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I OFFICIAL. ! C'OI'ÜCIL CUAMHKK. I A mi Arbor, December , ;!i I8!H. llegular Sesslon. Called to order by Prcuidoni ñiseoek. Roll Callee!. Quorum IVesonl. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. A prtition signed IV i'liristian Mackasking forpaymeni foro portioo ol thii-cl Street was read and referred to ihc Finance C'oramittee and City Attorney. A petition signod by Ernest Gutekunst and Mat Luippold astdac for mÍ88Íon to cut poplar trees m front of tliir premisos, was read and reforred tí, tho Street Committce. A petitiun signed by Charlea Greiner aml 38 otliers, asking for the loeation of an electric lig-lit on Wall Street wa read and referred to tlic Lijrhting Committee. A petitlon signeil by -lames Boyleand 44 others asking tor the of the sldewalk on Detroit street was read and referred to the Sidewalk Committee. A petition signed bj' c'ourad Buchiovv for a sidewalk on Felch st. WB read and roferrerl to the Sidewalk Corana ittee. To the Cummon Council: The Board of Fire Coinmis-iioners would reapectfully rocommend that the saiar.v of Charles Cai-ioll, watchmau at. the Pire Department, ''f ratsed from 115.00 to $20 per moatb. Mr. Carroll is a competent man for the position and justly deserves the ad vanee. Glen V. .Ylrr.LS. ( 'lei-k of the Boanl of Pire Oominiasioners. Aid. Maynard moved that the recovnmeodation he eoncurred in by this OOUDOil. Adopted i-; followe : Veas- Aid. Maynard, Moore, Jvoch, ( rossman Laubengsyer, Dell, Burke, I Brown, Shadford, lihodes, Coon. Soulc. I Uady, Danforth, Pres. Hiseock - 1". Xays - Xone. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEESFINANCIO. To the Comraon ('ouncil. Your ( 'ommittee on Financc respectI uil y reporta thatthey have had the following bilis under consideration and would ï'oeommend allowance and tiiat uarrants bo ordered drawn for the ! same. Reapectfullv Bubmitted, C. U.Cady, Sarrieon Soule. IJnmett (Joon. ( 'ommittee on Finanoe. CONTiNOENT FUNI). Uien V Mills, salary I BS 34 L"utrick O'Hearn. " B8 34 Thomas D Kearney" 50 00 Charles H Manly, " Sai Uien V MilN. ppgtagc :; 50 Mack & Schmld, reut 10 00 Marvin Davenport janltorwork 17 m Mrs C A Groene, rent - :.".' 11 i [■" CiHlfroy f reiRlil :inrt drayage 0 38 A ii n Ai hor Anus piintiiiK 0 !K r" G Schlelcher & Oo suppïtea 2 :w lieo Wahr supijlios 11 us W "isIih ikiw AbstractOo abstract 10 00 M Stael.ler coal fii "s W C Telegraph Coteleirram ■'' l'ostal Tel-Cahle Co ' : (Hen V Mill. account asslgned 50 i: s BoalEst primins „ H) SO Bid W. Millaid, nrlntliiK I HO Hausfreand and Post printlng 11 "o Moiiic iV Wotmore supplies !t -V Itoblson & Co llvery : 50 Joen PDawrence lega] service 150 00 Ann Arbor Begister printiiis 21 13 [nland Press, prlntlng 