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Register that several Ann 1 bor contractors always pay their men, od Saturda.y nights, in cortain saloons. The proprietors of the saloons where such paymentsare made trust the men I liberally during the weck, and even at times when for weoks the men are out ofwork, well 'üiowiiisi ttaat when the men have emploi moot Again and Saturday night comes they will "nave the first" chanoe to colleit their bilis for liCLUor furnished thomen. Thcro aro numerous cvils resuWng ttom such a systom. It compela tome men to visit saloons who prefer notto üo so, and while there, with their wagea in their hands, to be inacle the butt of ridicule if they do not stand treat. A greaterevil is the inducement whieh ■ach a custom offers the men to drink more than they would since they aio able to secure all they want ró credit. Manya laborin? man has been compelled to leave the rreater part of his week's eamlngs at tho saloon where he is paid off bon bis family needed it at home. op hen he wouhi have to leave his Krooer#s bül unpaidasarcsult. Few men. eepecially umon; the laboring class, who are LU able to spend any considerable amount I liquor, would drink as much were it not for this pernicious custom. inore is necd of a law forbidding anv eontraetor compelllng his men to go toa saloon to receive their wages. H is .liiimed bysome that contractors who do this get a commission on what the saloon keeper collects from the men paid it his saloon. If this is truc, it is all the more evident that something should be done to suppress the evil. Such a conspiracy, for such it must be aenominated, to induce laboring men to spend their earnings for liquor, should meet such au opposition in public sentiment that contractors would be compclled to de-nst or lose the patronage of people with contracts to let.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register