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RINSEY & SEABOLT NO. 6 and 8 Washington St. Have always on hand a complete Stock of everything in tha GROCERY LINE Teas, Cofíees and Sugar All prime articles bought for cash and can 9ell at low figures. Our frequent 'aijjo Involcea of Teas is a sure aign wa ive barguins in Quality and Prices. We roast our own coff ees every week always fresh and good. Our bakery turas out the verj best of Bread, Cakes ani! Crackers. Cali and see uu. NEW MEAT MARKET 19 N. FOURTH AVE. We sell for cash. cheap. All Home Grown Meáis. Your custom is solicited. H. P. VOQEL, Proprietor. IMPORTANT NOTIGE ! Don'í ' Dea voed by paylng íaney prices for Sewing Machines. lf you d(i, you simply help fco ]ay large salaries and conmússions. '1 carry a line of tirst-class sewing machines, and can sellstrictly high-grade goods at prices that talk. I have the White, Standard and Household Also needies, oil and repairs ,for all machines. Otlice 11 N. Main-st., Opera House Bik., Ann Arbor. L. OTOOLE. MAKE YOUR MONEY MAKE HONEY By securing a county aerency for our Reversible Wall Map of the United States and the World. The largest one sheet map published; six feet loug: eleven beautlful colors. It is so attractive that it alinost sells itself. IT IS A Photograph of the World One side shows a colorcd map of our great country, witli railroads, counties, rivers, towns, etc. The other side shows an equally elegant Map of the World, locating all countries at a glance by help of a marginal index. It alo shows ocean currents, routes of (Uscoverers, and accurately locates the scènes of all current events, such as boundary disputes, Cuban battles, Armen i an massacres, polar expeditions, etc Onreceiptof $1.25 we will send a sample copy by prepaid express, and will In forra you how to obtain a trial ageney. Our men clear $15.00 to 135.00 weekly after a month's work. RAND, McNALLY & GO., 160-174 Adams Street., Chicago, III. ifSTWc also need agents for our fine line of Subcription Books, Atlas, Encyclopedias, etc. WM. W. NICHOLS, Dental Parlors! OVER SA VIA GS 11 ANK OP PO SITE QOVRT UOUiSE ÜQUA1CJÚ. n K. W1L1.IA7I9, Atlerney at Luw, .TTIlan, ,nirh. Money loaned for outside partles.Al! legal business given prompt attention. LOUIS ROHDE, -DEALER IN- l COAL, WOOD, LIME, Cements, Land Piaster, Drain Tiles, Sewer Pipes -CASH PAID FOR- JiIDES, IRON, BONUS. Yard Near Anu Arbor ltitilroad, V llurou Street. OHire. it; I). Hiiron-itl HUMPHREYS' No. I Cures Fever. No. 2 " Worms. No. 3 " Infants' Diseases. No. 4 " Diarrhea. No. 8 " Neuralgia. No. 9 Cures Headache. No. 1O " Dyspepsia. No. 11 " Delayed Periods. No. 12 " Leuchoprea. No. 14 " Skin Diseases. No. 15 Cures Rheumatism. No. 16 " Malaria. No. 2O " Whooping Cough No. 27 " Kidney Diseases. No. 3O ' " Urinary Diseases No. 77 " Colds and Grip. Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price, 25c, or 5 for $1. Db. Hcmpheeys' Homeopathic Manüal op Diheases Mailed Free. Humphrey' Med. Co., 111 William St., N. Y. The doctor may bo a g-oud oíd man, but evon so, medical t-.aminations atid tbo "locul-applicatlon" troRtment are abhorrcnti ti every modest wotnan. They aro embárraselo); - ofteo uselcss. They should not be submilted to until everytblng else lias been tried. In nine 00868 out of ton there is no reason for tbcin. ín nine casos out of ton, the doctor in general practico ien 't competent to trest témale diseases. They make a branch of medicine by themselves. They are distinot from other ailinents. They can be properly undersood and treated oniy by One who has had years of actual practice andexperienoe in tbis particuiar Vino. This la true of Dr. H. V. Pierce, chief consult physicianof thelnvalid's Hotel and Surgical Instituto at Buffalo, N. Y, Dr. Pterco's Pavorite Preseríptlen, a remedy for all flerangcments of the reproductive oryans of women, lias been in actual use for moro than thírty years. It cures every form of "female weakness.


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Ann Arbor Register