10 28 Martin Haller suppllee . W T." Dean & Vo stipplies 7" Henry C Wllmot poster t 30 Ni'iu' Washtenaw l'osu ptlnting 10 50 .1 11 ADmund trees 15 00 It F Watts repalring doek i 'm Wm Herz signn :i 20 Marvin Davenport labor 3 00 DHlscock& Son coal T 50 Anti Arbor T-ll Co. liffhtlng 47.", 42 Ulias II Manly copyiog rolla DO 00 Total f I1SS cO BTBBBT fl'.Mi. Aun Savings H:i;ik accounts asslgned Ihem: Thomas Jones labor ï :i oo liarney Uorrtson" 2W m w in Erbman " w oo Uñarles Herman " 11 uu lutrusl Valir " :: imi U Prench " m 20 Ja mos Mnson " Ñ iu .1 (roff ■ '.i iki UusZachman '■ ion rijn ton .1 Bnyder" li 6t .1 Klttle - B (Hi Jntias NIms " B 76 John Holland " :, :;: Lawrence Hnghs" :; 10 M Herey 13 SO W.l Randall ' It 10 ï' Martini " s 25 .! McHugli ............ 18 on Wrji JacKson " : Thomas EmkIc " ." 2 Kcl Ros " I) 00 i' Pagle '■ ; sq Kinil Mllsrr i iki Ikc Rovrc ■ in :i"i Barnev Mast ■ (0 50 Hart Uazelwoml " 7 vi Wm Browc " tu ."ui John brown " iu :ii August Bedien :i .v, r Luebkc " 9 00 Win K;tni' "■ H !':; Frank Pay " B 53 James II Green ■ j 50 w in Lamborn " !i ott lieo w -Coatx ■■ 9 00 I' 111 li ii im M Kugterer '" n imi Krank Olm ead' !t (M 'I 8 Gtougii ;i (Ki '. ftcaly ■ .-. : 60 s 'i' Kweel " s 00 Klinor Thomas '■ s 1 I lll'ssiiin ■ 10 .", Wm 11. ■tclicr ... 13 i" Wm linvv ■ IS 00 Alhelí Seiiwellirnill 9 00 . Sweol labor IB S0 Ucurge Masón " i :i' V lexander Bchlupe 2 m Charles Schneider : (i . Sweet u 4ii Jullus Funke, labor ih ',.". I redG Uoffman gtonc ii 75 i.'has Pagel labor x w ■I eel, ' 1 60 T Easrle " s ',n VVm Browe " n 'ti lUe Rowe " 8 ;n A Sebwemmln ■■ :i ;: ■ ;j 4,-, Itarnov la-i " , 1 Kinil Hiloer " 6 90 Albcrt fiulkey - : 7". Michacl Kustercr" sis I l'unke " 17 -s T Martini " 11 83 JullugNlms ■ i a" WmBSmitli : 9U ■ :j 41 J líaudall ■ 13 5 CJ Snyder " 5 40 WmriotcUor " JO 5(1 üustave ZacUujuu ; '.'" .1 Weiumaun labor 85 Tliotuab i; Ciougb 7 :Vj Hweet " : fM Job Holkpy " IW i ,,.i. ■ M i bn 8 i" JulluR Nftns " i; '' l-'ri'd (' Hollinan -tone 4: 90 w ni I. Kano labor 6 '..'■ Charles BuchhoU" 0 60 Herman Kugatli S3J Wm II Rlchmond" 1 '■'"' It Horton ■ "" Adolph l'inkbiiHk r 4 ir. BTSweei " i: 50 John Krumi'i " i 05 MliertSchwcmmin ' a B French labor 10 65 Win .1 ltandall " lá V, M üesalan " í 33 Wm J Sebrlng " 3 30 7 tu OJSnyder " SfO Wm Lamborn " . ■ H Kustorer '■ H 10 ,7ohn Clarken " T 13 V Ulrlch - Ti"" Wm Jackson " 8 55 Barney Mast " 5 85 M Horcy " V ti l'Vay ' " 5 40 M Williams " 198 Wm Erbtnan " 6 7S .Tohn Groff " 13 60 Wm l!iowo ' ii OH John McHagh ■ 12 00 l! Morrlsoh " 3 60 Wm Kregloe " 5 s [ke Bowe " ii "" Jacob Qlese " ') 2' Uexander Schlupe n 7" EmllMilcer ■■ J5 chas Pagei ■■ ■" 35 T Eagle " 5 40 M Nagel ■ 9 90 .1 Holland " 0 00 .1 Zeeb - 27 75 Jolin Slator " 1 20 Julios Funkc 17 :.n John ffoelke " r :i" Micbael Herey ' 10 20 Frank Faj " ü 19 Wm Krcftli" 4 O."i U'lil liury - 1 M Wm linry " _ 10 I Martini ■■ Í5 Herman Kornlii-" S 40 M Hessian " ." 