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Must Take Stock

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At the last session of the circuit court.Judge Kinne rendered a decisión which made void a contract bctween the village council of Chelsea and Mr. F. P. Glazier, by which the latter agreed to furnish water for a certain number of hydrants by means of a private system of waterworks. The lawsuit was the 'last feature of an old feud, which for more than two years has divided Chelsea into factions and raised up enmity between the citizens that will probably never be peacefully overeóme. On one side are Mr. George P. Glazier, the banker, and his son Frank P. Glazier, manufacturer of oil stoves. On the other is David Taylor, attorney, II. S. Holmes, member of the state prison board, and others. The trouble began about two years ago when the village voted in favor of electric lights. The contract was let to Frank P. Glazier, who by combining his large oil stovo, f actory and the electric lig-hting plant, considerably cheapened the coat of the latter. Some people objected to the extra tax and a rather strong sentiment was raised against the electric light scheme. Then carne a village election and the Glazier party got a majority of the council members and going on to further improvements contracted with F. P. Glazier to supply the village with water. When the people became aware of this move they objected and presented a remonstrance with about 100 signers asking the eouncil to submit the question of water works to a vote of the people. This the August body refused to do and the people at onco charged that the council was owned by F. P. Glazier whose father was a member. Both sides were now angry in dead earnest. Threats were made and the fur began to fly. The matter was taken into court and the charge was made that the fathers of the lage had exceeded their authority, but before the case wa9 tried another vi'lago election was held and after some political hustling that would do honor to a presidential oontest the Glazicr faotion was beaten and a majority of the council favored tho breaking of the contract which was doce at the last session of court. The matter is not settled yot as it is thought Air. Glazier will appeal and carry the fight to the supreme court. The latest and, perhaps, most interesting development of all ia the organizatioD of a stock company by Mr. F. P. Glazier to control the water works. The men say they have been asked to takeone share eachat$100and if they do not do so are threatened with dismissal. Ten per cent. of each man's salary is to be held back every week to apply on the stock till the full $100 has been made up. Moreover, each share wil! be assossed five dollars at once to pay the expenses of the law suit just ended and the one about to begin. Some of the men say they will give up their positions. The majority, however, will take the stock in order to hold their positions. As more than 100 men are amployed tho undortaking assume8 rather large proportions and the outcome can not fail to awaken great interest.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register