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Steel Píate EngravinK - Registe Office OrapiD m A AND ITS CTTRB To the Editor :- I have an absolute remedy for Consumption. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been already permanently cured. So proof-positive am I of ts power that I consider it my duty to send two bottles frce to those of your readers wlio have Consumption.Throat, Bronchial or Lung Trouble, if they will write me thelr express and postoffice address. Sincerely, T. A. SLOCDM, M. C, 183 Pearl St., HewTork. . Tho Editorinl nnd Business Management of tbis Frtper Ouarantco tüis ssnoroos rronosition. ROBERT W. STERLING, 166 Euclid Ave., CLEVELAND, - OHIO. Steef ëé fp-fF SOUIfiTY STA TIO9TBS Y, ïfeitiag fards, Rocepíiou aad Party C! ■A Weddiag InvitatioDS and AnaauQcements. iflue Nciiomr, „UI, 'l,„ru or t ouii„, .''' Notiosrmu rrci or Conl Idemm und Sljles. .::., r i ppolaunaate tbe Desk. Weil8iiss of Men ' (tnlckly, '1 iioroiiuhly, Forcvev Cared ïirdts. hjr a new perfcctcd acientlSo V!'A-k. "wthod tbat caanot f II ; l ?M l-ütliocascls lirycn-lliumnn : éffSs&JqÊ yu teel Improveil the 1 P ï ? k tlay, loon J:now jourself a rffíi&[ luíí ftnxong mcu tu boly, jB7jfflf)iK-ití4?'mlu'1 an'! lioai t. Dr.ilns ml fRwMfei?illM lo'50!i p:"leil . livery üiistaclo IflirW !Ï' llapM mrrtd Hfo re lil-1"1" moved. Xervo forco, wlll, onergy, when fatllng or lont, are rcsioreil bv thu lieatment. All weak portions of Ihebodyeularged aud strengthened. Wrlto for our book, wlth exlilanatlons aod proofs. Stut toalcd, frec. Over 2,000 ref ereuces. ER1E MEDICAL CO., &msi: Wanted-An Idea Lsi ON TIMET (n 1 1rst appllcant ia cnch locality, a9 T-op-o wcishod SoMllinMfei-lBBl fntf ""3Bltó # II II K for breeder9f f; ZoUDiijs. ymat mm. DESCRIPTION FREE. i JbL B. SILVERCO., Cle?ela40jPr SaiIIIllll I YTp H DR. MATCHETTE'S ►" jlndlan Tobacco Antidote : „, The Original ' Coaranteed Harmls H TOBACCO HABIT CURE A Big Box, enougb [o curo any ordinary cae, costa ONCY m .OCfcNTS. VVüen you buy a remedy H Imy the liest and DON'T PAY A m LAR for a 30-day rure when you can jet MATCHETfES-th2 klncl that H .ur-s in 72 hours, at any drug store. ri for J.'iftt Cents. Wrlte for f ree copv u 11 Dr. Matchette's Health Talks. p ).'i. MATCH ETTE CO., Chicago. III X 7IZTTTÏ11 1 T T TW MSell Your Produce ai Home WHEN YOU CA?f Strike a Better Market WE RECEIVE AND SELI, BUTTER, EGGS, POULTRY, VEAL, HAY, GRAÍN, WOOL, Hl DES, POT ATO ES, GREEN AND DRIED FRUÍTS OB ANYTHINQ YOU MAY HAVE TO BffiP. Quick sales at the hlghest niarket tirii , i n I prompt returns made. Wrlte for priees tapingdirections oranyinformation iü; SUMMERS, MORRISON A CO . Csmmlision MercHnnts, 174 South Wttirf-irc. ;, íííerence, Metropolitan Nat'l Bonk. CHIC AQO Hltbea TRADC MARn THESE ARE A high Grade Class of Gccds. AL1HEA TOiLEI SOAP Is the i it rc. t soap on the market. Thij assertion is based on the testimony of expert ch( mists, and tbousands of testimoniáis racoived In its praise. lts PERFUME is DELICATE and LASTIKG, lts medicinal propertieg aro such that it can be used on ALT, IRRITATIONS and INFLAMMATidXS, beneficial resnlts mmediatcly. It is aivrayf a luxury: oíten a NECESSIÏY. Fot Salo ly M. .!. Brown, A. E. Mummer.', Ann A bcr. C. VV. Rokers, Morford & IJvscr. Ypsilanu. "i; lula r te Tollcl." & l.cokcn thecoirect nteof al] toi'd r.rtl cu s iiu'iltd lrecio nny addict-. ALT UVA TOILET CO., Ypsilanti, Midi. RINSEY & SEABQLT NO. 6 and 8 Washington St. Have always on hand a complete Stook of everything in the GROCERY LINE Teas, Coífees and Sugar All prime articles bought for cash and can scll at low figures. Our frequent 'ar?o invoices of Teas is a sure sirn wo ive bargains in Quality and Pnces. We roast our own coiTees every week always fresh and good. Our baker y turns out the very hestol Bread, Cakes and Crackers. Cali and see ua. 4? - ■ Your a3dles3i with slx cent V r5w ln !amps, mailed to our Headí L' V"Írft 1 3uarters! ,," í1'' St.. Boston, ■ S OJ VU I J "'-. will bnngyouafulllin I f. J-H oL samples, and rules for ielf■ 3 Z r- measuremen', óf our justly fai Ci 1 lili II I ?;ous 3 pants Suits, #13.25 1 X a yJ'JUJj Ovorcoa. tlO.25, Mdup Caí i ' )ifl1 to rder. AgentswantedeverTi o lNew Plpouth Rock C, A HESTORES VITAI.ITY. 'w. ofMe. IHEGREAT :1Oth í) ■"HEKTCH IlÍi!3VS:i2X3-5r io : Jicec tbe nbore resnlts ln 3Oiayi. Ita ts "fnlly aiid (juickly. ( ur wlien til othet (ali meo wíl! reíaiii logt mauhood andi.d - ?v,"-;TVer "'""■ "''tu Kor bv iwlng i . it qulckly and suruly reHtorea Nervou ut Vitality. Imtwioucy. KigliUy Einlwioní o wr.FMVlng Mtmory, Wtlni Diteate. aud : of seU-abui i lUd nrtiscretion ' iinntsom: [or miy i larrlue It "Ul7 curcB by KtartiDK i b; , a ',-eat nerve (onic aud loil Imiloer brlnsa:k the i:,,k (flow ■ . palé cho.-kr vid r" ■i tho iiro oí j-oufh. U ward ofl FasanUy Mnmpllon. ü vlng BC VI '■ r U '■'" ' ■' ' t. m u writ"" .ori -■ reíuu . . -ii.' :l-L MEDICINE;, jt.. CÜICAGO. I!' l'?r, salo by Ebetbaoh nrug and rhomical Co., Ann ArKoV, Min


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