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Wenk ITIcii aud W'omen Wíll Be filad to Ijcarn Tlils. Tlred bodies, palo and sunken cheeks, haggard eyes, slcepless nights and weak nerves, aro ruining our lives and killing our people. No wonder these poor sufl'erers bless Dr. Greene for his graat offer. He is the most successful specialist in curing nervous and chronic diseases and the discoverer of that wonderful medicine, Dr. Greene's Nervina blood and nerve rernedy. He has established a system of letter corres, pondence at his office. 35 West 14th-st., New York City, by which all can write him about thcir complaints, and by the symptoms they suffer from and telling him how they feel, they will receivc an answer from him free of charge, giving a complete description of their case anti telling just I whatails them. He gives most carcfu! attention toevery letter, tells just vvhat to do to be cured perfectly and permanently, and rnakes all understand exactly what their complaint is. And all this costs nothing. ?o joarney to the city, no doctor 's fee, the best medical advice and consultation in the world, and nothing to pay. TheDoctor makes a specialty of treaüug patients througb letter correspondence, and it is wenderfully successful. Write him at once, readei1, and you will almost certainly bc niaflc strongand well. riiisiiciit TaxcK. C. K. Sperry, Treasurer of Pittsfield will receive taxes at the following places: Ann Arbor at County Treasui'. i's office, Dec. 26th and Jan. 2od; Vpsilanti, at Alban & .Tohnson's Store, Dec. 30th: Saline at S. H. Maher& Co's. Store. Dec. 29. Rew Type and HTew Presses do the I et ivork- hoth are foumi at the tlfgliter ontce, 30 E. Harón st . - - - -- - C. L. McGnire, LAWYER I i.inl Offlcc Over The farmers and Mechanics Bank, Aim Arbor, Michigan, Notery Public In OffloeOUR 25 CENÍ COLUMN. WANTE1. W''l'Fto-Vapyins on the typewriter. Work noatly and promptly at !ow rate. Emma Loelllvr, Kogister Olticc, 30 E. Huron streot. oitf ANTKD-brdt.TS for all kinds of" ladics wraps and dressmaklnK ivo.n prompt attention. Miss Ilupll. s;:; Jnnction Ave Detroit, Mlch. jj W' ANTl-D-FAITlIFD, MEN OK WOMEX l) travel for responsiblo establiêhed house In Michigan. Sal ary 1780 and expenses l'osition permanent. Keference. Endose selr-aadroseed tauipvd eovelope. Tlic NailOiial. Stur Insnrniin Rldg.. CIiIcko. WAK'riil. Horsos ti keep tlirough tlie YT winter, (oodfeed and good attention Adircss. K. I'. Yiwca. Salem, Mlch. ir KOU SALIi. ÏlOltSAUlO AT A BAÜKAIN-A nini'room li uso wlth a 0x13 rod lot, corner of Fountain and Summlt stroet, Ann Arbor laraebarn, shed and shop; Uouge oontalns bath, hot and cold soft water, also city water and anever telling well of .pure spring water, l'i-ic garflen. Por price and term! upply on Ilie prenilses. 23tf iAKM COK . í.t.:- 'ihe Bulioi'iT(r üverëïl nulo" wi-ttof xalem station and H milts fniin Ann rlior. eontai-.ii g 109 acn-s, house.ainl b.n.h, si eU aip' well ra ter in abluid' anc '-i.'Mber: sction] mul chnrch wnbjn & mik" laun nat ra 1 1 y tin ben; al! svtdcd i.lowu Prioe and term reaonaiilc. i all on or addren .udrew E. Glbwin 80 Maynnnl i , tnn Irboi, Mloh 45tf JOR sai.i: -:: miici west of citrón DexI ter rood, 0 acres xood farm land especially suilablu for fruit farm. IU aerea timber lsii()nlro of A. X Lyon on tito promlBus. 25tf i'UIt BENT. FIXBE- i-pagi! medical roference boolc to :n,v pe-son affllcted wltli any special, chronic or delicate dteease peculiar to their 6X' '■ the liüullng phyglclam aud surgooriN t;f I n ■ Watcs, i)r. Hatliawiiy Co.. rODearlmrn st.rpef. ObteaKO. !H


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Ann Arbor Register