40 Murt Horton " 10 50 (i Healey " 8 56 Wm Laniborn " W STSweet lioo FUlrich ' 8 10 1-vank Erbman " 7." John Welnmanu " 6 l.'i Adolph rinkbinder 2 07 Gustavo Waltcrs labor lí 55 John Kruimi " 1 20 Alcxander Sclilune li 7" August fiedles " l :" .Julius Nlms ■■ 2 07 Albert Semke " - 1 Bi Niwton IVicli " S 85 Albert Semkt? " 0 (Ki Tnos S GourIi " 8 70 Jamps Masón " S 10 Wm Bettlch " i 7." WmFletcher " .JP W 13 l'rcd A Luebke " 7 20 I " " '■ 8 !0 Charles Albor " 12 50 J McIIugh ' lii 80 Chas Greincr " 1140 Gteo W Healy " 7 53 M Williams B N G Zachman " 7 13 EdRosn " : 00 ('has Albcr " 18 25 r .1 Bnyder ' ." 0 Wm .1 Cochran " lo 03 II Oreen ;■ 2 10 Nims ■ (I IX) Wm ■ 10 .".(I Frank Olmstead " 2 70 Hun Horton " ü 00 Emll itilcer " 7 D3 I! Morrisoji ■ t ín Artliur llt-rlici-l " 6 80 ■ 9 !H) John Groff ■ 14 55 Wm Jackson " :: 83 Geo Coats 3 ín M Hcsslan " 4 so Albert Soliwemmin Inbur s ni lí(nnolt Frencli labor ti im John Holland " : lo ■ : 75 Krivnk l;iv " 88 WmBrbman " 7 ífi I' I ti-i.-li ■■ "88 Augual Kpdics ; 28 John Chirki-Ji ■ R ín 1 Kusterer ■ s ni John Welnmann " 7 r I" Gougli 7 fs Wm Uiiiv ■■ !l 7" ■■ ■: m Tum RaRle ■■ :i 00 ."i 47 Wm Browi' ■ 8 '." .( Brown 8 7 Cliwlei Phjtcl ' 8 10 JOltMe ■ b :;: Bnrt Hazelwood " s 70 Bowe lalmr S ;n Barney llast " s 70 WmJ Randall ' 7 B5 AN'm l-amlorn " 7 I:; Wm 1. Sane ■ 7 13 Fred A Luebke " 7 13 .lauies Maaou ; 50 Michael llcicv ■■ 14 4" Wm Kregloc ' ' k :ii Boberl ]o-. ) 50 John Klttlc ■■ o SO rreu noniiiaii # w Jnllus Fnnke '■ 18 T3 X Martini ■■ t 30 Jacob Reeb ■' :n on Gnstave Zachmam .'i ;s James II Green labor :i as ZeaasSweel " BW John McHurIi " s :r Edward lios ■ 094 Tboman Kuirlr ■■ 1; b John Clarken " + ,"s ■ w M Williams " 4 m S T Bweet " u .vi w.l Bandall ■' 7 03 Alhelí Schwemmbi BÖO Qustave Walters" 21 Elmer Thomas ■' i 13 Win A Jackson " 3 :■;; T s GoUKh ■■ 4 Hl AiiLrusi uedlcs " ." .V) frank dim-ie:,,: ■■ : x; l'icd ülrlch ■ .- BS M Knsterer ■ r s." Ueorge Coata 1 mi John Welnmann ■■ 4 ■ Krank b'ay ■ .- 55 W 111 Fletcner " N ir, .lumes Mason 4 31 l' ■' Snyder ■ f so Jacob Beeli " g ii I' A Laebkc .". v. Wm L Kji nc ,■ "m N m Krlimün " .4 -v Frank Beviur '■ ,.„„ ] ir, Win LamlxMii ■■ ; v Wm Kregfou ■ jj m .1 BrowB " 1; il Hun Uazelwood ■ e, in Baniey Masi " 1; ii ■ 5ui Wm Browe ' o m 1 Charles Paglc " g 11 .hllilis Niln ■ ;; v:; MlchaeJ Herey j 6S j Artlmr Herbert " [g ■. I Charles Snearly " 343 Vnzngf Herman " 1 .mi l'.'l .iu-hmaim " 1; mi Jacob Slimmer " :i iki DhaunceyTbompson labor :;■ m M (Vltllams labor 8 10 Í372 L6 ■■it.' Baring Bank accounts :isslzned: ■i grofl labor 9 mi M ,i'i;'''l " 11 .V John Baunipcardner labor 14 411 ■- 17 0,5 John lirown labor ." ,v liiiri Hazelwood" m " ■■ g (( .' II Manly " 1125 hunos Donegan repairs n go .lames Tol bori lumbcr ■ lui: 71 Daniel Htecock coal """'.'