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LEGAL NOTICES. Probate Ortter. STaTE OK MICHIGAN, I COUNTY OF WiSHTENAW. ) S"' Ata session of the Probate Court for the County of Wiishtenaw, hoklen al the Probatt. oflicc In the City of Ann Arbor, on Monday the 21st day of June, in the year one thousaní elght huodrod and ninety-seven. Present, H. Wirt Neirkírk,Judgoof Probate 1 1 1 the matter oí the estáte of Peter Coldern, deceased. ün reading and fillng the petltlon, diily verifled, of Charles H. Coldern praylng that a certain instrmment nowon file inttiis Court purportlng to be the last will and testament of said deceased may be admltted to probatt and that admlnistration of said estale may be granted to hlmself the executor in sak wil I named or to some other suitable person Tliereupon It Ís ordered, thát Saturday, the 17th day uf July next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the beaiiog of saic gut I Ion. and t bat the divisees, legatees, and elrs at la"w of said deceased. nnú all othei persons Interested i n said estáte, are nxiuiret to appear at asesslon of said Conrl, then to be holden at the Probato ('ourt I n ihe City Of Ann Albor, and show cause, if uny thcre be, why 'tbe prayer of the petitioner shoulc not be granted. An'l it is f urther ordered that said petitioner give notlce to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said pel ilion, and the hearing thereof, by cansini a copyof this order to be published in the Ann Anuos Reiüster. a uewspaper printed and circulated in said county threesuccessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. Latuuecopy.1 H. WibtNewkibk, P. J. Lehman. Judge of Probate Probate Register. (77) Probate Order lor .Hearlug Account oí Exerutor. STATE OV MTOHIGAN, I .. COUNTYOF WASIITKNAW. ) At a session of the Probate Court foi tht County oí Washtenaw, holden at the Probate office in the Ciiy of Ann Arbor,on Thursday Ule 17th day of June in the year one thousanc elaht hundred and uinety-seven. Present, Il.Wir! N'ewkirk, Judgeof Probate In the matter of the estáte of Jan vier Gross deceased. Theodore Rogers, trustee of said deeeasec named In the last will and testament oi ElizabethA. Hogers, comes into court and represents that Be is now prepared to render hls tina! account as SUcb trustee. Thereupon t, Js ordered, that .Saturday the 17th day of Julynuxf., at ten o'clock it the forenoon, be assigned for (xamining anc allowing such account, and that the diviséis legatees, and heirs at law of said deceased and all otlior persons interested In said estate, are requfred to appear at a session of said court. Uien to be hoklun at the Pfobate office, iu the City of Ann Arbor, In saiil county, and show cause, if any there be, wliy the said account should not be allowed; anc it Is f urther ordered, that said trustee give notlce to the persons interested in saidJestate, of the pendency of said account and the hearing tnereof, bycausinga copy of this order to be publlshed in the Ann Aiibor Kecisteh. a newspaper printed and clrculating in said county, for three suuuessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. [A THÜE COPV.l A. WlRT NBWKIBK, 1'. .1. Lkhman, Judgeof Probate Probate Registor. (77) Probate Order. STATE OK MICHIGAN, I „ COUNTY 01' WASHTENAW hhi At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw. holden at the Probate OfHce in the City of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the Oth day of July in the year one thousand elght hundred and ninety-seven. Present, H. Wirt Newkirk. .ludge of Probate. In the Matter of the Estáte of Jaunita A. Parsons deceased. On readlng and flling the petltion duly verifled, of John W. Laudes praying that the admlnlstratlon of said estáte may be granted to himself or some other suitable person. Thereupon it is ordered, that Saturday. the Sist day of July next, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, be issigned for the hearing nf said petltlon, and that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all other person9 interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayerof the petitioner should nol be granted And it is further ordered, that said petitioner give notlce to the persons in terested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition. and the hearing thereof, by canatns a copy of this Order to be published InTHGANN Arijor Kecisteh. a newspaper printod and olrculated In said county, three suecessive wotlcs previous to said day of hearing. 11. Wlltr NEWKIUK, Judgu of Probate. P. J. LEHMAN, Probate Register. (A TKUE COPY.) (79) Probate Order. STATE OF MICHIGAN, l„ COÜNTY OF WASHTENAW. 