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UOtlNOUi CHAMMtR, Ann Albor, July l'Jth, 18OT. S Regular session. _ ('aílect to order by l'rea. Luick. Koll called. Quorum present. Absent Aid. Sweet, Coon. ÍMÍTITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. FROM THK BOARD OF PUBLIC! WOBK8. To the Common Council: The Board of Public Works respectfully request tliat they be authorized lo parchase 15,000 feet of 3-inch oak plank tor replanking bridge No. and constructing box culverts. Glen V. muis, Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Aid. Rhodes moved that the Council coucur In the recommendation ot tlie Board. Adopted as föllows: Ïeas-Ald. Moore, Hainilton, Grossman, Kocli, Dell, Brown, Vandawaiker, Rhodes, Spatheif. Soule, Danforth, Cadv. Pres. Luick-13. Nays- None. To the Conimon Council: The Board of Public Works respectfnlly recorumend that Schneider Bros., contractors in sewer district No. 6, be allowed an estímate on completed work everv two weeks. ltespectfully, Glen V. Mills, Clerk of the Board of Public Works. To tbe Common Council: The Board of Public Works herewith submit the following estímate for completed work in sewer district JNo. 6 and recommend that the amount stated be allowed by your honorable body. espectJully;M.Ugi Clerk of the Board of l'ubhc W oiks. ENCINF.Elt'S FIKST ESTÍMATE. LATERAL SEWEU DISTRICT NO. 6. Excavatlon etc, 993 lineal ft. at 12c per Exea"vitVonet'o".,"ÍinoarstVit per Exca"v;i"tic.nt.'-.;8"ii':írft."at 31c ■ per SeweV'plpc'laidarê'ïlneaiYtïat Odc per s,fwcV p"ip'Vaíd," Ï.:W4 "liTiil "ftï'at 15c 150H Lampfiolês, 4 at .fiOíach Y'Bonly,2atfi8ceaoh. ' ,,. Extras per bill submitted _ _ Total estímate t8 l Lesslü por cent per contract "J " A mountdue contraetor 7 48 Geo. F. Key, City Engineer. Aid. Koch moved that Hule 21 be suspended for this session. Adopted as follows: feas-Ald. Mooie, Uamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Urown, Vanclawarker llhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Danfurth; Cady, Pres, I.uick- 13. Nays- None. I Aid Koch moved that the Council concur in the recommendation and a warrant be ordered drawn for the same. Adopted as follows: Yeas-Ald. Moore-, Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, lírown, Vandawarker Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Dantorth, Cady, Fres. Luick- 13. Nays- None. To the Common Council, The Board of Vublic Works herewith I presents to yonr honorable body the estímate of the City Engineer tor laying tile on Gott st. as asked forat youi last meeting. ■500 feet 24-ioeh tilo at 85e per 1001 w w Glen V. Mills, Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Aid. Brown moved that the estímate be received and placed on Ule. Adopted. ENOINEEB'S ESTÍMATE FOB I.AYING SEWEB ON KIM1SLEY STREET. Stóaaraa-rafifiS::::::Manholes, lampholes, llushtanks Engineering md inspcotion -M m Total '-4:t);i;i If Catherine st. and cross streeta are also included tlien add about $2,000 more. Geo. F. Key, City Engineer. Retened to the Sewer Committee. A petition signed by .T. W. Morton and 7 others asking lor the improvement of l'ackard st. between the jiinctionand the city limits was read together with the following estímate ot the engiireer: _ To the Board of Public Works: Ají Approxiniiite estímate lor unproying Packard f rom juiictiou to City limitsis: 5C0 cubic yards gravel at 45c per yard, 225 00 Geo. F. Key, City Engineer. Aid. Brown moved that $22ó be appropriated from the Street Fund to do tlie work. