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UOUNCIL CHAMWKR, i Aun Albor, July Stil 1897. ) Resalar session. Called to order by Glen V. Mills, City Clerk. Roll called. Mo qurotn being present the Council was declared adjourned until Wednesd;iy JulvTth, 1897. Glen V. Mills, City Clerk. COUNCIL CHAMBEE, ) Aun Arbor, July 7th, 1897. S Adjourned session. Called to order by Pres. Luick. Holl called. Quorum present. Absent Aid. Vandawarker, Coon. COMMTTMCATION FROM THE MAYOK. To the Honorable tho Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor: Gentlemen:' lam obliged to disapprove your action in grantiug Mrs. Ann Evans a monthly allowance of live dollars from the city treasury. This sum was formerly given her but on íecommendation of tlie Poor Committee and the Supt. of the Poor tlie last Council canceled the allowance. There is no change in tlie eondition and no reason why an exception should he made in her case as her needs can be provided for in the usual way. Chas. E. ÖI8COCK, Mayor. June 28, 1807. Filed June 24th, 1807, at 9:30 a. m. Glen V. Mills, City Clerk. The resolution faitea to pass, the veto of tlie Mayor notwithstanding, as follows: Veas- Aid. Ilamilton, Sweet, Soule, Danforth- 4. Xays- Aid. Mooro, Grossman, Kocli, ])el), Urown, llhodes, Spathelf, Cady, Pres. Luick- 9. Tothe Honorable the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor: Gentlemen: I am compelled to disapprove your action in appropriating $205.00 for completiiif? the curbing on S. University ave. There has been expended on tlie north drive the sum of $173.04 and on the soutli drive $997.50, and I fecl as thuugh enongh of the city's money had been expended on this street the present year. Chas. E. HisCOCK, Mayor. June 23, 1897. Filed June 24th, 1897, at 9:30 a. m. Glen V. Mills, City Clerk. The resolution failed to pass the veto of the Mayor, notwithstanding, as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Grossman, Dell, Sweet, Brown, llhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Cady- 9. Nays- Aid. Ilamilton, Kocb, Danforth, Pies. Luick- 4. To tlie Honorable the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor: Gentlemen: ' I beg to disappove your action In accepting the bond of the New State Telephone Company without sureties. It has been the custom on all bonds given the city to have either corporate or individual suretiesand I must insist in tliis case that the rule be complied witli and will require the parties singing to qualify in the penal suni of the bond. Respeetfully, ClIAS. E. IIlSCOCK, Mayor. Fiied .lune 23d, 1897. at 1:30 p. m. Glen V. Mills, City (Merk. The resolution failed to pass the veto the Mayor, notvvithstandiug, as follows. Yeas- Aid. Koch, Danfqrth- 2. Nays - Aid. Moore, Ilamilton, Grossman, Dell, Sweet, Brown, llhodes, Spathelf, Soule.Cady, Tres. Luick- 11. PETITIONS ANDCOMJirxiCATIONs. ïo the Common Council: The Board of Public Works would respeetfully recommend that the Engineer be instructed to prepare Street Grades on the following streets: Huron, between State and Thirteenth; Thirteenth, between Huron and Ann; División, between Kingsley and Detroit: Ann, between Fourth ave, and Fifth ave.; Pontiac, between Swift and Moore. liespectfully submitted, Gleu V. Mills, Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Aid. Cady moved that the recommendation be concurred in. Adopted as follows, Yeas - Aid. Moore, Ilamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, llhodes, Spathelf, Cady. Pres. Luick- 10. Nays- Aid. Brown, Spathelf, Danforth- 3. To the Common Council: The Board of Public Works wonld respeetfully recommend that a brick crosswalk be built across Spring on the soutli side of Hiscock. liespectfully submitted, 'Glen V. Mills, Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Aid. Dell moved that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Board. Yeas- Aid. Dell, Sweet, Rhodes- 3. Nays- Aid. Moore, Ilamilton. Grossman. Koch, Brown, Spathell, Soule, Danforth, Cudy. Pres. Luick- 10. Where upon the communication was referred to Sidewalk Conmiittee. To the Common Council: The Board of Health would respeetfully recommend that the Board of l'iiblic