. "1 00 M E Knstcrly labor -o Pitt8 AjiHcultiiral Works " -, 00 Herman Krapf survioos 33 71 l'armer's Sc Mechanica Bank accounts assijrned: ,Jolw AlcH!fl ïabor 14 40 14 40 ',''" W Weeks drawhw stone :ms 00 Hnrd-Holmes Co BUpplieS- 1 00 James E Hark lns nalli ' -, w DeaoftOosnpplles .'.'..'.'..'.'. ii'vo Ann ArborBrewlngCo ucc'nta issigncd: Wm Krliman labor s q John Krun.i r 7.! August Bedies ,■ -,7, „AdolohFlnkblnder labor...!!;;! .,70 [[■ " ,. ïi'i8 pccounts aslRned 1 00 m H Melntyi-n supplles 1 H 'l"i Bamngardner labor ñ ó Wm LKanoliibor -. A uRust Teasmer labor ._. í o Louis Rohde labor . ■ n Irauk Sutherlaud labor.. íi --n Geo H Fischer labor . ï L Kohde labor f, S GC Khodcs iiispi-cior. .'.'.;;".' 17 iX WmRettlcb labor. Z í ir GlenV Mills lu.-coiuit asgígn'édZLI :; :-, L Kolide labor 1, . -, Johu Clarken labor , Tñ Geo F Key salary ao ui Henry Ki,:hards OSÍZZ"Z.ZZ'. 01 C R Gardnor gravel ó n OWSweet stone , .3 ., ,i .Kc6cli accounts assiiruod u ■) 1; O Austin MfR Co supplie.s.. . Uft 5i Jacob ZeebasslRnedto Ann Arbor 8v'nftsBank na %d t1"'"1 i7i." mi nninOr, citt,vkih t cbosswalk i i rt, A ti 11 Arboi Savlnps Kaak, account nsslgned: Qsorgc Bchnierle coplng i: mi Ciirisl Kulio lafaar :; im lülbert Kei logt; :i im Thomas Eïiglr " :; ch i K1 !:■.■.-. ■ :; mi ! ;■!■: rl " J i): Unas Warren ' ■'. i ■ Bobert üop-. ■■ (i 7r Ed Ross - R 7.-. l'.airi-y Morrison " ■; 4ï Win Jackaori ■ :: i Peter Iliinson :.' il Krl ttoss ■ r 8S S 4Ï Barnoy kiorrlsou ■' :; Til [srael Mawhorter " !" Rarney Morrison " 8 W 80 93 Sl:i!;' 1ï;imK ÜCPOUntR nsslgnod: Martin labor 21 00 John Brown " 8 70 Martin Nau'lr " U 35 47 iï Koen Bros mason work '-ï 4f C Gül Lumber 13 PO Daniel .1 Ross salary i"i öfl Klnicr Ii Brown plank 44 s7 .lonu Schoononbergcr lubor 4." (..o w SvM-ii ivracni "UI luim PJurtsiin ropalrliui crosswalka ïl 50 .f ames "E [larklns gu opiles 4 r:i S Wood & Co lumhor 'iï ffi Total AEWKB Vl'SD F. V Broves salary 73 oo Dl trlct No. ï. Ann Ariinr Water Co., eoñnectlnc tliisii tank ". a io tfutzel Öoconnectlng Bush-tanks . 17 v.i Dist riel No t. Aun Arbor V:itor Co connectlng fluah-tanks fl (i0 llutzpi Co connectlng Husli-ianks.. 53 !0 District No. 5. A un Aritcr Water Co conncctlng Sush-tanks 11 0 llutzcl & Co comicctlne lhibh-tauks.. " 10 Aun Arbor ííavtngs Bank accounts ai Bigned ' M Farmers & Uechanics Back nooounts assimicd: ,1c flf l,e wis labor í fi 00 w .1 Parkei " ■" oti .1 Atklnson " 1 00 Jonn Green " 4 00 ; Huddv ■ ■; (i T Martini - 5 00 .1 Moesle ■■ 10 oi) V Hendcrsan 10 00 Al riluggett ' ■" oo f Martin ■ r 00 r Ihiniilton " 1 ;"iü l Paraona " i oo Wni ('nniminïs ■■ ." 