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School closed last Friday with a picnic in Mr. Davis' grove. The K. O. T. M. held a social at M r. L. Bennett's, of Webster, las1; weck Friday it was fairly vvell ftttended cousidering tliafc it was the same night nf Dexter E. S. coramenceinent. Mrs. 'Poster Litcbdelu, who dislocatod her shoulder by a fall, is doing linely. Mrs. Millie LÜchüeld, teacher in tbc Doxter school, with her childrcn are stopping with her at the present. SILlill TOWN. M. F. Bailey's family are having the measles. Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Packurd, of Detroit, are visiting relativos here. Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Jarvis visited friends in South Lyou, Saturday and Sunday. The Laphams Sabbath school held a strawberry SOCldl at Mr. Torn Kane's, Tuesday ovening. Mr. MiloSweetand Miss Vlay Thompson were rnarried at the weBt Congreyational church Wcdnesday, June 2-, iit 5 o'clock, by Rev. Hanniford. A bout seventy-five people gathered at the farm of Chas. Colé Wednosdny to raise a large bai'ii for him. Mr. F. A. Shuart, of Dixboro, framed ttv? burn. SALE TI VIIjLAGB. Farmers are very busy haring. It is a larger erop thaii has been harvested for scveral years. Rev. Hanaford and wife are visitng relativas at Bcnzonia. A tomperance concert will bo held at the CongregaLional church noxt Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Scaith spent Sunday with their sister, Mra. Currie VanAtta, of Northville. Mr. and Mrs. A. BWanAtta entertained a few of their friends to tea last Saturday eveuing. Mr. and Mrs. Will Thayer, of Northviile, Fpent Sunday with friends iu Salem. Mr. Frcd. Ryder and Miss Celia Long were niarried last Wodnesday evenlug. The ladies of the Cougregational church will serve icj cteanfi and cake from 4 o'clock to 8 p. m. on Monday .luly 5 in Salem vil lage. Kveryhody come and have a good timo. Mr. W. M. Burtlesshaá bègun work on a fine new residence. The Manchester Cheese Faclory is steadily inereasing in popularity. Ton to eleven thousarui pounds of milk are received daüy from about 135 patrons. farmers are well pleased with the factory as tliey are receiving prices equal to 18 cents a pound for butter. Fred Aylsworth, of Tecumseh, was in own Sunday. Mrs. Steinkohl, of Lansing, is visi ing her son, Fred. Mis Ida Silkworth is visiting relatives in Reading and Jaekson. Dr. Will Reed, of Tecumseh, spent Sunday hore with his mother. Miss Elizabetli Farrell spent a few i.'ays with friends in Tecumseh ast week. Miss Bertha Lehn and Miss Cynt'nia Bailey attended commencement exeruises in Brookljn la=t weuk. Mis Julia Sehoettle attonded the wedding of Miss Marie Bruegol in Aon Arbor last Wednesday. The old house on W.m. Burtless' lot, next to Haenssler's, bas been removed and they have begun digüing the cellar for his new residence. Mrs. I?. W. Amsdan and children visiteil her parents in Brooklyn a poi - tion of la&t week. Mr. and Mrs. Addis Leeson, of Boston, are ?-L-iid Lt)í thc suramer VKcatloo witfa his paronts here; Mrs. Ir. Ohlínfrep, ho bas bceo iil for along time, dted last S.iturday afterDoon at 4 o'clock. Her remaiaa rere taken on Monday afternoon to her oíd homo in Obio, for intermcnt. The Doctor and hie famlly have tnany sympathlzing [rienda in their bereaveinuut. SALINB. Misa May Blackraer frotn Milán attended comtnenoetn&Qt exerctses here last Thursday. Promotion and commenoeraent exercises of the Saline Uigh School pasged olí fincly. Probably no larger erowda ever attendod theae exeroisea than aiLended tboso last Thursday. I ti the morning exeroisea began at H:8ü oonsisting of recltatioaa and songs, which wei-e hoartily greeted by thosn prrsent, aftur wliicli the ProtnoltODS, .";.'! pecetvng thelr certifioates to pass to higher grades iu tbeir ladder of Fame. In the evening, the regular fouimencement exercises were huid in tlie Opera liouse vvhen sevon ladiea and tiro gentlemen reeeived tbelr "Sheepsklns." Not enonu-h pralae can bc jiven the class of r97 for tbe'.r tine essays and recltations, Two ospecially we menLion. Tne reeitation by Miss Agnes AícKinnon entitlod "Mona'a Waters" whioh was unusually line; also an oration by Mr. Chap. VViiliaras. Muaii; was furoiahed by the Normal Conservator; Qaartette. Dr. A. S. Hall is spending his vacation at his home here. Mrs. Bert Flood olosed her school with a Picnic last Priduy iftei-nooa ín Schill's Grove wesi of town. Italplí Masón and lOlnior Has-ott carne over frora Aun Arbor to the Alumni Banquet last Priday eveniug. Comraencement week closed wlth Uic annual banquet last B'riday Eva at the Opera flouse. which was a grand alïair. The tables were set for about 160 persons. Toasts were responded to by neven of tbe Alumni. The catering was done by our city baker, Aibert Buooiisensebuss. of whom we cannot jjive euougb praise tor the vvav in which he handled the crowd. The "Banquet Cake'' was made by him: it was the (inost ever set bel'ore the people of Saline at a banquet. Rev. Stovonson of Clinton Cong. church preached. in the i'resbyterian church last Sunday. Ecnmett Schatter has Ijeen at liomc a few days tliis week. The case of Whcllock vs. Van Gieson was called bef ore Justiee Howe Monday. Prof. A. O. Austin left for his home Monciay. Many were glad to hear that the Prof willbe back whon school opens ayaiu. Jamos Fitzgerald takes Fred Nissly's nosition in the grocery store while he takes his vacation. Fred Nissly left Thursday evening foi' Elyria, ühio, where he will visit frienás. Bert Rogera will act as station agent fór Lwo weeks while ü. A. Bennett is in Ypsilauti taking baths for rheumatism. Ch:vs. Burkhart was in Detroit lust VVethjesd.iy on businoss. Ai-'Jnir (oe killed a badger which was prowling around his house one night last week. . Hert Wtaeeier und attorney from Buston, came hoie to settle up Bert's lathor's estáte last Thuisday. Mitw Rana Voang'g sohool, soutli of town, held a pieuic last week Thuursciay. A line time is reported. Walier Nissly left for lClyria, Ühio. last Thursday where ho expects to spend his vacation with friends.


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