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iSome valuable addltlons to the University museum are being made. Norman Wood is doitig the work. Chas. Walker, a stone masón, got on a good drunk Wednosday and proceeded to paint the town red. He attacked a man on the street and tried to knock him out. Then he sailed itito patrolman Armbruster who used bis club, knocked Walker down and then led him to jail. Noltee. Parties from Toledo have been visiting ou i" city and wish to lócate here and start a factory for the manufacture of glass ware. They have submitted a proposition which I deslre to present to the citizecs of Ann Arbor. All interested in securing another manufacturáis institution are rcqucstcdto meet at the council rooms on Friday evening, July 30, !9T. CHAS. E. J1ISCOCK, Mayor. Somcllilug JDlflfcreut. The average trip to the sea shore or northern resorts is much like all other summer trips in many partieulars, but a trip to the South In the heáted season in search of a cool placéis something different altogether. Different in lts lack of hot noon-days [they don't have sur strokes in the South]. Different in that it is comparatively inexpensive. DitTerent in the absence of perspiring crowdsof humanity everywhere about ono Different in altitude- you can go up thousands instead of hundreds of feet above sea-level aud get the bracing air which brings you home again invigorated. $8.00 is the round trip rate for a delightful trip to that famous Southrn mountain resort- Asueville, tlw center of what is known as "The Land of the Sky." This via the (úeen ói ürescent Route, an-3 the Soutliern R'y from Cineinnati, Saiurday, August 7th. Tickets at this rato are goocl 10 days to return. Sixteen hours ride through tho Blue Graas, across High Bi-Mge, down'the Emory and through tho mouutains of East Tennessee to the FYonch Bi-oad river and for some 40 miies along that beautiful mountain 3tream. The Ashe ville altitude is 2,500 foet, wilh pro tecting peaks doublé thit hei'ht, giving that peculiar beauty and dryness for whioh it is noted Uiroughout the world. Sunshine for 3uO days a year ; Perfect hotel service; The most elttborate private residence and domain in America, at Baltimore; Scenery udsurpassed and on a scale of actual grandeur. Write to us for booki? ilesciibi ng Asheville, wlll send thera five. W. C. Rinearson, Gen. !"ass. Agt., Q. &. C. Route, Cincinnati, O. (80) Til ('HU,. VN CENTUIL. ICXd ltSlOi. $4.00 Tu Niágara Falls. $4.00, Ann Artior to Niágara Fall? and return, via Michigan Central Raüroad. Tickets good going on special trains leaving Ann Arbor at 7:15 a. m. and 9 p. m. August 5th, returning on regular trains, except Nos. 5 and 15, not later than August 9. $9.50 to Alexandria Bay and return, Tickets good going on special trains named above, returning not later than August 12, 1897, on regular trains except Nos. 5 and 15. Pull information given at M. C. ticket office. H. W. Hayes, Agent, (79) M. C. Depot. OHIO CENTRAL llB. Solid Traína Retwecn Detroit, Toledo nul Cluelnuuil. Only Sleeping Car line between Datroit and Coluinbus. Take T. & O. C. for Bowling Green, Findlay, Kenton. Springfield, Dayton, Cinciunati, Columbus, Fostoria, Bucyrus, Atnens, Middleport, Marietta, Pt. Pleasant, W. Va. Elegant parlor cars on day trains. Wagner's tinest sleepers on night trains. Ask for tickets via Ohio Central Lines. (80) lik u riinvs Persons con templating an outing on the lakcs or a lake trip on tho Anchor Lin of Steamers, the Great Northern Steamship Coropany's boate or the Detroit & Cleveland Steain Navigation Corapany's line may secure full iuformation in regard to rates and date of sailingof all boats, at the Michigan Central depot, l'hose desiring bertbsl may havo same engaged by telegraph without extra charge. H. W. Hayes, Apent, (88) M. C. Depot.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register