Works be instructed to clean all public and private alleys of the City. liespectfully submstted, Glen V. Mills, Clerk of. the Board of Health. Aid. Koch moved that the communication be referred to the Board of L'ublic Works. Adopted. To the Honorable the Common Council of the City of Ann Albor: The undersigned Lodge has erected a Society Hall on the northeast corner of W. Williara and Second sts. in the Second Ward of said City of Ann Arbor, and is desirous to build a connecting sewer; now, therefore. said Lodge respeetfully askayour honorable body for a permit to run such sewer along the north side of W. William st. and connect with the main sewer on First st. Gemianía Lodge, No. 476, D. O. II., liugene Oesterlin, Sec. of Uuilding Coniinittee. Aid. Brown moved that the subject be referred to the Sewer Committee and Board of Public Works. Adopted. A petitlon signed by W. II. Clancy and thirteen others asking i'or brick croswalks at the corner of Maynard uid Williams sts., was referred ta the Sidewalk Cominittee. HEPORTS OF STANDING COMMTTTEES. FINANCE. ïo the Common Council. Your Cominittee on Finance wonld espectfnlly report that they have had ,he following bilis under consideration ind wonld recommend thoir allowance md that warrants be ordered drawn 111 payment of the sanie: Kespectfully submitted, Arthur Urown, Michael Grrossman, llanison Soule, t'cimmittee on Finance. CONTI NCENT KUND. Glcn V. Mills, salary S:t 34 l'atiicU O'Heara " BH 34 Edward L. Seyler, " 8 :n Moek & Schinid, rent 8 : tfiohael Staebler, coal 18 ÜO Dr. w. I!. Bmlth, desk 10 00 il W. Millard, pilnting 32 00 Glen V. Mills, postage 8 25 Kobinson & Co., livery 4 00 G ra ham Thompson, maps 3 00 A.. L. Sarris, repairs 25 Alichigan Teleplioiio Uo., rental 3C T5 Glen V. Mills, arcount assigned 50 Ambrose Koarney, matches 40 Artlmr Mummery, supplles S 30 Manin Hnller, supplles and repairs.28 85 Dean & Co., supplk's 5 20 Ann Arbor Ariïus, prhitiug: 1" 7ü Inhuul Press, Printing SI' (O W. W. Wetmore 75 Parker, Oolburn itSohnelder, supplles so Glen V. Mills, telegram 25 w. v, Wetmore, supplies 11 10 Mis. C. A.G reene, rent ÍK 17 J. Hice Miner, board of review 18 00 Sul W. Millard. board of review 18 00 John ,T. Flaher, board of review 18 00 Herman Krapf, board of review 18 OU James Boylo, board of review 18 00 A. J. Kllson, board of review 18 00 Ei iieBt Eberbach, board ot review - 18 0(i Aun Arbor Electric Co., llghtlng 551 62 Charles Winkle. labor 75 M. J. Cavanausu, legal services 25 00 Wm. E. Eldert. servinff subpoenns 5 25 Jacob T. Sehuh, fees 10 00 Kil W. Mooie, witness 1 10 H. B. Dodiley, wltness 10 Dr. John Kapp, witness. 1 10 Dr. J. W. Morton, witness 1 10 Titus F. Hutzel. witness 1 10 Herman Hurzel, witne6S 1 10 Sophia Hutzel, witness 1 10 Leonard A. Hlake, witness 1 10 Joseph Glasier, witness 1 10 George Schwab. witness.. - 1 10 David AllmenditiKcr, witness 1 10 Wm. Herz, witness .-... 1 10 Engcne Oesterlin, witness 1 10 Martin Walsli, witness 1 in Wm. II erzoir, witness 1 10 Eugene Wanner, witness 1 10 (V. e. Sclmmaclier, witness 1 10 M. O. Peterson, witness 1 10 Ctcorgo Clarken, witness 1 10 M. M. Eisele supplies 65 Farmers' & Mecüanics' Bank. aocts. assigned 32 05 Ann Arbor Gas Co., lighticg 11W 32 Washteuaw Abstract Co., abstract. .. 25 00 Total t 1,329 78 SEWER PUND.- OENEIlAi.. E. W. Groves, salary f 75 00 J.F. Schuh, supplies S 05 Farmer's & Merhanic's Bank, acets. assigned 1 05 DISTRICT NO. 6. Engineering Record, advertising 28 80 Engineering News, ndvertising 10 20 Total $ 123 10 STHKET FOND. Ann Arbor Savinss Bank, accounts assigned S 5:t4 03 Farmers & Mechamos bank, acets. asstgned l,02;t 78 Danitü J. Koss, salary 66 W D. Hiscock & Son, coal 15 75 Wm. H. Mclntyre, aeot, assignod :'. 70 :nodic s Mar oiotning nouse, acct. :;si!jned 8 00 Wm. Seyl'ried, stone ; OU Zenus Sweet, stone 2 70 Gcorge Sweet, stone !i 20 State Suvinirs Bank, stoue assigned . 'J 00 George Glasier, stoue 47 20 Spencer I). Lennon, gravel... 