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City Engineer Key estimates that the Liberty st. lateral sewer will cost $2090. Therc was a county teachers examination at the Court House last Thursday and Friday. This eveningr, Prof. and Mrs. Perry give a reeeption to the 9enior Hifrh School class. G. F. Schleicher's new residence will be heated by stoara. .T. F. Schuh has the contract. Last Sunday was tho ftrst in three raonths without rain. Blcyolerfl ra:ule the most of ït. The senior class in the High Scbool held their class day exercises at Whitmore Lake yesterday. Miss Maud McOmber, of 22 E. Jelïerson-st.. who has been ill for a long time died Monday morning. Mr. Fred. Berryman has bought the Gibson & Clark Gallery on W. Huronst., oí Mr. Geo. R. Kelly. F. Stoíllct has reeeivcd from the League of American Wheelracn a sanction for the bicycle races of July 3 in this city. Mrs. C. C. Curtiss is improving her residenee 83 E. Washington-st. with a modern bath room. J. F. Schub will do the work. The Ann Arbor Oratorical association will offer $2."j as first prize and $15 as second as indueement for students to oxcell in oratory. Mrs. Geo. Vandawarkerleftlast Tuesday afternoon for Xew Hudson, where she was called by the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. Bowers. The Y. P. S. C. E. of tbe Congregational church will servo ice cream and cake on the church lawn Monday evening, June 28. 1 'rice, 10 CPiits. THE ReGISTEB acknowledges the courtesies extended to the press by tliü Alumni Association in the way of tickets to he bancjuot tomorrow night. Geo. R. Spalding, a son of Gen. Geo. Spalding of this district, has successfully passed all of liis examinations and will enter West Point military academy soon. The council Monday night accepted the bond of the New State Telephnnc Co. without any bondsmen whatever. Their faith in the new company must be very great. High School commencement in Hljjh School Elall tomorrow torenoon. Mr. aad Mt. Adam Nell' aro the happy parents of u new girl baby. The Ann Arbor High School Alumni banquet wil! bo beid in High School Hall tomorrow night. There was ;i bright baby boy bom to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Brown, of Geddos ave., last Wednesday. Washtenaw county owes the state only$82.78delinquenttax. Pretty good showing for the so called hard times. The Y. M. C. A. h hasUming lts arrangements for a great suocesa witli itfl annual excursión to Detroit, July 16th. It is expected that about (0 of the 7!) pupils who will gradúate from the Ann Arbor High School tomorrow will enter the University this fall. The city has been thoroughly decorated with annount'ements of the great Barnum and Bailcy show which, it is announced, will be here soou. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the V. W. B. M. will meet this afternoon at the home of Mrs. Weeks, 96 liroadway. Lunehcou will be servcd at (3 o'clock. The children of the fourth ward school of Ypsilanti took an excursión ride on the motor last FriJay. An enjoyable time was had by the little folks. The owner of the Cook House contemplates erecting a four story addition just south of the present building. It will add considerable room to the hotel's accommodation. The bicycle path to Whitmore is now completed quite a distance beyond the Noithlield church. A portion of the distance has been covered with einders and is in excellent shape. Aid. Arthur Browa, Aid. C. H. Cady aud W alter C'. Mack have purohaaed the Chi Psi fraternity property at the cornet' of Washtenaw and E. University avenues and will lay it off in building lots. The street scrapor has been out lor several days past. Prospect street is sadly in need of a good scraping. It vvould also be a good plan to remove several loads of stone that arescattered on the street. Louis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. II. Pond, of this city, died suddenly at Butte, Montana, last Friday. The young man was on his way to California j when he was taken ill and compelletl to stop olí at Butte where he died. The U. of M. Daily suspended publLcation this week to give the seniors on the board of editors a chance to bone up and secure enough credit to gradúate. Tuk Student' Register will appear reguhuly exams or no exams. There will be a meeting of the Ann Arbor berry growers in the basement of the court house, Saturday, Judo 26 at 3:30 p. m.. to makeariangements for the shipping and marketing of this year's erop. All berry growers should be sure to attend. The rumor that Supt. Robison of the Detroit schools would not probably be reelected has causod a large number to apply for the place. Among these i Mr. E. A. Lyman of the University, who it is said. stands a fair show of napturing the plum. THe eleventh annual June Fe.-tival given by St. Thomas Conservatory of Musie last Wednesday and Thursday evenings was a great suecos. The house was crowded both evenings while the music, drills and drama rere exceptionally well rendered. The Times pokes fun at Prof. Winea bocause he stopped balls with his fe:t in the great Univ.-High School ,'ame last Saturday. Doesn't the Times know that it was ïnuch easier for the Prof. to use his feet for that purpose than to stoop clear down to where the ball was. There carne being ascrious accident at Whitmore last Sunday. The Misses Saundersand Campion were in a eail boat withtwo young raen l'rom Toledo. The boat became unmanageable and was capsized. It was only by the timely assistance of a row boat that the girls were rescued. It is reported that Captain Granger's reporta of the condition of Corapany A., M. .N. G. aro the best ever receivcd at State Headquarters at Lansing. Tlio company's account books are in excellent shape and every bit of state property acoounted ror. This is an unusual state of affKirs for which Capt. Granger is certainly dtwerving of great credit. Thfl marriogeof MisaDouglass toMr. BeiTi(.