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Mann and Shoen put out seven ncw Harvesters durinji the past two weeks. Master Arthur Puhl, of Detroit, is visitinor at Prad Schmids. Tho Germán Lutheran cliurch wlll ]ii)ld lts yearly misdionary meeting S inday, August Ist. Cha?. Hutzel of Ann Arbor, spent a , f ow days at home last week. WILLIS. MtesLálllan Damon, of Ypsilanti, is visitinji friends in tuis placo. Wra. Russell was calling on frlenda in the Island District last weck. Mrs. George Kimball was quite sick last week. Mrs. Stephen Folcy has two nephews viaitlng with her frora Traverse City. Mr. Jamos Blaokmer has gone to Rhode Island to visit friends and relativos. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mead, of New Boston, werc vlsiting friends hcre last week. Miss Emtna Bethel is visiting with her sister Alinc in Detroit. James Barton is setting histhrashing machine ready for the fall work. Last Surulay was the :'.3i-d birthday of Mre. Ada VValters. Mrs. W altera and family celebrated the occasion at the home oí her [jarents, Mr. and Mrs. E. U. Fullington. HANUHBSTKB. Miss Louiso Plistcr of Blissfield spent the past week at Frank Maginn's homo. Miss Cora King, of Clinton, is the gnest of Miss Annetta Logan. Will Antclifï, of AnnjArbor, eailed on [rieads here Saturday while enroute by whoel to Brooklyn. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Henderáhott, ot Macón, visitad at the home of Mart Ilendershott on Sunday. Miss Julia Martin is spendinL a portion of her vacation with hor brother, Dr. W.'C. Martin, in Scottville. Mr. and Mrs. Haeussler are entertainIng Mis. O. I!. TAylor of Detroit. Miss Bertba Younghans, of Toledo, ís spending the week with her parenta hero. Mrs. J. A. Lowery roturned f rom Kansas Thursday night. Her mother, Mrs. I'almer, had recovered from her recent illness enough to be able to accompany her home. Mrs. F. TI. Johnston, of Clinton, visited lier sister, Mrs. F.. M, Conidia last week. Miss Belle Gardanier went to Toledo Thuesday to spend a few weeks vvith friends. Kev. Morritield, of the Universalist church of this vil lage exehanfjes pulpits with Kev. Andrus of the Tecumseh church on Sunday. . Rev. D. H. Yokum and Misses Iïenrietta Weir and Nettie Gillett wont to Toronto, Oot., to attend the international Epworth league convention last week. IM1L.AN. A few Mllanltea will do Bay View tïiis sumraer. The farmers in this vicinity are jubllant over good crops of hay and grain. Miá. Wm. Dunning is entortaining her daughter, Mrs. Goodyear, of Hastings. Mr. Pred. Guuntlett and family retnrned from a week's visit with Detroit friends, Sunday. Mrs. (íauntlelt is the guest of Mis. .). Campbell at Detroit. Mr. O. L. Younes has returned from a business trip to Detroit. Miss Leouia Clark loft Tuesday for Durand, whoi-e she will be the guest of Mrs. Frank Leonard. Mr. nd Mrs. Webb Blackmcr are moving into their house on WilcOX-Bt., just vacated by Mr. and Mr. E, launtletl . Arthur Klnear ;uid family liuvc rctui'iied to thoir home ia Adrián after a 'ew days visit with Milán friends. Mrs. E. Palmer has returned frora Detroit. Ilov. and .Mrs. O. F. .Iones are at Toronto attendlng thc national K. L. convontion. Rev. Mr. Gibson, of Stony Creck, preached at tho Milan M. E. Church Sunday morniiigand evening. The Ladies Aid Society will bold thoir Tea Social at the residence ot Mrs. Dan Bell on Fii-st-st., Wcdnesdav afternoon. Mr. Geo. Ayers, of Cari ton, is in Milan on business for n fow days. Mr. Wm. Iloward 3 having his house and barns painted. His house looks much improved as a result. Mr. Brown, of Ann Arbor, filled the Baptist pulpit Sunday morning and evcning. He talks as welt as a luny ordained minister. Miss Lelia Kelley is in Toledo for a few weeks visiting rclatives. A number of the Milán boys eycled to Ann Arbor and Toledo Sunday. The Maccabee ladies gave an ice cream social in Mrs. O. P. Neweomb's store on Main-st., Saturday. Mrs. Kelsey, of Tccumseh, is the ■mest of her son, Chas. Kelsey, and her Sautrhter, Mrs. Fred. Guy for a few weeks. Atty. P. Jones, of Ann Arbor, gave his Milán friends a cali Saturday. SA LI NU. Mrs. Geo. Fowler and son Rockwell, from London, Canada, are sponding the woek with Mr. and Mrs. S. Fftlrbank. Miss Cora Young will teach in the Lindsley District Uiis y ear. Dr. Kuhl, who formerly resided at Manchester, has purchased the stook and fix tures of Dr. G. E. Hatheway and will continue the business of pulliDg and iilling teeth here in this place. Mr. Kuhl comes well recommended. Chas King and tamuy visiieu ivir. o. M. King a few days last week. Will. Eddy and brother visited fricnds herc last week. Dr. C. F. Undukucher and F, D. Ford werd in Ann Arbor on business last Wednesday. Miss Neuman, of Manchester, visited J. A. Albee and family a few days last week. Miss Nellie Purdy and Mr. Lawrence Van Tyue are visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Lashier a few days this weck. The Misses Neuman and Frank took ■in Ann Arbor on wheels last Friday. The work train on L. S. & M.S., worked all day Sunday in order to finish t.he brldse. Earnest Rhodes took Mr. Fiseher's place as m;iil clerk on L. S. & M. S., last Saturday while the lattcr was in Detroit attending the races. Miss Stella Tate assisted S. T. Falrbank in the store Saturday. County Troasurer William Iiehfuss called en Saline people Monday. Adam Stang and daughter Gertie, who have been visiting: friends in Cleveland for the past week returned today. The Y. P. S. C. E. had a very pleasant time at Moslyn Lake last Friday. There being about fifty people present including several invited juests. Miss Allio McDonald, of Petersburg, is visiting Rev. T. B. Lieth and fatnily tliis week.


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