00 Win Turner " :." 7."i A] IVrry " 1 58 Louis Steek ■ : 00 ( Preeman " 3 00 Pal UcGlynn ' 8 40 v Fox ' ■ 10 oo Geo Moran ' 10 oo P Ainswortii " ." "0 i:d llni-i ■ 5 09 HarryLong '■ ." 00 .1 V Wllaon ' 10 (X) Geo Bchalble ' :;i EO I' Coqulllard " 4 mi Fred Millcr ■■ I 73 V ]( Smith ■ 5 00 Porter Howard '■ io oo John Uiley " :J 30 John Deegan " ."i (m Cm Howle ." 33 T Martin '■ 5 00 J s Wallacc ' 14 i") Ed Mendlehall '■ 15 00 [■:1 Barrieti '■ l 00 ('has Cox " 10 00 John Wilson ■ . 00 C llainiiion ■ 5 00 PCoqnillard i oo a Sehdon ' 10 7:! .lames Sliirlcy " ;: ]u Chas Klegei " ilü I0I111 lliirn '■ s 00 .1 Moore ' 10 00 CSnyder " 1000 James Slater " 34 80 c Snydcr " 4 00 i'has Wilson - :... 10 00 Frank Thomas " ." 00 Louis Steek " .- mi uoo Harvey Moran " j 11 Chas lfuddy ' 5 00 John Collins ■■ IS 00 Samuel Ewlng " 2 00 Seo&uggltt '■ :; 00 A Kutier " 1 :ii) ai Parsons ' :: 08 J Moegle ■■ i 111 Theo Radkc " .- oo frank Thomas ." n,"( 412 01 E P Mason account assigned :;:;') Julin Slator asslgned labor Üoodspced Uros UJÜ ii iioi'iVi-r account asslgned st) I. Walker labor 3 ::; ('lias Dwyer ai int assigned 2 12 r I' Pardon ■ ■■ ui B t'GOrcuti ■■ ■ a ï 1 'red Slpley " ■ : rü Aug Morgantlue" ■ r, 07 'has Dwyer " " 11 mi V Belnz labor ;n LBlasblck labo n in J I.acufsky labor 42 07 Krank Demay labor M J (' 4 so Geo Schaiblë labor ■ 8 70 m IS Smilh foreman ■' "il 7") Wm B Siiiitli account asslgned M .1 e 4 50 John Wilson labor .Ml e OU lioo Flowers labor " ss Myron Mitchel labor " 190 V Kettlcb labor " n John Dlegan labor " :; ',." Geo Schtvlble labor ■ 1000 Wm Slater labor :; mi Mrs Shottcrly accounts asslgned tor board : John , Iones board I 50 George Moran board 11 70 16 !0 Tbc Klnaergarden account assiirni-d : V ,-tonc ; ;-, öeo Ward.. fi 14 ' ■-(! 1 towern ]o s", 11 Wrtght 23 mi gg 54 Total lotir TB POLIOS FfNl. Al C Pctersoo. saláry í B5 50 Rouben ArnBirustersalary r,n 00 John O'ilara, alary rm m Daviil Colllns, salary .h ou öoorsc IslX'll. ' .'m tm l'.iiil Scliiill special nollce .. .. ■ ici JjohnC'larkeu ■■ ■ ■ dj Peter Hertenen ■ ■ -3 00 Edward Hoelzle" ■■ _ qo (.'nrlstian Brenner Ifvery ü 011 Roblson .'i Oo. ' 1 011 Total - ■;;- :„, Klltl'. DXPABTHBHX ITNI. l'ir.l Siplfv. salary 1)111. (J A EdwarJa.. 50 00 W H McLareDt " ' SO OO Max Whltlinger, " ,yi 011 Albert West, u 50 00 Eugeno Williams. ■ ......!!'.!! 'rut m Herman Kim. tmmo Samuel McLaren. ■■ 80 00 OhasGarrolI p, in Lonls ■ , mi WAfcbiI!erIe' " .... HO0 Ed. Hoelzle, ■ s 00 wm Kettici., ;:;;; Koo Ooo Hoelzle " ' g 00 James E. Harkius supplles 30 78 Kearns & Alber repairs 17 o lleinzmann & Laubengayer f eed 15 00 J W Koblson supplios. . . .' 4 50 Wm Hi rz ■ 4 15 AntOnTeufel " ......'.'..'T'. 