-nt of Lansing will take placo today. Congressman Spalding has appolnted H. P. Dodge as postmastér at Whitmorc Lakc. Companj A. may well fecl proud of the line BhowlBg it w;is able to al inspectlon Tncsday night. Christian Heuscl, afjed 72, an old and hlghly respected citizen of Soio township died Tuesday morninfr. Burglars broke mto Hagen 's grocei y store on Detroit street Tuesday night and helped themselves to cigars. The Congregational Sunday school will hold a picnic at Cascade glen, Saturday. ïhe part; will leave the chvirch at 10 a. m. The hourofthe Sanday e veninjf service at St. Audrew's church during the summer beginning wlth next Sunday, will be 6:30 o'elock. Mayor Hiscoe.k lias vctoed tho ;u tions of the Counoil aceepting the bond of the New State Telephone Co. without any sureties. Tt was the proper thing to do; The three year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Miller of Gcddes Av., died yesterday ïnorning. Funeral services at the home tomorrow at :i p. in. The subject of ttie Rïv. Henry Tat lock's sermón, at St. Amlrew's church, next Sunday morning will be "The Work of College and University Settlements." Not a few of our citizens are wondering what had come over the council last Monday night when it accepted the bond of tlic new State Telephone Company without any bondsmen whatever, It was indeed a strange proceedinjr. A team belongine to Hiram Kittredgo becamo frightened ïuesday noon on N. Main street and rao away. They brought up suddenly in Ed. Du1ïy"s show window opposite the püstolliee. Considerable damage was done though no one waa hurt. (.uite a little excitement vvas caused on the draymen's córner of the Court LIouse square yesterday afternoon by Mr. J. J. Goodyear of the Humane Society purchasing of two draymen two raiscrably starved horses for $2.00 and having Marshall Sweet take them off to pasture. The Lake Shore and Michigan Southern railroad company has recently refunded its indebtedness and has filed a uew íaortgage for $50,000,000. This has to be ñled in every county through wliich the road runs. As a consequence a oopy was filed here last week. The fee for recordins? was $30.00. Monroe has been very indulgcnt to bieyclists, allowing them the use of the bidevvalks, and fixing no time limit. But the ''scorcher'' was there, and hoglike, owned the earth and all that in it is. A six mile speed limit has now been lixed by ordinance, but the use of sidewa.ks is not prohibited.- Adrián Press. Ann Arbor Kncampment. No. 7, I. O. O. V. , elected the following otlicei-s at its meeting last Friday night: W. J. Wiloutt, C. P. ; C. E. Godfrey, H. 1'. : E. P. Cook, S. W.: R. E. Staebler, J. W. ; Herman Krapf, scribe; J. J. Perguson, treasurer; George II. Millor. representative to the grand oncampment. The installation of these new otlicers will oceur Friday evoning, July 2iid. The REGISTER has on exhibition in its office window an ugly fragment of i. bottle that was picked up on the new bicycle path by Miss Hattie Crippen. It has a keen edge and raight have ruined a score of bicyele tires had it been upon the track late in the evcnintf when it could not have beer readily seen. It is an exceodingly mean and contemptible person who would place such a thing upon a bicycle path. Henry L. Cone, the medical student who ran away from his wife some time ago is in trouble at Battle Creek. His wife is there, living with her fathcr. A few days ago Cone showed up and wanted to sce his wife but was not al lowed to do so. One morning he met his brother-in-law, attacked him and in spite smashed his wheel. Cone was arrested and lockcd up in a pólice room adjoining the jail. lic was not there to stay liowev-er, and knocking out a window climbed iuto another building near by and has not been seen since. The sixtecnth annivcrsary of 1he organization of the Maccabees in thia city was duly and fittingly celebrated in Maccabce hall, over the postoflice !ast Wednesday uight. After a bountiful feast toasts wre íesponded to by Mayor Hiscock, Mrs. Sunderland, Hon. D. D. Aitken, of Fliut, Rev. W. L.Ted. row, M. J. Cavanaugh, Prof. T. W. Hughes, Hon. H. W. Newklrk, Miss Emma E. Bower and D. P. Markey, of Port Huron. Music was furnished by the Mozart Quartettu, of Saline. "Aid. Hamllton of the Pint ward la the bardcst working alderman on the board,'' remarked a citizen this morning. ''Wby, Isaw him carryiDg stono yesterday to help somo laborors who are mak ing repairs for the city on ono o( our principa] strocts. What do you think of that? He's a good workor, too. The Fint ward liu reason to be prond of Aid. Ilamilton." - Timet. A landlady living onS. Ingalls street had seven or eight students up before Justice Pond yesterday for nonpayment of room rent. It appears that some time ago the boys spilled a bottle of ink on the carpet of their room. The landlady claimed mo'-e damages than the boys were willing to allow. She promptly appropriated a valuable microscope for security. The students then refused to pay their room rent and threatened to sue the landlady fur larceny. Sho was nothing daunted and began suit for the room rent. The case will be heard June 24 unless an agreement is reached before that da-te. -


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Ann Arbor Register