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W. C. T. U.

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Twenty-three years ago, near Chnstmas time, at the suggestion of Dr. Dio Lcwis, whose own mothcr liad been successfully engagcd in the sumo or similar work, there was iuaugurated in Hillsboro, Ohio, the vvonüerful Woman's Crusade, which was so great, not only in its immediate results of saloons and reclaiming drunkards, but as a propelling force to the toraperanue cause, and as a factor in the uplifting of American womanhood. The consecrating power which then feil upon the hearts of those Ohio women is not yet lost. The brave deeds they did for God. have made circles in the great sea of human events which will touch the shores of eternity, and prayei"S then prayed must be remembered yet in heaven. SaysJohnG. Wooley ''In 'Ti I saw my mother kneeliní inthesnow topray at a saloon door, and I crept out by a side way, Stepping sof tly in thesavvdust, ashamed of (-. That days work cost her her life, and the saloon not even paused, and her only child sped downward to the heilof drunkeness; but that snow-set prayer persisted at God's throne tlivough thirtoon awfal years, and for her importunity Ui: could but always hcar. and wheo 1 'A.uld' Ete spoke to me, and speaks. and will ipeok on and on until on onio sweet Chriitmas eve 1 iind niy mothef's artüHagatn, and Leasing on her great heart; calebrate the and of the Crusade.". On Dec. Sth the W. C. T. tf, of Ann Arbor, Mieb. whieh, uader tne shipof Mra. .(onnio 'oorhi9, is doingf ' goo.l work, colebrated the twenty-third annivorsary of this wonderful move" ment." A liirpre nnrabor of Indios were present. Alter exercisea, Miss Aun Richards read ári account of theCrusade ritten by Miss Willard, and later. Mtsa Kmraa Bower ga,e a readlnji From Mrs. Livennóre; Mrs; Steek', fierbaps, the onty ordinal Orusader left in Ann Arbor gavo memories of the woik in this place, and other ladies addud their impresslons and knowlodse of events occurring at thut time. Dr. Mary Wbod-Allen mado an excellent address on the resulta of the Crusadè as developed in the subsequent work of the Woman's Christian Totnperance l.'nion. MU8ÍC and refreshments added interest to the occasion, and altogether there was had a very profltable and enjoyable time.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register