Sanzi. In case of any change or resignation of any of the regular carriers, the substitutes are the ones f rom n'hom a selection must be made for promotion. The last on the list is Frank Whitlark, the special delivery niessenger. Hia income depends wholly upon the number of special delivery letters sent here by pcople who desire immediate delivery of their mail. Frank is paid 8 cents for each letter of this kind delivered. The hours wliich the various clerks and officials are required to put in each day depends largely upon the amount of work to be douo. At present but one or two put in moro than ten hours caeh dáy. By a recent law, the carriers are not permittcd to devote more than eiijht hours each day to the dclivery of the mail on their routes. not delivered vvithin that length of time each rtay must be returned to the office. A too frequent faiiure to distribute all thatahould be delivered would ronder the carrier subject to dismissal, It is duo the mail carriers in this city to say that not one of tiiem has ever stood in any danger of losing his position from any lack in this respect. The carriers have the most disagreeable part of the work. They must begin their mormng collection at 6 o'clock in the morning. and must bo at the office until 7 :35 o'clock in the oveniug. No dift'erence wli at the wheather, wether hot or cold, wet or dry, or whether the snovv is a foot deep. they must make their route and make it on time, and they usally ret tliero , several of the present force ha ving faithfully fllled the duties of their office sinue the iirst day of Ju!y 1883, when the carrier systcm was first eatabllahed in this city. In order toob■ tain some delinito idea of the volumo of work done at the Aan Arbor office, Postmaster Beakes recently had eaeh ! carrier make an accurate count of the number of letters gathercel up in one forenoon's oollcction. Ho was aurprised that the numbor ran beyond 8000. Wlien it is considered that so large a mail is sent out from here, one mustnot be surprised if occasional errora occur.


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Ann Arbor Register