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TlIK EtBGISTEK (csircw a frood uoiospondent at Dexter, Worden, Manchester. Scio, YpSilaoti. Adv ono who would like totry newspaper uor'c tiiioulil cali at the olfioo of The Ann ARBOE REGISTER :it ancarly day for juli purticulars. WJSÍ E'TIOHI. L.AKK. Mi's. I. FIolmcK ia visíliug: relativos ai i Kinei-y. PraDk LJiwker :íh dnuyhter Cafriu are ipabdipg a week in Detroit with friends. Prof. Jay (!. l'ray is teaching an uininently satisfactory school at this point and every seat is til led. Miss Victoria Ftoper re turneo Saturday p. m. trom a two visit at Fort Wayno, Ind. All glad to sae her. Miss Leah Dodííe, vvho has boen visiting her brother, H. P. Dodije, if this placo, returned to her homo h! Lunirsburp on Friday, The ir.ot converriem busi u'.st, in ] plaoa iá tho hmibcr yard alticli lir j been reopencd by O. A. Pray. !!■ doing a good buslm The skating on Whitinore L&ko i post week bas atti'acted youDg and oíd and they niourn the warm wi-athtr j Satiu-day and Sunday. Great preparatíons are belng made by the M. E. Sunday School for 11 Christmas tree and line prytfrwn at th M. E. cfaurcfa on Xnnis eve. The Spring Lako Icc Co'si, plant at. this place bas a capaclty of 12,000 tona and they are putting on an additlon of 20x200 feel more O be ready for thU seasons iee erop. Tobías Holmes aged 72,vera departed this life at six o'-ciock Sunday p. in. Nov. 22nd ;it his residence of this placu surrounded by his wife and chlldren. j Mr. Holnus was ono of Whltmore j Lake's most respected and stuunchest j cltlzens. Lie wül !" s;ui!y ihissed. Deceased leaves a vviftí ai ; live children und this whulu üonniiiuiitj tu ancuiu nis los. Thn childpeiiarv (ieorgo Holmes. ■ of [)extor, Miss .'■'.'',! !.■ Ilolinos and j Mm. Tromper, of' St. .föhns, Mrs. Geo. RiiiTiHi. df Superior, and l'reoman S. . Holmes a-N adoptcd hou. of [owa City, I [owa. Tubias Holints was boni in j ga ('o., New Vork. At an agu of ."1 he I oamj to Michigan with liia family using' ! an ox teair. anil settlcd in the then j erness at ünidella township By dint : of hard work, patiënt toil and ti,rable energy hewed out a home aj)d j laid the foundation fpr n comfortable ' j competent' whieh his family enjoj. Dccuased bad the respect and dence of al! who lïnew hina. ti.Tii:iiv. The prospecte for skating are not so bright as tbcy were last week. A series of revival services will begin ut the Leland church nextweek. Miss Myi-tio llubinson has returned f rom Toledo, where sho visited her sister several days. Un, Treadwell has been visiting her dau liter, Mi's. Frcer, of Chelsea, for the past flve weoka. Several people from Kmery attended tUe nnion service at tlie West Salem ehurch last Sunclay evening. Tho Ladies" Aid Society will meet at iira. E. !'- Leiand'.-. Saturday, Dec. 12, to be served attwo o'clock. On Saturday ei-eniii": of this week, the schjlars ot the Leiand school will jjive an exhiöition ander the supervisión of their teacher, T.had Loland. It is to be hoped they may be greoted by :i larga audience. They desiro to increase the number of books in their li!rary. IHxboro. The L. A. S. moets next Friduy at 11 o'elock, at the home of Mrs. Robinsou. Mr. and M rs. Fred Clemente of Wyandotte, vislted friends here the past week. lrs. Nellie Bush ret'irncd Thursday fcom a vleit w.ith Frieode In Detroit and Wyandotte. Jessic Kudlc returned home last week, from a threo weeks visit with his sister near Cass City. Misses Ijamice and Laura Austin of Salem, spont Frlday and Saturday visiting their cousin Mrs. S. Shaughnes. SAtiBJÜ VllilitGE. Jack Everett of South Lyons, isgoing to Utah to live with his brother. There was a Union service at the west Methodist Church last Sunday night. Mr. and Mea Daniel Smith entertained a number of their fi-icnds at dinneion Thursday. Mr. John Perry, who went West a short time ago, te reportcfl as being sick of the western country and expects to return home soon. The December meeting of the Salem farmers club was held at the home of Charles Coldron. There was a large attendance. After the i'rogrammo followed tho election of otiicers. The following- were recected. Pres., Daniel Smith: Vice-Pres. No. 1, Herbert Smith : Vlee-Pres. Xo. -. Charles Coldron; Kci.'ording-Sec. Myron Balley, Cor.-Sec, Mrs. Daniel Smith; Treas., John Munii. i EB8TGK. Quite a few have enjoyed tbemselves on thr sbining runners. T)i' town treasurar holds forita bVidays in the town lia.ll, and Saturdays in Dextoi1 rillage. Thero will lic a public entertainment given by the I !. E. Society at the ('ongrogutional churco Saturday eveqióg, Dei1. 10. It wil! consiat of foui1 sparkling recjtations, a wand drill, a hoop drill, a clase exereise, two solos, I organ music, and orchestra muslc. A small admissiuD oí 10c will he charged Everyone shoald come and (fot in gixnl piriis fo' 'brlstmaa week. nni.ii i mm Mf. Tlllilw, ni .i-iK i fioni viMtiny her trol In íu i üinton. Un. Hhoíla Dormán l.'oon has been vlsitiDg among her rolatiree and nelgrhborfl slnco her father'a deatb. Mr Pred Slrchje iciurned Mondav from Owos 'i where lie had been to bupy his brother, Burkbardt Stroble, Behool Ijesu.'i asfain Tuesday, Deo. 1 lifter a vacatlon ol' over a weok. This time Miss Plora E. Bostwick, of Dexter. is teacher


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