1 At a session of the Prob,ate C'ourt for the County of Wasjiteuaw, holden ut the Probate office In the City of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the lüth day of July, in the year one tbousand eigBt hundred and ninety-seven. Present, H. Wirt Newkirk. Judge of Proba'e. In the Matter of the Estáte of Helen A. Mills, deceased. Nellie Kimberly, tha administratrix debonis-non with wlll annexed of said estáte, comes into court and represents thatshe is now prepared to her flnal account as such administratrix. Thereupon it is ordored, that Frlday, the 6th day of August next, .it 10 o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for examining and allowiug such account, and that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, in said County. and show cause, if any t]ere ])e, vyny tie said account should not be alluwetl. And itfs further ordered. tb at said administratrix s ve notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof. by causlng a copy of this Order to be published in The Ann Arbok Register a newspaper printed and cireulating in said county, three success'ive weeks previous to said day of hearing. U WIRT NEWKIRK, (Atruecopy) Judge of Probate. P.J. LtJHMAN, Probate Registe-, Probate Order. State of Michigan, County of Washtenw, ss, At a session of the Probate Court foi the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the 14th day of June in the year one-thousand eight hundred and ninety-sevon. Present, H. Wirt Newkirk, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of D. Prey, rninürs, üeonard Gruner the Guardian of ttaid ward coraes into court and represeuts that he Is now prepared to render his annual account as such Guardian. Thereupon it is ordered that Friday, the 9th day of July next at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for examining and allowing such account, and that the next kin of said ward, and all other persons intereNted in said estáte, aro required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, in said County, and show cause, if any there be, why the said account should not be allowed : And it is furthor Ordered, that said Guardian give notice to the perspns ihterestod in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hoaring thereof, by causinjí a copy of this order to be published in The Ann Arbor Register, a newspaper printed and circulating iu said County three suecessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. H. Wikt Newkirk, "A true copy.] Judge of Probate. P. J. Lehmán, Probate Registor. TG To be right iu atyle tuke jour Jon Prlntlog to the Ueglater OAIce, 3O E. UuionHt. Probate Order. QTATK OF MICIHOAN, I O GOOTPtt Or WASHTKNAW. í b"At a spsslun of tho Probate ttourt for the County of Washtenaw, holden at tlie Probate office in the (Jity of Ann Arbor. on Monday, the 28th lay of June in the year one thousand eiht hundred and nlnety-sevcn Present, H. Wlrt Newkirk. Jndgeof l'robate. In the Matter of the Estáte of Marlet te Bonnette deceased. On reading and filing the petitton, duly verlfied, of Jeroine Scnermeruorn praying ttaat a certain Instrument now on file in t hls Oourt, purportinK to be the last wül and testament of said deceased may he aclmlt'ed to Probate and that admlnistration of suidos tute may be granted to himselfor to some other suitable person. Thereupon it is orderert, that Saturdav, tlie24thday ofjuly next, at ten o'clock ín the forenoon, be ussigned for the hearing of said petitlon, and that the devi.sees, leñatees and lieirs at law of said deceased, and all Other persons nterested in said estáte, are reqnlred to nppesi at asession of said Oourt, theu to be holden at the Probate Oourt In the City of Ann Arbor, and show canse, If uny there be, why the prayer of thepetitioner shouid not be granted. And it is further ordered. ihat said petitiouer jjlve ootlee tothe persen Intertisted In sala estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by canaing a copy of this ordor to be publishcd'iii The Ann Aubok KlOISter, a newspapor prtnted and clrculated in said pounty, thieesucressive weeks prevlous to said day of hearing. H. Wirt Newkirk, La tiu'b copv.] Jitdge of Probate. P. .1. Lehman, Probate Kegister. i7 Cliaucery NoUe, In pursuance and by vlrtue of a decree of tlie Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, in chancery, made and entered the 24th day of March, 3897, in a certain cause therein pending whercin William H. Burke and Ilerbert J. Burke, executors of the last will and testament of William Burke, deceased, are the oomplainants and John J. Burke and Margaret Burke, defendants. Notice is hereby given tliat I will sell at public auction at the east front door of the Court House n the City of Ann Arbor, in the said county, (that being the building in which the circuit court for the said county Is held,) on Saturday, the 24th day of July, 1897, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, the followlng described real estáte: All that oertain piece or parcel of ]and situated in the township of Northfield, Washtenaw County, Michigan, and de scribed as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point in the south half of the west half of the south east quarter of section twenty-one, in township one. south of range slx east, where the territorial road intersects the north and south road on said section; thence east, four degrees south, along the center of the territorial road to a point sixteen chains north of the south east corner of section twentyone; thence south along said section line to said seution corner; thence south, twenty-nine degrees west, four chains and 1 wenty-five links; thonce south, thirty-one degrees west, two chains and twonty-five links; thence south, eight degrees east, two chains and seventy-five links, thence south eighteen degrees east, eleven chains and fourteen ünks thence south, thirtyflve degrees east, one chain and ninety links to the section line; thence south on the section line five chains anc forty-flve links to a point seventeen chains and sixty-six links north of the quarter post between sections twentyseven and twentyeight; thence north, eighty-three degrees west, oighteen chains and thirty-ono