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[OFFICIAL. I COUNCIL CHAMBER. f Ann Arbor, .Tanuary 4th 1897. f Regular Session. Called to order by Pres. Hiscock. Roll Called. Quorum Present. Absent, Aid. Maynard, Moore, Grossman, Shadford, Danforth. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. A petition signed by F. A. Howlett and 17 others asking for. the construction of a lateral sewer in the State and Ann Street District was read and referred to the Sewer Committee. A petition signed by Herman Hardinghaus asking for damajes for injuries was read and referred to the Finance Committee. A petition signed by A. Koptï asking for relief was read and referred to the Poor Committee. A petition signed by Elizabeth J. Phelps asking for the return of taxes ülegally assessed was read and referred to the Finance Committee and City Attorney. A communication frora the Ann Arbor Gas Co., relative to lighting the court house clock tower was read and referred to the Lightinsr Committee. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES FINAXCK. To the Common Council. Your Committee on Finance respectfnlly report that they have had the following bilis under consideration and would reeommend their allowance and that warrants be ordered drawn for the same. lle?pectfullv submitted, C. H. Cady, Harrison Son le. Hmmett Coon, Coinmittee on Kinance. CONTINGENT FCNI). Qlen V' .Mills, salary i BH SI l'surick O'Hearn. " s:; ;u Thomas 1) Kearncy" 50 00 Citarles II Manly. " s .4 Murvin Davenpón Janltor work 21 : Gle.n V Mills. postage i :;.", Mack k Sclimld, reni luim Un (.' A Greenc. rent „ 21 y, Ann Arbor Electric Ca llghtlnü 94 8Ü lliiusfrcund and l'ost printing :; Waslttenaw Evuniug Times prlntluK. . .'; ;;"i Au Arbor Ga Co. lichting Kti 48 llem-y Ulchards :oal Ui 25 oiiloBrusb 'iViirks liroonis :; 75 liíiiley aiiíi ICiln 1 11 nds keys ',.") Ann itrbor S:i Bank accounts as slgnod gi fg Ann A f lx Argus euvelopes 1 00 Inliitnl Pi-hsm in-inlln :,'.'.;■' Bacil , Butler insnniuce 111 ikj MicttÍLran Telepiioiuí Co. telephuue S Ifi GUen V' Millt, account assigned 103 'ru A Addis nteals and lodjïinff 1 öö Aun Afluir An-'us printing ;j 50 i;.i'od"ii Co cliuck 10 M V. Masterley labor loo Micliii-'aii Telephone Co. rental.. ...... 4:( 75 Hailiy & Edmunds repairs 935 Win üanslngburx (ees :t 00 TliomaJ s Uougo buryingdogs. . . 100 Total s jioTÖT SEWEIt PDND. K W ( ; rovea salary 75 00 Krank Sutlterland labor i) Uco l'lscher labor '4.-, District Ko. 5. Ann Arbor Water Co., connecting Mnsli tanks 7 oq Total ....'lTa8 itniDOE, crr.vERT and cbosswai.k rem. Ann Arbot Uavlnya Bank, acconnts assigned: Hariiey Morrison labor ai 8S Wm Fletchef ' ,-, gj Ike Kowe " n M Kusterer " (o Wm Browu " ,, Barney Morrison " ... . r, ut Wm Browe i V, Ike Kowe ■■ j V. M Kusterer J 35 Wm Fletcher " 4 nu -a wi Herman Krapf asalgnedtoÖlty of Ann Arbor '. -, qq Total $ 5g gg STREET FCND. Ann Arbor BaviuSs Bank accounts asslKned tliem: K WlUUuna labor 1 m Cbamucey Tboniptou 'iait,,,. . 3 .lohn OrofT laljiiv ., Tecas Swoet snoT ploTric... August Herman labor 130 Adam Scyfried labor . ï 80 „ " " 195 James Mason :: 10 HeunettFrenoh snow plowing I .20 Win J Kandall " ' ï 80 lïni Lamborn labor 1 ;tü ('hauneey Thompson labor.... :i m Fred 11 rich ia bor 1 SC T S Gough 160 Bennett Frenen teaming... . 13 50 Peter Hanson labor 1 8f! James Mason labor s n Alexandor Schlupe labor 7 8" V .1 Kandall veamlng 9 ■ SilasTSweel cleanlng rolli-r.. 8 IS Wm Bury labor ... . lx' (in Win B Bmith labor .. 