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#has never failed to cure# 1 Cough, Cold, Hoajseness, 5 2 Croup,Grippe,Bronchitis, L Asthma and other Throat f 5 and Lung Affections. 5 J Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup J S is worth its weight in gold, hut costs only 25 ets. f t Teil your dealer you want w è Dr. Bull's Cough öyrup.F Chcw LANGE'S PLUCS. The Great Tobacco Antidote. 10c. dealers or mail, A.C.MeyeraCo..Blto.N. Sfecl Píate '. íngravlng - Koglst. LAND" LIVING Home-Seekers' excursión tickets via the Queen fle Crescent Route to all points eouth of 1 Sonierset, Ky., in Kcntucky. Tennessee, bama, Jffississippi, North and South Carolina: i all points ca Q. & C. Route in Louisiana and to : cortain points in Georgia and Florida at about one fare the round trip from Cincinnati, on the ! first and thlrd Tueadays each month. Stopovers allowed on trip, in homeacekers' territory. One-way settlers' tickets to southern pointa on same dates at half the usual ratea. t Land $3.00 to f5.00 an acre. Good schools and chinches. Write for maps and books to "W. C. Rinearöcn, Gen'lPassV Afrt.. Cincinnati. O QUEEN & CRESCENT ROUTE (MUSTIAN gCHLENKEF. 5JOVES S AND (yJrl tyWSSMJjS Bestii?tl?e OVER ONE {-gj-V H'ccío 5T0VES - AXli _1" HARDWARE. if West Liberty "Street. THE NERVE SYSTEM 1 the mosi rir i(-!ir ■ a l important ilrncT3re in fUe lium-t i ),,v Itistheseai of onr In rmities tre nethen and reetorthe ut a anddiprase ■'inlost la mist powerfn! una pernicioua ally. Mjyon's SDÍnal, Blood V&W nd Nerve Remdy 11 yf[' preoared espocia'ly 4&1J' for the Nérvea. CuISSSh 5 lustantly relieve s tl ' nd pcrmauently JBfBi r 4 ■uros torturing lains fjg ÍSfxm BK' In the beid, body or tW MfrtjSjL limbs, 8LEEPLESHK Ktfuwl k NESS, NERVOUSW WM M W DIKSINBSS, COHFUSIOM of the MINI), Ml I1& Ote. Delay is dftugeroms. Send for valufljï ml Mrs. M. QuiuUn, No.MSQ V. Walnut Slrect, f-oulsville, Ky. writei: I tliink God mast hav ent yoar remedy to m. I iru lnül-ricldeu witn a complication of disea-es whleb finally' 'osnltea in complete nerve vb imtioii mi ee vere sluking gpefis, wben I lïrst commence 'i'? '. ' t)ei?:lu iaiprovingat once, have u.ed Mbottlesand ara assistingin tho care nf iny home, somethins I have not done for v yrs IX eertainly has helped me wheu cvervrhinic else failed. " m?"r ",ge ÍV1""'615" '' "i'i vouiig man whohad ben .) for cnreu winwr on aatretch with fin ihh .tiem itot o bal lait fall mat they made his be.l In a -a;oii and bronelit jUiatofne. lleivái not nb e to rai-c np, Afler usins : Ix.ttles of your Remerty he is all "Shtagain andsays, hefecls a if he had never veen bothered with Eheumatism . COÏES ÏCAÏiMTIÏD. Seal fer circular MAYON'S SPINAL REMEDY C0„ C.NCINNTI OMIO TO CONSUMPTIVE8. The undersipied haring been rostored to henlth by simple nieans, aftar snfferin? for wveral years v ith a severe lung aftectiun, uud tbat dread distase ( iiunutaptiini, is uixious U niake kimwn to bbt fellow bufïerers Üie ipeans of cure. To Lhose wbo dejire it, he w ill cheerf ully send (f reO of charge) a top.v of the piescriptir.ii used, which they will iiud a sure cure for Conmimption, Atthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis mul &u throat and luu;; Mul. adíes. He hopei all sufferers will ti y his remedy, asit isinvalu:il)le. Tho (t-sirin'-'the pix-scription, wlUch 11 eest them nol 'in", an 1 iuay prove blessing. will )i'ease adiii r ; , Rev. EDTABD . WIttSOÏ Er 1 .lyu.SowYotk. M CURES Wri tfit Xl'ÍÍUTaIi!. Tij tgd Uest Cougjj Syrnp. Taste Good. Vte WÊ Cfl Intimo, iy.lil try dn)gg1tiu )gt


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