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Mooie, Grossman, Koen, Dell, Brown, Vandawarker, Illiodes, Spathelf, Soule, Daníorth, Cady, l'res. Luick- 12. Nays- Aid. Ilamilton. Arin Albor, Mich., July 14, 1897. ïo the Board of Public Works: J The foliowiug is the estímate of tile on W. Huron frora the nortli guttei nortli to the creek in Wheeler's alley. SH ft, 12 in. pipe at 20c per ft. laid in place 4 i oatchbuin - 10 Total estímate 52 Aid. Dell moved thtit the Board be istructed to do the work according o the estímate. Artouted as l'ollows: Yeas- Aid. Mooie, Iiamilton, Grossman, Kocli, Dell, Brown, r, Hhodes. Spathelt, soule, Daniorui, Cady, Pres. ].,uick- 13. Nays- None. A notice signed by Robert llunter elative to lilling tlie Foundry Pond vas read. Aid. Kocli moved tliat the subject e refened to the Street Oommittee uid City Attoniey. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Mooie, llamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Vanrtawarker Ithodes, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth Cady, Pres. Luick- 12. Nays- Aid. Brown. A petition signed by H. P. Danfortt and twelve otLers asking tor tlieex tensión of the water mains on lhll st was read and referred to the Wate Committee. A petition signed by II. S. Dean and C. II. Manly askinu for the settin apart of certain Iota for burial of hoi orably discharged soldiers waa reu and referred to the Cemetery Corauüt tee. A petition signed by Wm. Biggs askinc for the extensión of i he water niain on Geddes ave. was read and rel'erred to the Water Cómmittee. KEltUlT OK STANDING UOMMITTKKS. STREKT. To the Cominon Council. Your C'ommittee on Streets would reoommend that the Board oí l'iiblie Works be directed to build a shed to protect the roller when not ín uso. And further that the Board be directed to turnpike Geddes, ave. west trom the city limits to W. II. Nichols m-ouertv and place the same in a ablecondition. Eespectfully submitted, Geo. L. Moore, M. Grossman, J. A. Dell, Arthur Brown, G. O. llhodes, llairison 8oule, C. II. Cady, Committee on Streets. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moove, Hamilton, ffiossman, Kocli, Dell, Brown, er, llhodes, Spatneir, oouie, jjüuiuhu, Cady, Pres. Luick- V. Nays- None. To the Common Council: Your Oomrnittee on Striets would recommend that the grade of the following named streets be lixed and established : Jefferson, f rom Hrst to Seventh; Huron, f rom State to Ingalls; I Pontiac, from Swift to Cedar; Ann, from Fourth to Fifth aves.; Chapín, from Huron to Miller ave. And herewith submit the necessary resolutions iixing such grades. Kespectfully submitted, Geo. L, Mooie, Michael Grossman, J. A. Dell, Arthur Hrown, ü. C. Ithodes, Harrison Soule, C. H. Cady, Committeo ou Streets. Leave being granted the following resolutions were presented. Adopjed as follows: STKEET O HADE BESOLUTIONS. IÏV Aid. Moore. Whereas, in the opinión oí tlie Council tlie grade on W. Jefferson st. ouiílit to be changed and tixed and established, lo the end tliat sucli street niay be made snitable for public travel and tvafflc. Therefore, Resolved, and t is hereby orciereu that the grade on VV. Jefferson st., from center line of Seventh st, to the center line of First st., be, and the same is hereby clninged f roin the present grade and fixed and cstablishecl so tliat the grade on and along Bucta street shall be as iollovvs, that is to say: At center of Seventh st s&Mirt Atcenterof Sixtu st Jumí At center of Fifthst Smit" Atcentor of Fourth st...... - - --.■-.-f}. f At 213 ft. castor center of Fourth st. Sgjun. At center of ïhira st.. ... - -.-.-- ■ ■ t. At 180 ft east of center of ïhlrd st. ■■L& ■ At center of Pecond st SiTm ft At center of First st 81i.Oü ft. the elevation given being above llie oflicial city datum and along the center line of said street, and the grade unes to consist of straight lines between the several points or stations above stated, the roadway to conform thereto. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Mamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Brown, Vandawaiker, Rhodes, Spathelf , Soule, Danforth. CmiIv. Pies. Luick- 13. Nays- None. By Aid. Moore! Wbereas, in the opinión of tlie Council the grade on Huron st. ought to be changed and üxf d and established, to the end that sucli street may be made suitable tor public travel and traftic. Therefore, Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade on Huron st., lrom center line of State st. to the center line of Ingalls st., be, and the same is hereby changed froni the preseni grade and íixed and established so that the grade on and along such street shall be as follows, that is to SÜV ' At center of Statest JJO.OO ft. At center of Ingalls st i4.uuu. the elevation given being above the official city datum and along the center line of said street, and the grade lines to consist of straight lines between the several points or Btations above stated, the roadway to conform thereto. Adopted as iollows: YpuS_Ald. Moore. Hamilton. man, Koch, Dell, Hrown, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Danloith, Cady, Pres. Luick- 13. Naya - None. By Aid. Mooie. Whereas, in the opinión of tlie Council the grade on Pontlac st. ouglit to be changed and lixed and eatablisncd, to the end that such street may be made suitable tor public travel a tl traflie. Therefore, Kesolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade on Pontiac st. from eentor line oí Cedar st. to the center line of Swift st. be, and the same is hereby chMiged from the present grade and ' üxed and establislied, s.)that the grade on and alonec such street símil be as follows, that is to say: At ceuter of Cedar ard Pont'ac st. ..87U.50 it. At 150 ft. soul li uf oenter ot' Oedar and Poutiacst .876 00 ft. At 200 ft. south of erator of (Jedar and Fontlacst wri.oott. At U 1 1. soutU uf contorof CJedar and I'untinc et -■ .-..i0.:0 It, Al 528.1 ft. south at center of Switt and Pontlac st - iK4.r0ft. the elevation givun above the oDicial city datum and along the line of said street, and the grade linos to consist of straight linea betwten the everal points or stations above sUted, lie roadway to conform thereto. Adopted as follows: yels_Ald. Moore, Ilamilton, (Jiossnan, Kocli, Del!, Brown, VamUwarku-, llhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth, Cady, L'res. Luick- 13. Ñays- None. By Aid. Mooie. Whereas, in the opinión of the Council the grade on E. Ann st. ouglit to be clianged and lixed and cstablished, to the end that such street may be made suitable for public traffic. ïherefore Hpsolved. and it is liereby ordered that the gradu on E. Aun st. from center line of Fourth ave. to the center line of Fiftli ave., be, and the saine is ht'i-eby changed from the present grade and üxud and established, so that the grade on and along such stieet shall be as follows, that ia to say: [Coniinued on 7th page.) COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. ONTLN1 Kl, At tbe center o[ Fourth ave. and Ann?gi ft Afiióf't. east'oi 'the "enter of Fouith the elevation given being above the official city datum and along the center line of said streot, and the grade Unes between the several points or stations above stated, the roadway to conform thereto. Adopted as folio ws: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman Koch, Dell, livown, Vandawarkertlihodes, Spathelf, Sonle, Danforth, Cady, l'ies. Luick- 13. Nays- None. I3v Aid. Moore. Whereas, in the opinión oï the Council the grade on Chapín st. ouglit to be changed and fixed and established, to the end that such street may be : made suitablefor public travel and traflic. ïherefore, Resolved, and it is hereby orderea Uiat the grade on Chapín st. Hom southwest line of Miüer ave to the center line of W. Hurón f-' the same is hereby changed froui the present grade and lixed and estab i s ied, so fiiat the grade on and along such streel shall be as follows, that is to say: At southwcst line of Miller ave . --J-1 " ! At 1(: ft. south of southwcst l'neofj A?' :y'íftaVseüií.h" 'of'soüthwesi "íiñ'"f "' Miüer ave...,.--...