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Among Our Neighbors

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Mr Walter Paniúson, of this city, Wl,o has been studying abroad for the U throe years, Ín Germany and Itely, aas been appolnted an instructor oí Latió In the University o Michigan tor 1S97-ÍI8. Ho will saü for homo [eaviag Southampton August 14. Manchester ENTEBPBISE. Last Friday as George Post went to bis homo at noon, he saw his mother k oü the ground. Ou reaching her & found that she was dead havinjr passed away probably but a few minutes boforo, as shc had made preparations for dinner and a part was still cooking. She liad been very ieeble for a long timo, and it is no doubt that she was overeóme by the heat and died bofore liolp couid reach her. Dexteb Leader. Judge Nowkirk expects to move his iamily to Ann Arbor about Sept. lst. The people of ttais community were deeply shocked last Sunday to lefti-a Of ,he deathol Miss Ella Cushing at Hamburg, Saturaay, Juiy lst, from an over dose of morphine, whilc suftering from despondency owing to ïll hcalth The uofortunato youug lady was 18 ycars of acre, the daughter of Jotin Cushing, of Webster, and was quite well known here as she was at one time a pupil in the Dexter high school She had a large number of relative and acquaintances ia this.vieimty who deeply regret her untirnely end. . Saline Observer. There was war on bet veen the undortakcrs Saturday. At an early hour in the moralng, Peter Picquet who hd been making his home with John I ut was found dead in his bed. ritz, a onceealled F. Weisslnger to care fo the bodv and a little later phoned youn PlSet at Ann Arbor of his I.ther's aeath. A little later an undertaker f rom Ann Arbor cameover PMNd to take charge of the boay. me uk with undertakers is that tho first ca led holds the job regardes of cir cos or preferences, and accordingly Fred wai the boss. The city captain hówever put up a Btrong bluff, so much sothltFred iSckedup tho corpscand they darod not broak the soal. The bedy was burted Monday. (JHELSEA STANDARD. Frank G. McNamara, who graduatcd from the dental department of the U. of M. with the class of 97, left for bt Paul, Mina., where he will open an office. It is stated on good authority that the eflorts Llnj put forti, by the Alumni Association o tho Chelsea high school, to ra so tho Standard of uur public schools so that they rnay Repaced on the Univorsity list, are not irintless. Mrs Carrie Seper's music pupils gave a very pleasing recital ast Pridg at the home ot Mrs. H. t ;?". ?"„ T,ffraon street. The house was a'led wïth listeners, as was the Uwn attesting to the interest feit in helsea in theie frequent musicales of a very excellent instructor. Mra Seper has & her work to this immer and takes a two months vacation. TnE Ypsilantian. Edgar A. Mitshell, son of Jonathan Mitchell, died at his home eaat of the city, Friday morning, Ju y 9, agod 27 years. Mr. had for some t me sdlïered from consumption, and last February went to Phoenix, Arizona, in search of health, but he failedso rapidlv that hc roturned home in April. Last woek Wednesday au attempt was made to rcpeat last year's successul burglary of the Ladies' Llbrary building. Whether the announcement that. thS Asssociation cleared over $100 {rom tlie Nui-mal dinner was responsible is not knowa. The back door was foried open as beforc, aud the desk was d listurbed. but nothing was taken Ft is thought probable that the attempt was maüo by the same burglar as last year's theft. Ypsilanti Commercial. The colored peoplc are arranglng for an immense celcbration of Emancipation Day, August 2, 3 and 4. An extensive program lias been prepared, consisting of speeches, games and sports, and a reception and ball at Liffht Ouard Hall. Hichard Uarker, of Cantón, was found dead in his bed Sunday morninp. Mr. Barker was seventy-six years olü, and had been suffering with heart trouble for some time. He was able to be about the yard, Saturday, and to all appearances was in hi9 usual nealth wlien he retired for the nignt. Apparently thcrc will bo a íight over the probating of the allcged will of Marietta Bennctt. lt is claimod that one of the nauies signed as a witness to the will is Albert Knapp. Alfred ,T. Knapp sifrned as a witness to a will of Miss Bennett, but wno Albert Knapp is no ene appears to know. Administrator Graves seems to think there is good grounds for a contest' and will attempt to prevent the fllling of the will for probate.


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