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E. F. Mills & Co.

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a Rfn ríp QíííRT Fl AX c-verstocked SHIRT WATST Manufacturar made a proposición last Monday to a number of Michigan meFchants ia Detroit, Plint, Port Hurón aad other places, in which wc were included, to take his entire stock on hand, amountiDsr to 2,000 dozen Waists, at about one-half the earlv ?ncÍeSo,,-ír!!)ro)OSicn 7a8 Pr0I"Ptly acceptedand our share in the deal- 816 Waists-shlpped us at onoe. Aa our customers well know we arenot given to exasrííuratjon in oiir advertising. When we say to them that no such bai-gains in SHIRT WAISTS llave ever been known in Ann Arbor as ilns purchaae enablea ua to offer, we know they will realiza at once that it i ' m extraordinary opportunitj we ure offering them. Every garment of ■■ nii-e lot is mado m the best poasible manner, of new and seasonable fabrica aud in iliovery hitest, nd most, auprovedstyles. Had it not been for tho no'precedcnted cold spriug no sucb offer wcmld or could liave been mud ■ ■ - 1O mannracturer'B loss ia your gain. The balance of our stock will b, ., . ri-.l n-)'h th ■., oddsatcorrespondinorly low prtoee, and anyone deairing Shirt Waists „i uüuhuif to two-thirda pnce ahould taku advantage of this sale which opened f AND CONTINÚES UNT1L THE STOCK IS DISPOSED OF. 2ÍIK WAISTS, maileof ScotehLappets, Fine Ditnities, Scotch o ÖU (J,la Regular prices $2.00, $1.75, $1 (9 and riNC $!.;0, all at oi,e price yUv Q Q n WAISTS, mude of Fine Dimities. C0L. Best Percales, and Pretty Novelties in Wasb Goods, Cf Regular prices, $1.25 and SI. 00, all at orie price O 30Q WAT3T3,made up 'in the very latest. styles cf Daintv JtJ Dlmltiee. Percales and Fanoy Wash Pabrtes. Eteirulftr 1 (C priees, 7oo, 59c and 50c, but all at ono price now O J M we are entlmsiastic over the values we shall offer in this sale we are certain you will be still more 60 when you see the ooda.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register