--;:-------,-r,;---„f79's-00 " At 47 tt. soutn 01 nii"' ',- 795 00 f t. AmTeUoruthwt"iino "ot f) A?;nuü-s::::::"::"-:oüft: theelevation given beina above the official city datum and aloni ; the center line of said street, and the grade lines to consist of straignt nnesuetween the seveial points or stations above stated, the roadway to contoim thereto. SIS ffiHamilto, G.-OSSman Kocli Uell, Brown, Vandawark Rliodes.' Spathelf, Soule, Uanfoith, Cady, Fres. Luick- 13. Nays- Nóúe. To the Common Coubcü : Yonr Committee on -Street would i.OQnPf.t.fnll recommend that bu De ápproprlated from the street fuña to travel and roll E. University Ave , between Washtonaw and the south line of Collesre street; $60 to gravel and roll State street from Williams street to the south line of S. University Ave. Estímate for work on E. University UoCHoads earth ttíllng at 25c per load $')0000 Spreading and rolling 1O-UU Total 60'00 Estímate for work on Stato street 120 1oads eartli filling at 25c J per load wm i Spread ing and rolling zu-w Total 55a00 Geo. P. Key, City Engineer. Rñsnectfullv subtnitted, Geo. L. Moore, M. Grossman, .1. A. Dell, Arthur Brown, G. C. Rhodes, C. H. Cady, Harrison Soule, Committee on Streots. Artopted as follows : Yeas-Ald. Moore, Ham.lton man.Koch, Dell, Brown, vmu., Rtaode, Spatholf, Soule, Danforth, Gady, Pres. Luick- 13. Nays- None. To the Honorable the Common Counoil : Gentlemen :-Your Committee on Streets and City Attorney to w hom i was referred the claim of Anna B. Bach ?or gravel, respectfully report that we have carefully examined the matter and flnd that the city diU not take any grtvel from or near the said pretnjses described in said claimant's petition durinsr the tim3 therein stated. We report further that the city did take the gravel in Ashley street at the timo the same was graded and this ït had a rigbt to do, but we are unable to learn of its ever havintf taken aoy gravel f rom said lots described in said I petition. and we would therofore recommend that the said claim be sallOWQCl Uespectfully submitted, Geo. L. Moore, M. Grossman, - - .1. A. Dell. Arthur Brown. G. C. fthodes, C. II. lady, Commlttoe on btrocts. TI103. U. Kearncy, City Attorney. Adoptedasfollows: Veas- Aid. MoOre, (rossinan, Dell, Brown, Vandawarker, lihodes, Spathelf, Cady, Pres. Luick-ít. Nays-Ald. Hamilton, Koch, Soule, Danforth- 4. SIDEWALKP. To the Common Council. Your Committee on Sidewalks would respectfully recommend that plank sidewalks be constructed on and along ! the following streets and in front of the foüowing described property : . On the south side of Prospect streot bet ween the property ol OBW A. Ward and Wells stroet. On tho west side of Seventh street from Ubcrty to Jelïerson street. Also that the sidewalk on the south side of Jefferson along property of Andrews, be repaired Also that the tar waiK on iu . side oí Chapin street along the greenhouse property, be mopped and sanded. And further your committee would rocommend that a brick cross-walk bc ordered built on the south side of Hiscock across Spring Street, and a plank cross-walk on the west side of Spring street across Hiscock. Also that gates be placed over tne ends of the tile on Fifth avenue and Spring street, and a 7-foot bnck crosswalk on west side of Twelfth street across N. Univeráity avenue. Repair plank cross-walk on west biue of Second across Madison, and on soutn side of Jeflferson across Ashley. Respectfully submitted. P. M. Hamilton, Frank Vandawarker, John Koch, Geo. Spathelf Jr., H. P. Danfortb. Committee on Sidewalks. Ailnnto.d as follows: Ycas-Ald. Moore, Hainilton, Grossman. Koch, Dell, Brown Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soul.e, Danfortli, Cady,Pres. Luick- 13. Nays- None. To the Common Council: Your Committee on Sidewalks to whom was referred the petition asking that the Council resciud its action cn-anting Mack & Co. permissicn to