4 T.i G lt Kelly, oats 354 John Acaree, ice o so ..Mi-, lii'nm. washlng 5 00 Total sai G3 poon rmn. Fred Sipley, saiary ]o no A (. Schmidt. filiiig saws ". 1 00 Anti Tramp Socioty labor t 7-, (i V Allmendingergroceries 4 :4 rVV-'UÍlbj! sh0('s :i(l h h Beal, shoes ? g5 1' llifíalke, fe'rocerles ..'.'.'.'."" 5 no 1'rank Burg, grocerles 1 SO Jolin Burtr, shoes -i,, Doty&Feiner shoes .'...'.'." 123 Ed DufFy, Kroceriiís :i ño Mis Kvaus, aid 5 00 John Goetzí: Son, groceries c 08 John Goetz, Jr., srocerles '.'. s 00 JJ Goodyear &Oo medicine 2 üó O llocflei'Krocorics 1; 01) Jacobs & 11 mand shoes... 4 00 Geo K Kelly coal .....' B 50 W V Lodholz, groceries i 50 CAMaynard & Co groceries 7 :js E I' Mason livery 1 50 Wm H Mclutyre, Rrocerles .....'. 15 00 O liara, Bovle & Co, roceries ■ 00 WmCReinbardt shoes 2 50 O Rinsey, groceries 8 23 Rinsey & Seabolt, groceries B 01 W r btimson, groceries ■; ;n Ooo Bpathelf meat. ■■ no Wahr & Miller shoes ZJZ''JL 5 00 Michigan Tel Co, tslephouiug 2.1 fbiis Zueru, meat 1 yo Total vk te 1K AriTUI.ATIOX. Contingent f mul 8 1152 HO Street f umi ;T15 (Mi Bridge. Calvert and l'rosswiilk 84 'l SewerFund general 75 0() ■■ dM, Ño. :i M8 39 " rtUt. No. 4 BS 30 ■ 1:.' 10 Policefund 2" ."0 I'irt-Mien's fuiul 555 )." Poorfnnd IK 6f Total ? ?;T") :to Adoptcd as follows: Veas. - Aid. Mayniud, Moore, Koch, Grossraan, Laubenayer, Dell, Burke, Brown, Shadford, Ilhodes, Coon, Soule. Cady, Danforth, Pres. Hiscock.- 1". Nays. - None. ('hairman Cady preseuted tho bill ol Dr. John Lee fop Í10 for medical services. Aid. Soule moved tbat tho bill be referi-ed t.o the City Attorney. ORDIXANCE. i bairmatl Maynard prosented an or. dinance entitled ''Ad órdlnsnce to puohibit, the firiög of Fire Anus, within the limits of the City of Ann Arbor uinch was given its ftrst i-eadinif by titlc. Aid. Cooq moved tliat the ordinance be ])laced rn its second readinj:. Adoptiil as follows: Yeas- Aid. Maynard, Moore, Koch, CJrossman, Ldubengrayer, Dell, Burke, Brown, Shadford, Rhodes, Coon. Soule, Cady, Danforth, Prea. Hiscock. - 15. Cïays- Xone. Wherenpor. the ordinance was givc-.n its seconü reading by eeetlons. Chairman Maynard presonted an ordinance entitled ''An Ordinanco to Aniend, 'An Ordinanec for the Protection of Sqnirrels and Bi.'ds within the limita nf the üty of Aun Arbor"' whiuti .vas K'on tho lirst reading; by title. Aid. Moore moved tbat thoArchnance be placed on its second readinjr. Adopted as follows. Yeas -AM. Maynard. Moore, Kosh, ; Grossmati, Laubengayer, Dell, Bürke, Brown, Shadford, Hhodes, Coon, Soule, ; Cady, Danfortli, Pres. Hiseoek- ló. Xkvs Xone. Whereupon tho ordinanco was given I the Recond readina' by soetions. 8EWEB8 To the Common Oouneil. Your Coramittee on Sewers would ■ commeud tliat the sum $:iOO.CO or ag nauch. thereof as may !