10 50 e. s. Gartlner, gravel i 70 Henry Richards, coal 15 (') George F. Key, galary 100 (J0 C. W. 0111, luinber 4 :i2 Louis Rohde, supplies 191 88 Koeh Bros , masoa 1 50 frank Sutherland, labor 84 'J5 George H. l'isher, labor 4 B0 Zenas Sweet, paving stone 7 60 & Co., labor i 20 George W. Seybold, repairs 1 35 Qeo. w. Sweet, supplies 4 5U Glen V. Mills, accounts assigned 8 00 M. Staebler. snpplies 37 Dl Herma'n Krapf, luzuber 4 75 l.uick Bros., supplies 14 01 l'itts Agrl. WorKs, supplies 2 10 O. 11. Butterfleld, foreinan 31 M 1'. D. Hogers, labor 1 Oí Glen V. Mills, accts. assigned 1 00 Gottfrietl Gokenbaeh, labor (i 00 Miehael Wílhams, labor 7 6U í'liririt líonnin, labor 7 50 John Kittel, labor ti 00 Charles Hintz, labor 2 25 .Tohn Holkey, labor :i (X) JIrs. Condón, stone 1 20 Total $2,215 31 liRIDGE, CFXVERT AND CKO8SWALK ri'ND. Ann Arbor Sñvings Rank, accounts assigned $ 24 U Farmers & Mechamos Bank, accounts assigned 1 1 3(5 Koch Bros., eulvert 150 oo Total I 275 ,r)l POLIC1 FL'ND. Zcnas Sweet, salary S 75 00 Heubcn Armbruster, salary 50 00 .lohn O' Mará, salary Sil 00 David Colli .s, salary 5000 George Iebell, galary 60 OU Christian Urenner, livery 2 OH Marris Ball special 2 00 Total 27 00 FIRE DEPARTMENT l'UND, FredSipley, salary $ 00 00 O. A. Edward, salary r,0 (X) V. II. McLaren, salary 50 o.i Max WlttHnger, salary M) oo Albert West, salary..." 50 0J Bugene Williams, salary 50 00 Huruiun Kirn salary 50 0o Samuel McLaren, salary 5) OU Charles Carrol I, salary 20 00 Ed. Hoel.le, suUry...' 8 00 W. L. Schnlerle, salary H 00 Ijouís Hoelzlt!, salary 8 00 Wm. Retticli, salary s 00 George Uoelzle, salary 8 00 J. .letter, hay 7 49 Mrs. Keam, wasuing 5 00 M. Kyan, hay assigned to M. Haller 7 88 Martin Hallor, oarpet Vi 50 i. Wood & Co.,shavings 14 00 Ann Arbor Gas Co., lightintí 85 64 Total W 41 POOR FUND. I'. Blgalke. grooeries í 5 C0 Goodyear & Co., medicines I iñ Mrs. Íj. Hall, Ticas King's Daughters, 2 50 Ed. Dulïy, assigned to Glen Y. Mills 3 00 liuty & Fuiner, " " " 2 OO J. Qoetz & Son, " " " ó 'xi N. Garlinghouse, " " " 100 John Goetz, jr., ' " " ti 71 (i. Hoefer, " " " 7 50 F. Bigalke, groeeries ti 25 Ed. Dutly, grocerles B tí) loty i' lV-iiH'í-, shoes 1 oo .1 . Goetz & Son, (frocerles 5 84 J. Goetz, jr., grocerles ;i 04 G . Hoefer, ñoceiies 8 oo Mrs. L. Hall, Treas. King's Diiughters, H ;5 E, Jaeger, meat 15 W. F. Lodbolz, groceries 10 Ü2 Wm. H. Molntyre, gtooerie 7 t3 (liara, boyle 4 Co., grocerlea 1 OO 0. Blnsey, groeerleí ü 70 Kineey k Seabolt, grocoiies 1(147 (íoorge Spatlielf, meat 1 00 W, F. Stimson, grocerles 5 01 Wonian'slielief Corps, nurstng 8 75 Wsihr & Miller, shocs 2 00 FredSipley, salary t 10 00 Total (185 99 WATKR FDND. Ann Arbor Water Co., rental 13,0.17 50 CEUETBRT Fl ND. M. Garlinghouse, labor $ 2: 2.ri Edward Hatch. labor 4 B5 Total $ 27 íiu (Contimwd on nexl )ip . COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, [Continued imm preceütng page.) RECAPirULATIOR. Oontlngeat f und .. 13 rs McwcrFiind, general 84 10 Bewer Fund, district No. 6 BB 00 Street 3.215 :l Bridge, Cnlverf and Crosiwaïk 2Ï8 BI Polioe 279 IK) l'iic Di'imrliiKMit i,n: 11 Poor ÖS 09 Water :t,057 50 Cemetery 27 90 Total Í 8,016 50 Adopted as follows: ïeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Kooh, Dell, Sweet, Brown, Hlioiics. Sputhelf, Soule, Danfoïtli, Cady, Pres. Luick - 18. Nays - None. OBDIHAROE, Chairman Cady presented an ordinance entitled "An Ordinanco Relativo to the Pavement of Streets" which was given its third reading by sections and placed upon its passage. Aid. Brown moved the folio win g substitute for Section III. The Uity Rngiueer upon the passage of the resolution establishing a local assessment district, as provided in Section II. shall forthwitb proeeed to ascertain the quantities of the work and material requisite to the improvement so ordered, and estímate and apportion the expense of the construction thereof per front foot, and oï inspecting the work during its progress, and shall make a report of the same to the Common Counoil. Adopted as follovi : Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman. Dell, Sweet, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soulc, Danforth,1 Cady. Pres. Luick- 11. Nays- Aid. Koch, BtowOt-2. Aid. Brown moved the following substitute for Section IV. The report of the City Engineer shall shall be referred to a committee of the Common Council which shall make