extend their store window, would report hat they have carefuily considered the same and wou ld recommena tnau the petition be granted. Respectfully submitttcd, P. M. Hamilton, Frank Vandawarkor, K John Koch, Geo. Spathelf Jr., H. P. Danforth, Committee on Sidewalks. Adonted as follows: Yeas-Ald. Moore, Hamilton, Gt-ossman, Dell, Vandawarker, Spathelf, Soule, Pres. Luiuk- 8. Nays- Aid. Koch, Brown, Rhodes, Danforth, Cady- 5. FIRE DEPARTMENT. To the Common Council : Your Committee on Fire Departmen would respectfully recommend that tü city purchase 300 feet of fire hose anc that the Fire Department surrender 400 foot. ..f nlrl hose for the city to use lo sprinkling purposes. Respectfully submitteü, Michael Grossman, . Frank Vandawarker, G. C. Rhodes, Committee on Fire Department. Adopted as follows: Yeas-Ald. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Koota.-Dell, Brown, Vandawarker. Ilhodes. Spathelf, Soule,Danforth,Cady, Pres. Luick- 13. Nays - None. REPORT OF CITY OFFICERS. To the Honorable, the Common Council. Gentlemen-ïn the matter of the rlaim of Anton Otto for damages against the city for id juñes sustained bv reason of a detective sidewalk on .. Main street, that you referred to me, I respectfully report that I have carefully examined the same and am of the opinión that no liability attaches to the I City for the alleged injuries and 1 would tlierefore aduise that the prayer of the petitioner be deniea. Kespectf ully subuntted, Thos. D. Kearney, City Atty. Received and ordered placed on file. I To tbe Common Council. Your Inspector of Sidewalks wculd recommend that plank sidewalka be construeted on and along the following Utreets and in front oï tho iollowinK PZerthè south side of Ann street in (mnt. nt NTos. 46. 76 and 82, property of Porter, Gillett and unknown. On the northwest sido of Beakes street in front of No. 3 the property of Ri0q the east side of 13th street cor. of f'atherine property of J. J. Goodyear. C on the we "side of S. Ingalls street by the side of 18 S. University Ave, the Droperty of L. A Pratt. On thPe east side of 8. Thayer street in front of 31 the property of Win. nUnlversityAve.ifafrontofW, A. K. Gibson, Agt. __ „_._. „ Cn thesouth side ot m. ivasmuu. street in front oí 120 the property of MbSleettkside of Hthfef in front, of No. 35 also cor. olland the urooerty of Mrs. Lukins. P On the easteide oí Maynard street by the side of 52 E. Liberty street the property of Alta Steward. On the west side of Maynard street by the side of 50 E. Liberty street the property of Fred Marken. „ ,, On the northeast side of Packard street in front of No. 51 the property nf frs TTallock. On the ñorthside of Vollatd rtrec in front of Nos. 3 and 5 proper of Mi Hall and 7, propèrty of Mrs. osbur. On the north side of Monn Street In iront of Nos. il and 2 proporty of unknown and Sumner and by the Bide of No. 85 on S. State sti-eet. n 13. Universlty Ave , the propèrty 0fOntlmOeUan3t"sidC0f E. Uniyersity Ave in froDtof 57 the property of Prol Rffi east side of Church street in frOnt Of 21 the propert ot JlwJWuodj On tho west side of Forest Ave, coi U AlsoThat the followinff plank side walks be relaicl and repaired: On the sonth sido, of College stroet and on the west side of Cburch streel along the property of (th Ward school. Also that cement sidowalks bo orderedJtmlHalong the followuiK streeta and in front of the following property. On the east side of E. Uuiversity Ave. along the fittt Ward school. On the south sidc of S. University Ave , in front of the Ghurch of Chnst and in front of No. 16. Alio that a sikewalk be ordered on the west side of S. Ingalls Street cor N University Ave., Levi D. Wines, On" the north sido of Kingsley street in front of No. 37 the property of Clancy. Respectfuilv submitted, Gilbert C. Rhodes, Inspector. Aid. Brown moved that the sidcwalks bo ordered by the Council. Aid. Hamilton