2 33 Wm Lamborn " -1 :Ct Wm Browe " SIS Mlchael Kustefer" 4 03 Ike Rowe ■ 2 70 Wm Fletcher " Í 13 M Hesslan '■ 7 90 M Williams '■ tiO WmJSebring " '.Y.'.".'.'.'.".'.'. I S0 il llerey teamliig VJ 00 J Kruuirl lalor 8 98 Adolph Flnkbinder labor.... ;s 90 Zi'inis Sweet, teaming 5 10 Clinton JSnydor " 21178 M Kusterer labor li OU Wm Browe ■ 8 73 Jolm Bruwn " II M James Mason " :ili0 Edward Ros " ia") M Williams " 8 10 JMcHugh ' 11 a-i M Hessian " U0 Z Sweet " 1 50 Wm Kane " 1 20 Jacob Kies 12 00 Burt Hazelwood " 3 90 BarneyMast " a 90 WmJ Kandall " 1170 Albert Schwemmin labor 3 91 Albert Sulkey labor :i 90 Wm Fletcher " 7 8 Ohas Pagei " 3 90 1 ko Rowe " 6 7ö Peter Hanson " 3 4" Emil Mllcer '■ 3 90 Thomas Gough " 6 30 (lias Warren " 1 80 Thomas Eagle " 3 90 Charles Buchhol. John Groff " 150 BFrench labor 150 J Funke " 44 M 370 91 Stute Savings Bank accounts assigned 8 35 A R Sehmldt repairs 190 Ann Arbor Water Coeonnectlngfounlain 14 47 C Eberbaeh supplie-; 30 29 JLMahlke mason 0830 t' Schlenker supplies 58 Geo W Soybold supplies 7 00 ölenVMllli accounts assigned 196 Daniel J Koss salary 6ti no 8eoF Key salary ioooi Ann Arbor Brewing Co acct assigned 7 N Kearns& Alber repairs 7."i Frank Sntherland labor 22 9.1 Geo II Fischer labor 21 fiO Louis Rohde labor lö 25 Julius Welnberg labor 1 -ï0 John MeHugh labor j 3 60 D J Rosa acc't aaslgned 7." M 51 Wheelock snow plowing 1 50 .IWIIurst ' " 150 Thomas llannan " " 3 00 Julius Welnberg labor 1 50 John Kittle suow plowing 1 50 John MeHugh snow plowing :t 00 Wm J Randa'l snow plowing 1M dien V Mills acr't assigned 75 Total % 754 85 PÓLICE FUN1). M C Peterson. salary and postage $ fifi ro Reuben Armbruster salary 60 00 John O'Mara. salary 50 00 David Collins, salary 50 00 George Isbell, " 50 00 James Murray special 2 01 Clnistlan Brenner livery 1 00 Total 289 00 ÍIRE DEPARTMF.ST FU2ÏD. Fred Sipley, salary 60 00 CAEdwarJs.. ' B0 00 W II McLaren. " 50 00 Max Whitllnger, " 50 00 Albert West. " 50 00 Eugene Williams. " SO 00 Herman Kim. " 50 00 Samuel McLaren, - 50 00 ObasOarroll " 20 00 Louis Hoel.le. ' S 00 WLSchnierle. " 8 00 Ed.Hoelzle. " 8 00 Wm Rettieli, " B on Geo Hoelzle " S 00 Fred Sipley expenses - 8 89 freight 89 Henry Scbwab carrots '■' 2U H Kleinschmid oats aiul straw 11 V! Pal Gibney hay mis K ver Milling Oo bran 1 Mis Rcam washing 5 00 Ann Arbor Gas Co ligtitliij; 711 :ti I) lliscock & Sou coa] 16 23 Clark fe Bassott coal 75 Louis Bobde supplies 90 97 ECevere BubberCo coats 22 50 C F.berbach siipplies 12 :i7 Geo W Seybold repairs 8 20 Total MH88 rooie Krvn. Fred Sipley. saiaiy t 10 00 Ann Arbor Hailroad trelght 23 22 Eberbach Hardwaru ('o. maul tW Anti Tramp Society labor . 160 Gustavo Walter sawing wocxl 11 ÏO S B Densmore wood i' M (eo W Sevbold repairs 1 m Mooro & Wetmqre books 1 2(1 Geo F Allmendinger groceries 5 71 I 'rank Burg. groceries 3 00 F Bigalke, groceries 2" 1) Cramer groceries 1 ui Doty&Feiner shoes 40 Ed Dulïy. groceries :i on ilr. Krans, aid 5 00 John Goetz, Jr., groceries 7 7it John Goetz & Bon, grocerlea ; 93 G 1 lííefrergroceries 4 00 W F Lodholz, groceries .' 0 , Manu Bros. medicine S0 John Moore medicines l" Wm H Melntyre, groceries 150) (,' A Muynard & L'o groceries 11 4 O'Hara. Boylo & Co. groceries 2 00 Rinsey &Sealxlt, groceries 8 !i', (' lütisey. groceries 7 81 1. Hnhde coal (.i ;,". II Richards coal .