due inquiry relating thereto, and after hearing all persons interested iherein, appearing and desiring to be heard, shall make a report thereon to the Common Council ; and the Common Council shall, if the construction of any such pavement shall be still be deemed expedient, order and direct the Board of Public Works to cause any such pavement to be constructed and shall lix and determine the district to be assessed and chargod with the costs and expense of th6 construction of the same per front foot, excepting strect intersections and crossiugs, and excepting also one-fif th of the balance of the entire cost of the construction of any such pavement, which together with the eaid street crossings and intersections hall be paid by the City, and which shall be a charge on and against the general street fund, and which resolution of the Common Couucü shall be certified by the City Clerk to the Board of Public Works and the City Assessor, respeetively. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Dell, Sweet, Rhodes, Spathelf. Soule, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick- Nays- Aid. Koch, Btown- 2. Aid. Brown moved the followiog substitute for Section V. That after tho certification of any such resolution to the City Assessor, the City Assessor shall without delay proeeed to make, fill out and complete a spécial assessment roll, wherein and whereon he shall set down, alphabetically arranged, the names of alt the owners or occupants of the land contained within such special assessment district, and of all the land situated thcrein, weiland sufticiently described, and estimate and determine the number of feet frontage of each parcel thereof. Tliat after the completlon of any such special assessment roll the said City Assessor shall attach his certiticate thereto and certify the said assessment roll to the Common Counil, whereupon the Common Council shall fix and appoint a time, when sitting as a Board of Review the said assessment roll shall bo reviewed, and the said Common Council shall give at least seven days notico thereof by publication in the otlicial newspaper of the City. Tho Common Council on the day and at the time mentioned in such notice shall meetat the Council Chambcr, sitting a3 a Board of Review, and shall proeeed without ad journment to review any such special assessment roll. The Common Council sitting as such Board of Review shall have power and autlnrity to chango any descripüon of kind contained therein, and the foot frontage thereof and to aüd thereto lands omraitted therefrom, and to do and porform any other act or thing whatevor in and about any such special assessjnunt roll, to the end that every such special assessment roll shall be make just, truo and fair ; that any person interested therein muy be heard in pergon, by his agent or attorney, and all matters of complaint shall be duly eoneidered, and after any such special assessment roll shall have been duly considercd, the Board of Review shall approve or reject the same, and shall certify their'determination to the Common Council, and the Common Council at that meeling or the next meeting, shall contlrm any suoh special assessment roll soapproved by the Board of Review, and shall order the sum or sums of money fived and determined upon as the estimated cost of such street pavement, street crossings and intersections exceptcd, and one-tifth of tha balance of the cost also excepted, to be assessed and spread upou any' such special assessment roll and on and upon each and cvery of the regular annual assessment rolls'in said City for the year in and during which any such special assessment shall or may be payable, and levy the assessmont agalnst the owners or occupants of the lands set down therein, and shall levy and assess the aaid sum or sums of money on, upon and against the lands set down in and valued upon any such special assessment roll as per front foot as aforesaid and shall certify the said special assossmont roll and order and reiolution of assessment to tho City Assossor. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, (irossman, Dell, Sweet, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth, Cady, Pies. Luick- 11, Nays- Aid. Koen, Brown - 2. Aid. Brown moved to substitute the words "to tho foot frontago"' in place ot the words "estimated vwlue" in line 7 Seo. Ü. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Dell, Sweet, Rhodes, Spatholf, Sonle, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick- 11. Nays- Aid. Koch, 2 ■ Aid. Brown moved to substitute the words "Board ol' Public Works" in place of the words ''Common Council'' in lines 1, 8 and 12 of Sec. 10. Adopted as follows: . Yeas- Aid. Moore, Ilamilton, Orossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Brown, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth. Cady, Pres. Luick- 13. Nays - None. Aid. Hamilton moved that Soction 16 be amended by substituting the word "thirty" in place of "ten" in line 12. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Koch, Brown, Soule. Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick- 8. Nays - Aid. Grossman, Dell. Sweet. Rhodes, Spathelf- 5. Aid. Moore moved that Section 17 be amended by substitutins: the word "thirty" in place of "ten" in line 11. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Brown, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick - 10. Nays- Aid. Dell, Sweet, Rhodes- 3. Aid. Brovrn moved to amend Section 18 by inserting the words "twentysixthday of .Tuly" in place of twentyfirat day of June. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Brown, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick- 13. Nays - None. Aid. Dell moved to amend Sections 15 by inserting "fiftcen" in place of "thirty" in line 12, and in Section 17 line 11. Lost as follows: Yeas- Aid. Dell, Sweet, Rhodes, Spathelf, Pres. Luick - 5. Nays- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossraan, Koch, Brown, Soule, Danforth. Cady- 8. Aid. Brown moved to amend the title so that the same will read "An Ordinance Relative to Street Pavements." Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Grossuan, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Brown, Ehodes, Spathelf, Soule. Oanforth, Cady, Pres. Luick - 12. Nays - Aid. Elamilton- 1. Whereupon the question was, Shall this Ordinance pass? Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman. Dell, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Danfortli, Cady, Pres. Luick - 10. Nays-Ald. Koch, Swoet, Brown- 3. SEWERS. To'the Common Council. Your Committee on Sewers to whom was referred the report of the City Engineer relative to the construction of a lateral sewer on and along W. Libeity street would report that they have examined the same and are of the opinión that a sewer on W. Liberty street west f rom the main se vier is a neoessary public improvement, and the same ought to be constructed along W. Liberty street from the main sewer westerly to Seventh street as delineated on the map, of District No. T. Your Committee would recommend that the Board of Public Works be directed to secure proposals for the construction of such lateral sewer. Respectfully submitted, Horace P. Danforth, John Koch, Harrison Soule, Geo. Spathelf, Jr. Geo. W. Sweet, Geo. L. Moore. Committee on Sewers. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Moore, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Brown, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick-11. Nays- Aid. liamilton, Grossman- 2. STBEETÍTo the Common Council: The Committee on Streets would most earnestly protest against the salary of the City Engineer being taken from the Street Fund. A great portion of the time of this official is given to sewers, culverts, bridges, crosswalks and miscellanous work, and your committee are of the opinión that his sal ary should come from the Contingent Fund . Rjspeetfully submitted, (ico. L. Moore, M. Grossmann, 3, A. Dell, Arthur Brown G. C. iihodes, C. IL Cady, Harrison Soule, Committee on Stroets. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Brown, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth, Uady, Pres, Luick- 13. To the Comiuon Counoü : Your committee on streets would recommend that Wilmot Street be put to grade, turnpiked and roUed, and further, that the City Engineer be direeted to furnish an estimate for laying 500 feet of tile on Gott Street, and further, that the gutter in front of Miss LüUan t'ield's property on Norti Pourth Ave. be paved, andfurthor that a ten-inch tile be laid across Hill on west side of E. University-ave and across E. University-ave on the south side of Hill, and that gutter be oponed on Hill-st east of E. University-ave. Respectfully submitted, Geo. L. Moore, Grossman, J. A. De}l, Brown, G. C. Rhodes, C. H, Cady, Harrison Soule, Coramitteo on Strcota. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Brown, Kliode, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick- 13. Nays- None. Aid. Koch moved that at the expira, tion of the 30 days that the city build the walk along the east side of S. Ist-st if not built by the property owners before. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Brown, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Panforth, Cady, Pres. Luick- 11. .Nays- Aid. Mooro, Hamilton-;]. Eoxnc. To the Common Counoil : Your Committeo on Bonds would recommend thfi approval of the bond of the New State Telephone Co. with Wm L. Holmes and Frank A. Vernor as sureties. Rcipoctfully submitted, C. H. Cady, M. tfrosáinaii, Committee on Bowls, Adopted as follows : Veas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton. Grossman Koch, Dell, Sweet, Brown,Khodes, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick- 13. Nays- None. REPORT OF CITY OFFICERS. The monthly reporta of the City Clerk, City Treasurer, Ctty Marshal, Superintendent of the l'oor, Chief of the Fire Department and quarterly report of Justice Pond. were read and ordered filed. ANXl'AL REPORT OF THE CITY TREASUREK. To the Honorable the Common Coxineü of the Cüv " Ann Arbor: Anu Ai'bor, Mich., June 30, 1897. I hereby certify that Edward L. Seyler, as Treasurer of the City of Ann Arbor, Mich., has on deposit in the Farmers & Mechanics Bank, this first day of July, A. D. 1897, the sum of flve thousand six liundred ninety-two and eigtaty-four one-hundredths dollars ($5,692.84). H. A. Williams, Teller, F. & M. Bank. CITY TREASURF.R'S REI-ORT. Balance on hand, last repo, i $ 7TT:: 43 MONEY RECEIVEI). f toni Ingent Fund LicenseG. V. Mills $ 411 M Llq. Liccnse Co. Treas 7489 81 Cemetery fund Sale of lot 5 00. Hurlal 1 00 0 00 Dog fund LïcenseG. V. Mills 1 00 Pólice fund Pees, H arshal Sweet C 00 7545 84 Total $ 826 MONEY DISBURSED. Contingent fund I 11:1! OS Street fund 8918 63 Poor fuud 142 08 liridge, Culvert and Crosswalk fund 4ül :j4 l'olico fund 265 00 Flremen'a fund 546 39 City Cemetery fund 23 75 State Dog Tai 1 00 School Dis. No. 1 1422 40 090C 25 Total $ 7192 84 BALANCE ON HAND Contingent fund í 5481 54 Street fund 1UKU 03 Poot fnnd 520 31 Bridge, Oulvert, and Crosswalk fund 3095 82 I'oliRCfnnd 3S 88 Klremen's fund 970 23 City Cemetery fuud 8 00 Waterfund 1724 90 Dog Tax fund il 00 Delinquent Tax Fund 1607 85 Statu Dok Tax 260 75 $ 212 73 14( .". M !)212 73 Total IÏI9284 Respectfully submitted, E. L. Seyler, Treasurer. SEWER REPORT. June 1. Balance on hana... Í12517 12 MOKEY BECEIVED. June 2. Llcenses M nin Sewer G. V. Mills 15 00 .(une 12. Tax Acc't Sewer No. 1 6 14 " 24 " " ' " 2 3U 59 ■' gÖ " ' 3 101 43 ii go ,. .. , ,. 4 B0 -7 'l 30 " " " " 5 Sá 4S Total 12962 54 MONEY DISBURSED. June 30. Hy Main Sewer warrants paid $ K5 93 Si 93 Balance on hand 12S7Ü UI BALANCE ON HAND. Main sewer Y 9471 !U June 30,1897 Labor acc't Sewer No. 1. ... 39 00 Tax " " " 1.... 47 1 LabOl 2 27 28 Tax " " ' 2.... ?08 12 Labor " " " .... 930 33 Tax 3.... 964 67 Labor " " " 4.... 315 03 Tax " " "4.... 742 50 Laboi &.... 808 89 Tax ' 5.... 4770 10 Labo; o.... 3 ü5 Delinquent SewerTax 14 51 $1U2S lü U412 1 ::ii2 oi Balance on hand $ 1287(i (il 128T6 BI Respectfully submitted, Edward L. Seyler, Treaiurer: To the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor: Gentlemen: - Below flnd report of Ordinance cases brought before me during quarter ending June :i0, 1897, and disposilion made of same: tn üi C;i C3 üi r Oï üi Cri üi t"i Zn Ui V Cn Ct S -J -I CJ( Oi Oi il 2 CO LI M te M li IC 14 - O O Oí rt 00 il rf iO -J rf. a-iavlMCK S) -y g :!