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Drs. Kennedy & Kergan

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WEAK, NERVOUS, DISEASED MEN 250,000 CÜRED IN 2O YEARS. 8@ CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PA Y I jêêMjêê sinon in GniD F0R A case wE 3 Üfimfkkk " U CANNOT CURE OF iWET SELF-ABUSE, EHISSIONS, YARIGUÍS 'írt(ÍÍlk CELE, CONCEALED DRA1NS, STRICT.rfjfimT? URE OLEET, SYPHIL1S, STUNTED 1 $&ËËW&$:'ffl0 PARTS, LOST MANHOOl), IMPOTEN"fcf'lfe CY' NERVOUS DEB1LITY, UNNAT&W$ÊËbKÊp' URAL etc J The New Method Treatment is the A : ■'SP&jí' Greatest Oiscovery of the Age tiraron. rara. FOR CURIMG THESE DI-SEASES Thousands of young and mlddle aged mon are annually awept to a premature gravo through EARLV l.NDISCRfcTI„NS. EX-BSSES, AND BLOOD DISEASES. IÍ you have any of the followlng symptoms consult us before it ia too late. Ate you nervous anl wfiak, despondent and gloomy, apecks before the eyes wlth dark circles undsr them, woak back, kidneys Irritable, palpitatlon of the heart, bashful, dreama and loases, sediment lo urine, pimples on the face, eyes sunkon, hollow cheoks. careworn exprosslon, poor memory, llfeloss, dlstruatful, lack energy and strength, tlred mornlngs, rostlesfi nlghts, changoable moods, weak manhood, stunteü organs aucl promaturo docay, bone palna, halr loóse, aore throat etc. YOU HAVE SEMINAL WEAKNESS I OUR NEW METHOD THEATMENT alone can cure you, and make a man of you. Underils inlluWfíUU, "iHI'WBinni ence the brntn bncomps active, the bluod purlftóU ■ jt. 1 so that all pimplos, blotches and ulcers disapp ar; Kíí&r'its' the nérvea become strong as steel, ao that uervousBlSwíÉ'1' '':'"'L liosa, bashtulnesg and despondency dlsappear; ' ''íalSíM tho eyea becomo nrlght, the face full and ulrair, vt "' enorgy romrns to Iho body, and the moral, phystcal jjfl SRjjftVa'.' ancl sexual systems are lnvlgorated; all üralna ■:■ '%$Qí'&íl cense -no more vital waste f rom the systcm. The Y:% '&mP varlous orans become natural and manly. You "!#'' 'm, ivro fcel yourself a man and know marriago cnnnot bo ' wai vM afailuro. We invite all tho ufillctod to cmsult us Ml' t i'vVl Bi': ooBfldentlally and freo of charge. Don'i l.-t i-juacks -'IWvW-Jv and fakirs rob you of your hard earned uollars. S" ikE'K We wíll cure you ar no pay, ,J 5L, B HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED? W-. 1 '-■ ■■k ..íH SYPHILlSls the most provalent and most ', TlV. " "" . 'j "-''■""'"liÉ BLOOU dlsease. It sapa the very Ufe blood of the iS3l'3L-"b n&rTrr -J I victlm auil unlossentirelyeradicatod from w ' tem wlll afrDct tho offsprlng. Beware of Mercury. hbbkditaby blood disease. It only fluppresses tho symptoms-our NEW ME I HOD posltively cures it for ever. YOUNU OR AilDULE-AOED MAN- You've led a gay lito, or lndulgod in the folliea of youth. Solf-abuso or later excesses have broknn down your system. You feel the aymptoma stealing ovor you. Montally, physlcally and seiually you aro not tho man you usod to be or should be. Lustful prácticos reap rich harvosta. Will you heod the danger signáis. RF AfHR I ArRyuaTlctIm? Havo you lost hopo? Are you contemplating marrlage? IILHUl f! ! Has your blood boon dlscased? Have you any woaknoss? Our New. Method Treatmont wlll euro you. What It has done for others It wlll do for you. Conultatioo hree. No mattor who haa treated you, wrlte for an honest opinión Freo of Charge. Uiarge roasonabte. Books Free -"The Golden Monitor" (illustrated), on Dlseasoa of Mon. Incloso postage, a cent. Bealed. üook on "Disensos of Woraen" Free. Ï-NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PMVATE. No medicine sent C.O.D. No ñames on boxes orenvelopes. Everything confidential. Question list and cost of Treatment. FREE. , No. 148 SHELBY ST. DETROIT, MICH.


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