links to a poini nineteen chains and sixty-slx links north of the east and west qunrter line thence north two chains and eighteen links to a stake standing south, foityone degrees west, thirty-nine inches f rom an Elm tree, five inches in diameter, and north 67 degrees west one chain and fourteen links from a swamp oak tree, twenty-eight inchea in diameter; thence westerjy twenty-eix chains and fifty links to a point In the center of the highway south, slxty-seven degrees west, thirty-two links from a Black oak tree, six inches in diameter and north 27 degrees east, seventy-five links from a Black oak tree, six inches in diameter; thence north alone the center of the liighway to the place of beginning, Joseph F. Webb, Circuit Court Commissioner. LAWRENCE & BUTTERFIEbD, Solieitors for Complainants. (78) Illortgaso Sale. Default having heen made in the conditions of a oertain mortgage made by BlairHinkleyandHenriettaHinkley, nis wife, to Joseph T. Shaw, dated the lst da.y of April, 1893, and recorded in the Register's office, of Washtenaw County, Michigan, on the lst day of April, 1893, at 5 o'clock and twentyfive minutes p. m., whicb mortgage was duly assigned by said Joseph T. Shaw to Adah Z. Treadwell by deeds of assignment dated the 5th day of April, 1893, which said assignment is recorded in Liber 11, assignments of mortgages on page 3Q8, iq the Registor's office of Waahtonaw County on which raortgago there Is claimed to be due at the date of this notice the sum of Thirteen Hundred FortySix Dollars and Nine Cents ($1346.09) principal and interest (the undersigned electing to consider the whole amount of the principal of said mortgage as due fqr the non-payment of interest ajid installments of principal as provided therein) andnoproceedings in law or equity having heen instituted to recover the amount of sald mortgage or any portion thereof : Note títereore, by virtueof the power of sale contained in said mortgage and tbe statute in such case made and provided notice is hereby given, that on Saturday, the 14th day of August, 1897, at 10 o'clock in the forenoun of tnat day at th,e etist front door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, Miohigan, that boing the building in which Circuit Court of said county is ïeld, there will be sold at public auc'Aon to the highest bidder the premisos described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy ;he amount due on said ajortgage and the expenses of this foreclosure. The 3rerui8es to be sold are described as 'ollows: The east eighty and thirty;hree one-hundredth acres off from the east side of the south-east quarters of Section fourteen in the Township of Scio, Washtenaw County, Michigan. Dated, May 19, 1893. Adah Z. TbsaOWWIx Asslgnee of Mortgagee. W. D. Hahriman, Attorney for Asslgnee. (81 New Type and New t-resse do tbe ïui'Ht work- botli are round at th Uel8ter Office, 3O K. U u ron Notice To roditor. STATE Of MtcntOAN, i I 'OI'NTY OF W ASI1TENA . f ' Notiee Is herehy ven. t.bat by au order uf tlic l'robate Coart for the County of Washtenuw, made on the lïth day of July, A. Ij. 1897, six nionths from thatdate wereallowetl forcredttors to present their claims agalnst tho estáte of John Uobbell. late of sald connty, deceased, and that all credltora of sald deceased are required to present thtir claims to sald Probate C.'ourt, at the ProhaiiOffice In the City of Ann Arbor, for examinatlon and ullowanee, m or beforethe 13tli day of Jnnuary uext, and that Buch claims wiil be heard bef ore s;iid Court, on tlie 13th day of October and on the mh day of J.nniary next, at ten o'clock in tlie forenoon of eai'h of said dayv. Dated, Ann Arbor, Jnly la, A, D. 189',. H. WIKT NEWKIKK, 80 Judge of Probate. Probate Order. QTATE 01' MICHIGAN, ) „ OCOÜHTT O WASll'lT.NAW. Ata M'ssliin of 1 1 l'robate Cuurt foi ilie County of Wahtenaw, holden at the l'robate Office n the City of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, tne 13 day of July in the year ono thousand eiiht hundred and ninety-seven. Present, H. Wlrt Newklrk. Judge of Probate. In the Matter of the Estáte of Pheba Walker deceased. On readlng and flllng the petitloa, duly vorl8od, of Charles Walker praylog that u oertain Instrument now on file In thls Court, purporting to be the last will and testament of said deceased, muy be admltred to Probate, and that admiuistratlon of sald estato may be granted to Charles Wheelock, the executorln said wlll named, or to some othnr suitable person. 'fhereupou lt is ordered, that Saturday, the Tth day of August uext. at ten o'clock in the forenoou, )e usslgned for the hearing of sald petltion, and that the devisees. légateos and heirs at law of sald deceased, and all other persons interested in said estato, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Court in th City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any thoro be, why tho prayer of the petittoner should not be granted. And lt is further ordered, that sa!4 petltioner givo notice to the persons interested in said estate, of the pondency of said petltion. and tho hearing thereof, by causing a copy of thls order to be publlshed in The Ann Arbor Register, ii newspaper prlnted and clrculated in said county, three sucossivo weeks previous to said day of hearing. H. WIRT NEWKIRK, lAtruecopyO Judge ol Probate. P J. LEHMAN, Probate Register. (80)


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