■ 7 2" W F Stimson. groceries .' ü 50 Wahi & Miller shoos : 00 Ohas Zuern, meat _ 98 Total I "sïilï W ITÏB FUHD. Ann Arbor Water Co water r:iliil :!Ti7 50 UECAI'lTri.ATKIN. Contingent, fund .... 110201 Sewer Fund general í 7ti ;i:. " DistNd. S 7 0.1 83 35 Bridge. Culvert and Crosswalli 59 80 Btreet fund ;:, ö Pólice f uud 289 0 Plremen's fund sr; :ü Poorfund 2!t lt Water Fund 3057 90 Total Y VJ 83 Adopted as follovvs : Veas - Aid. Koch, Laubengayer, Dell, Burke, Brown, Khodes, Coon, Soule, C'ady, Pres. Iliscock- 10. Nays- None. To the Common Council: Committee on Pinance to whom was referred the bids for the Sewer Bonds in District No. ó would recommend that the bonds be sold to tho Farmers & Mechan ics Bank, their bid beins: the highest and most satisfactory to the City's interest. K -pcctfuliy submitted, O. H. Cady, Kriimett (Joon, Harrison Soule, Committee on'Finance. Adopted as follows: Yeas -Aid. Koch, Laubengayer, Dell, Burke. Brown, Kbodes, Coon, Soule, Cady, IVes.Hiscock- 10. Xaj-h- None. REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEES. ïo tbe Cominon Council: Your Special Committeo to whom was referred tho report of the Board of Public Works relutiye to the work of rrmeailamizing Detroit Street and wtirk in connection therewlth woald report that after givlng the subject due consideration they are of the opinión i that sorao oraissions have been made in the ivport wnich should havo been insertod. Fii-sl. Coal used in the roller and engibe to run the crush■' $ 343.12 Seuond. 1 e pairs for prusher Hiel ro'iU-r 150.00 Third. Silji, lies and blackBmith vvork lor tools 100.00 Fourt.h. Extra for shrinkago oí stoiH' 400.00 Fifth The report ahowed $40(1.67 estimated eost for erushing the stor. The Street Comiuisaionor's bookft show $1701.00 expended Tor such work. Your Committee have pi eed extra expense for orushing the stone over the estímate at 1100.00 Total additions to the Board of Public Works Report $ 2093.12 Total of Board of Public Works Report. '.:....... C232.00 Total for ivork ineluded in Board of Public Works Report $S!2,").12 Respeetfully submitted, John Koch, Special Committee. A!d. Cady moved that tho report be received and placed on file. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid Koch, Laubengayer, Dell, Burke. Brown, Rhodes, Coon, Soule, Cady, Pres. Hiseock- 10. Nays- None. REPORT OF CITY OFFICERS. The reports of the City Marshal, Superintendent of the Poor, and Chief of the Fire Department were received and ilaced on lile. RESOI.UTIOXS. By Áld. Brown. Resolved. That whereas. in the opinión of many of our citizens the rates charged for water by the Ann Arbor Water Company sti far in oxcess of the rates charged inhabitants of other cities similarly situated and of like population ; and whereas under its franchise said company has no legal right to charge more for water than the averag-e amount paid private companies in other cities of Michigan of like population, therefore be it resolved that a coramittee of three including the City ( 'lerk be hereby appointed by this council to investig-ate the amount charged the inhabitants of othor cities by private companies throughout the state and report the same to tbis Counoil. Adopted. Piv Hiseock appointed Aid. LaubenL:ivor, Mooce, Brown and t+len V. Mills as suoh committee. On motion tho Council adjourned.


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