■ nccessary be ! appropri ited to furaish ikhv covers for! Manholes und Plush tanks in Scwer Districts No. 1, 2 and ", and new Lamphole covers and frames in Districts No. 1 and 2. Respectfully submitted, .Tohn Koch, Emmett Coon, I. A. Dell, H. J. Burkc, C. H. Cady. Geo. L. Moore, W. M. Shadford, Committee on Sewers. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Maynard. Moore, Koch, Grossman, Laubengayer, Dell, Burke, Brown, Shadford. Rhodes, Coon, Soule. Cady, Danforth, Pres. Hiaeock.- 15. Nays- None. To the Common Council. Yrour Committee on Streets to whom was referred the pstition of Mre. KdI munds relative to gutter water on W. Huron street would recommend that the be laid over until next Spring. Respectfully submitted Geo. L. Moore. M. Grossmann J. A.Dell H. J. Burke W. M. Shadford Harrisoii Soule C. H. Cady Commitee on Streets. Adopted as follows: Veas- Ad. Maynard, Moore, Koch, Grossman, Laubengayer, Del1, Burke, Brown, Shadforth, Rhodes, Coon, Soule, Cady, Danforth, Pres. Hiscock- 15. Nays - None. REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEES. To the Comtaon Council : Your Special Commitee to whom was referred the subject of the employment of E. W. Groves as assistant ougineer would report that they have conferred with the Board of Public Works relative to llie same and lind that the Board have employed him by the year and fuither your Committee are of the opin'.on that the emp'.oyment of Mr. (i'oves or some other suitable i)erson to I take charge of the sewer system is 1 essary as well as a saving to the City. And so recommend to this Council. Kespectfully submitted .!. A. Dell John Kocli W. M. Shadford i Special Committee. i Aid. Brown moved that the Board of Public Works be and are hcreby directed to place thesewers in the hands and under the control of the City Engineer, and ihat suid Board is aUohereby directed to dispense with the services of E. W. Greves January I. 1807. Lost as follows: Veas- Aid. Grossman, Burkc, Broun. I t). Nays--Ald. Maynard, Moore, Koch, Liaubengayer,, Shadford, Rhodes, Coon, Soule, Cady, Danforth, Pres. Hiscock- 12. Aid. Coon moved that the subject be laid over until the next reirular session of tuis Councll. Adopted as follows : Aid. (rossman, Burke, Jirown, Ooon, Soule, Cady, Danforth, Pres. ! Hiscook - 8 .'a.ys- Aid. Maynard' Moore, Kpcb, L,aubcna:ayei Shadford, Rhodes- 7. raEPORT OP CITY OFFICERS. The monthly report of the City Marj shal, Superintendent of the Poor and ! Chief of tho Firb Department was read and ordered placed on file. Aid. Coon moved that the City Attornoy be instructcd to reconsider the subject of 12th St. Adopted. On Motion tho Council adjourned.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register