moved as a substituto that the report be referreel to the Sidewalk Oommittee. Lost as follows : Yeas-Ald. Hamiltoo, Rhodes, Soule, Danforth- 4. Nays- Aid. Moore, Grossman, Koen, Dell, Brown, Vandewarker, Spathelf, Cady, Pros. Luick- 9. Whereupon the original motion was adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moor., Grossman, Koch, Dell, Brown VandawarUer, Rhodes, Spathelf, Cody, Pres. Lulck- 10. Nïys- Aid. Hamilton, Soule, Danforth- 3. To the Common Council of the City of AnnArbor: Gentlemen:- I desire to run a line of poles and conductors connecung iue I University power house withthe University hospital and the observatory for the purpose of transmittinfr current forlighting and power. I would respectfully ask permission from your honorable body to run such lines and wires out past the. gymnasium on 1-tn street to Mr. Whitman's. thence ou Huron to 13th street, and thence on 13th street to the hospitals: also a branch nn Huron to the observatory grounds. Such polcs and wires will be erected ia accordance with any conditions which are usually imposed in sucti cases . ïlENRY S. CAUHART, Engineer for the University Electric Lighting and Power Plant. RESOLUTIONS. By Aid. Soule. llesolved that Prof. Carhart be ranted permission in accoraance wiia ïis communication, and that the saine se done under the direction of the Board of l-'ublic Works. Adopted as follows ; Yeas- Aid. Moore, Ilamilton, Grossman, Koch.Dell, Brown, .Rhodes, Vandawarker, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth, Cady, Pres. iAiick- 13. Nays - None. Bv Aid. Hamüton. Resolved that the cisterna of tne cuy be filled. Aid Dell moved that the resolution bereferred to the Fire Department Committee. Adopted as follows: Yeas-Ald. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Koch.Dell, Rrown, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick-13. Nays- None. Rv Aid. Soule. Resolved that in view of tbe necessities of aged and inürm condition o Mrs. Evans who has been a recipiënt of aid froru the city which aid has been withdrawn, the Supt. of Poor, Mr. Siplev, is directed to pay the rent tor Mrs. Evans of 65 cents a week. Adoptedas follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Dell, Brown, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf. Soule, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick- 11. Tr . ., Nays- Aid. Grossman, Koch- . By Aid. Rhodes. Resolved that the Board of Public Works be instructed to build a suitable tooi house for the üth ward cemetery atacostof $50.00 per the eu?meer s tímate. , Aid. Dell moved to refer the tion to the Ceraetery Committee. Adoptod as follows : Yeas-Ald. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman Dell, Vandawarker, Soule, üaniorth,Cady, ï'res. Luick-9 Nays - Aid. Koen, urawu, ivuwc, Spathelf- 4. By Aid. Vandawarker. Resolved that the gutter on the east side of 5tli avenue, between Catherlne and Detroit streets, be paved to the width of four feet. Aid Brown moved that the rosolution ba referred to the Street Commlttee. Adopted as follows: Yeaa- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman. Koch, Dell, Brown, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spatholf, Soule, uanionu, Cady.Pres. Luick- 13. Nays- None. By Aid. Brown. Resolved that Herman Kirn, the fi reman who had his leg broken whüe he was assisting in unloadini ailowod to draw full pay while he ia disabled f rom such injuries, provided he release the city from 'all claims for Aid Vandawarker moved that the subject bc referred to the Flre Department Committee. Adopted as follows : Yeas-Ald. Moore, Hamilton, Groas, man, Koch, Dell, Brown, Vandawarker, llhodes, Spatlielf, Soule, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick- 13. Nays - Nono. On motion of Aid. Brown the Council adjourned. City Clerk.


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