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The Pittsburg district was g'enerally conceded to be principal battlepround for the ccal miners' strike. The operators had hopes -of keeping several thousand men at work theft, but they have been deeply disappointed. Only one oompany the New York aud Cleveland Gas Coal Co. was able to continue operations with about 1.500 men aud the strike ofticers are preparing1 a plan to briner them out. The situation in Cleveland over the coal strike is beconiing desperate. The railroads are growing bolder in confiscating coal, and those who depend upon a regular supply are becoming- anxious. The schooner B. W. Parker, of Detroit, has been delayed in Cleveland over a week owin to the action of the Erie railway in. tak ing away over 30 cai-s of coal vvhich the vessel was about to loaa. Several fueling firms have nearly exhausted thetr supply and the Pennsylvania & Ohio Fueling Co. has suspended business altogether in Cleveland. There is considerable íuel in the tipper lakes, and some of it may have to be brought down. It is generally admitted now that the coal dealers and mine operators were very poorly prepared f or a strike The great plant of the Cleveland Stee Co. has closed owing to the lack o fuel. A number of othéV plants are preparing to shut down. The strike won a great victory in the Wheeling & Lake Erie district. Col. Myron T. Herrick, the receiver for the W. & L. E. railway, has beea informeel tliat oniy one man went to work at Dillonvale, where the raüroad people had decided to maUe a test, and where they had secured a forcé of U.S. marshals to protect the miners who would go to work. The fnll force of this intelligence can be appreciated when it is stated that Cleveland facturera and shippers expected that if matters carne to the very worst the district covered by the W. & L. E. would siipply whatever eoal was needed. This means to Clereland now a practical tie-up. Mote on the Minera' Big Strike. The receivers of the W. & I. E. railroad have secured an order from Judge ïaft, of the ü. S. circuit court at Cincinnati, directing the ü. S. marshal to protcct miners in the compaTiy's employ while at work and to prevent unlawful interfernce with tbeir rallway opevations on the part oí strikers. The marshal and his deputieS are directed to arrest and detain any persons destroying property or threatening or doing vlolence to any persons in the employ of the receivers, for the purpose of preventing thera irom continuing in their employ. President Ratchford, of the Mine Workers' assoeiation, is greatly pleased with the success of the present strike thus far and regañís the outlook as exceedingly bright. He says it is tlie first time the regulation of miners' wages has given any concern to national legislators, and that now the press, pulpit and tfie people are with the niiners. Much encourageinent lias been received from labor organizations all over the country. Of the 21,000 miners in the Pittsburg district 18,000 are out and the others are expected to f olio w soon. The West Virginia miners are not arganized and are slow iu coininsf out. A. Drenholz, who manages the home office for the General Hoeking Coal Co., at Columbus, says there is at. least 150,000 tons of coal in storage in the northwest. He estimates that this will supply all iemands for at least four months, no matter how general the miners' strike becomes. President Ratchfcm? of the Mine Workers' association, has received strong telegrama oí sympathy and promise of support at the proper time frora President Samuel Gounpers, of the American Federation of Labor, and President Garland, of the Amalgamated Assoeiation of Iron and Steel workers. Mr. Ratchford intimates that a sympathetic strike of nearly 1,000,000 workmen in all lines may occur. At any ra te the boycott will be used and strongly pushed against all consumers of non-union coal. A cyclone which swept over Pope county, Minn., devastated a wide stretch of territory and wíped the town of Luwry off the map. At least 10 persons lost their lives. AVhile the central aad eastern states have been nielting and evaporting under the torrid sun, over an inch of snow feil at Leadvüle, Gunnison, Creede and other Colorado points. Hugh Joeson and his wife and four children, who lived 19 miles north of Pineville, Ky. , were burned to death, being unable to escape froni theiv home, which was destroyed by fire. The remains of all six were found in the debris. The fire was undoubtedly of incendiary origin. The central labor unión of A. F. of 1. at Cincinnati demamts that President Gompers cali a meeting of the executive board to take steps to levy an assessment of 10 cents a week on all members of the body in support of the striking miners. This wouldr aggregate 860,000 a weet. The U. S. oruisers Í5an rraneiseo and Raleigh have been sent to Tangier to support the protest of U. S. ConsulGeneral Burke against tlie diserimination oí the arfxhorities of Morocco against Americans, in refusing to permit them to employ native help, a privilege which is grahted Europêaus.


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