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Michigan Central, "27ie Niágara Jf'alls Uoutc CENTRAL STANDARD TI I U ls AT ANN AKBOII. Taking Effect May 30, '97. OOING EAST. Mail and Express 3 47 p. m. N. Y. and Boston special .. 4 58 North Shore Limited (i 47 Fast Eastcrn 10 03 Atlantic Express 7 30 a. m. Detroit Night Express 5 SO ürand Rupids Express 1110 GOING WEST. Mail and Express 8 48 a. m. Boston, N. Y. and Chicago.... 8 12 Fast Western Express 1 55 p. ín. Grand Raplds and Kal Ex.... 5 55 Chicago Night Express 9 40 Paclfie Express 13 30 a. m.t Fast Kcwspaper Train 2 53 a. m. C. W. RUGGLES, II. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. A., Chicago. Ast. Ann Arbor. $0 RA CLEVELAND 2H BUFFALO ALSO DAILY I.INE BETWEEN CLEVELAND AND TOLEDO. Via "C. g B. LINE." Steamets i'City of Buffalo," {new) "State of Ohio" and "State of New York." DAILY TIME TABLE. SONDA Y INCLUDED MAY 30 TO OCTOBER 3. P.M. PM Lv. Cleveland, 7:00 Lv. Buffalo, 7:31) Ar. Buffalo, 7:30 Ar. Cleveland, 7:30 A.M. A U. CENTRAL STANDARD TJMK. Take the "O & B. Line" steamors and enJoy a refreshing nlght's rest wlien enroute to Buffalo, Niagnrn FulU, 'J'orouto, Ne Vork, HoMoii, Alban) , 1.000 lnlandH, orany Easteru orCanadlan polnt. Olicap Excursión Wecklr to Niágara Fall. Send 4 cents postage for tourlst pamphlet. For further Information ask j-our nuarest Coupon Ticket Agent, or address V. F. HERMAN. T. F. NEWMAN, Gen'l l'assAgt., Gen'l Manager. CLEVELAND, O. "BIG 1OUR" SolidoVestibclkd Trains Betwbbn Cincinnati, Toledo and Detroit FAST Tl -TIK EXCELLENT EQUIPMENT, THE. SCHEDULE. 9:00am 9:15 pm Lv Cin'tl Ar. 0:45 am 6:00 pm 3:25 am 3:55 pm Ar.ToledoLv 11 :45pm 11:35 am 5:45pmi:15am Ar Detroit Lv 9:40 pm 9:15 am Throutn Couclies and Wagner Parlor Cars on Day Trains. Tuiongh Uoachos and Wagner Sleeping Cars on Night trains. As dood as our New York Line 1 As Good as our Chicago Line I As Good as our St, Louis Line I Buy your tickets through vla "Big Four. . For f uil Information cali on agents or ad dress E. O. mcCormlck, l. B. Martín, Pass. Trafflc Mer. Oen'l Pass. Sc Tkt. Aet The Coast Une ío MACKINAC - TAKE THE - TO MACKINAC DETROIT PETOSKEY CHICAGO New Steel Passenger Steamers The Qreulcst Perfection vet attained !n Boat Construction- Luxurious Equipment, ArtUtic Furnishlnj, Decoratlon and lifiiclent Service, insuring the highest degree of COMFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY Four Trap per Week Between Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac PETOSKEY, "THE SOO," MARQUETTE AND DULUTH. LOW RATES to Plcturesquí Mackinac and Return, includlog fleals and Berths. Proin Cleveland, $18; from Toledo, $15; f rom Detroit, $13.50. DAY ANO NIQHT SERVICe. Between Detroit and Cleveland Connecting at Cleveland with Earlicst Trains for all points East. South and Southwest and at Detroit for all points Nortli and Northwest. Snndijf Trips June, Juljr, August and Sspt. Only EVERY DAY BETWEEN CleveIand,Put-in-BayTo!edo Send for Illustrated Pamphlet. Addrcss A. A. SCHANTZ, e. r, .. Detroit, mich. He Betiolt k Cleveland Sieam Hav. Go.


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Ann Arbor Register