ö- D 09 c - - -cus Z ---c S-"1 ---% s-s: $ f r t Fol &r? ÍS " r. ; . o LJ aq 8 888 8 a 9 o ;:iiii;i;i;:c4 i-; cc+-- ji ïiïSi i tuf I l'-'-ï Sil 2. State of Michigan, f County of Washtenaw f 83Eühu B. Pond beingf duiy sworn, deposes and saya that the is a correct report of all ordinanco oasos brought before hira during the ter ending Juno 30, 1897 i that the prices imposed and eollected have been paid into the city treasury, and that all oflicers' fees by him collocted, have been paid to the officers entitled to the same and roceipted for on hisdocket. ELBffO B. Pond. Subscribed and sworn io before me this flpet day of July, A. D. 1867. Wm. D. HarRUïan, Notary Public, Washtenaw Oo., Mich. KB8OLÜTION8. By Aid. Brown. Wherêas, the bridge lieretoforo constructed over and across the tracks of the Michigan Central Railroad Company along Pontiac street ia this city is in neetl of repairs: And whereas, a controversy has arise n bctween this city and the said Michigan Central Railroad Company as to upon which rests the obligation to keep the said bridge, other than the masonry and foundation thereof, in repair; and Whereas, it is understood that said railroad company is willing to make the said repairs presently needed p:-ovided it can do so without prejudice to its claim that the obügation to maintain and keep in repair said bridge, other than the masonry and foundations thereof, rests upon this city and not upon said company, and further provided, that if it should be hereafter judicially determined that said obligation rests upon this city and not upon said company, the said city wül repay said company the cost of making the repairs which said company may so make. Jfow, therefore, Resolved, that if said railrcad company wil! and does proceed to make said repairs now needed, its acts in that regard shall be without prejudice to its claims as above set forth ; that is to say, if said railroad company will and does proceed to make said repairs now needed, no claim will hereafter be made by or on behalf of this city that by reason thereof said company has recognized its liability in the premises or has waived or weakened its right to insist that the obligation to koep and raaintain the said bridge, other than the masonry and foundations thereof, in repair, rests upoa this city and not upon said company ; and in case it should hereafter be judicially determined that it is the duty of the city to maintain and keep said bridge, oiher than than the masonry and foundations theroof, in repair, the city will repay the said Michigan Central Railroad Company the cost of making the repairs which it may so make. Adoptedas follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Cross? man, Koch, Del], Sweet, Urown, Jlhodes, gpathelf, Soulo, Dan forth, Cady, Pres. Luick - 13. Nays- Nono. By Aid. Dell. Resolved, that the Board of Public Works order brick cross-walks ou Main street repaired. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Swoet, Brown, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule.Danforth.Cady, Pres. Luick- 13. Nays - None. By Aid. Mooro. Resolved, that the Board of Public Works be directed to purohase :t00 feet of 4-inch rubber flre hose for the use of Street Commissioner in street work. Referred to Fire Department conimittee, Aid. Koch moved that the Engineer be directed to prepare a street grade on Jefferson between lst and 7th. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Brown, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick- 13. Nays - None. Aid. Dell moved that the Board of Public Works direct the sidewalk inspector to repair all sidewalks that aio in a dangerous, condition at the expense of the city. Lost as follows : Yeas- Aid. Dell, Sweet, Brown Rhodes- 4. Xays - Alu. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick- 9. By Aid. Moore. Resolved that the flrernen be paid twice a month. Aid. Hamilton moved that the resolution be laid on the table. Adopted as follows : Yeas -Alen Hamilton, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Soule, Danforth, Cady- -7. Nays- Aid. Moore, Grossman, Brown, Rhodes, Spathelf, Pres. Luick- 8. On motion Council adiournetl.i City Clerk.


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