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Tliousand Celébrate With thankfulness their restoration to health by the use of Ilood's Sarsaparilla. Think of the vast army who have been cured by this medicine - Men, women and children, who have suffered the consequenees of impure blood, who have been the victima of serofula sores, eruptions, dyspepsia, nervousness, sleeplessness. They have tried other medicines and have failed to obtain relief. They tried Ilood's Sarsaparilla and t did them good. They persevered in its use and it accomplished permanent cures. Do you wonder that they praise and recommend it to you? 15. C. Wiig-ht, a farmer eiijut miles Qorth of Coleman, was awakcoed ly bis áog and heard somcone in tho chicken coop. Ilis wifo held a ;amp while lie starled to investigii-, but severa! shots wcro fired and Wrig-ht and his vvifc wer.t back into the house. Mr" Wi-iffht thci: went out alone and set the dog on the intruders, when suddenly scvoral 'nore shots were (ired and Wright and tlie dog both fel) cad. A Iloimehoia Ncccsklty. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most wonderful medical discovery of the age leasant and refreshing to the tasto, act tently and positively on kidneys, liver ind bowels, clensing the entire system, lispel colds, cure headaehe, fever, ha)itual constipation and billiousnessJlease buy and try a box of C, C. C. to. lay; 10, 25. 50 cents. Sold and guaraneed to euro by all drug-gists. A dcuble wedding, the sequel of a doublé ■elopemont, occiirred at the M. E. churcli at Eau Qlaire. ncar {files. Just as the tvvo couplcs cmeig-cd from the church tivo angry men daslied up the place. They provcd to be the fathers of the brides, but as they arrived too late they gracefully accepted tlic situatioa and addcd thi'lr blessings. The parties in the alïaii Oliver Machana and Miss Eflie Swope. I. E. Winbi},'lcr and Miss Ma;gïe Henrlr. all from Inc'uinanolis. Tlic Fai-tM In Ui e Case. A careful perusal of the map of Wisonsin will convince you that the Wisonein Central Lines running: from liicago and Milwaukee to St. Pau), linneapolis, Ashland, Hurley, Ironwood, Bessemer, and Duluth, "touch a reater number of important cities that iny line running through Wisconsin. ilegantly eqnipped trains, leaving at onvenient honro, make -these cities asy of access. Any tiket agent, can ive you full inforroalion and ticket ou through. Jas. C. Pond, Gen. Pass. Agt., Milwaukee, Wis. 1202


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