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Found An Aztec Mummy

Found An Aztec Mummy image
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John MeCarthy, professional Uonhunter of Fhoenlx, Arii., whlle pursuing his Quaxry tfcroufk ene of the tougheet portiona of that mountalnouij district, dtscovered a mummy that ban been attracting attention all over th country, aud is lilteiy to be the eauae Oí mucí litlgtitlon as to.lte ownenöilp. MoCarthy calla it "ft desiccated human body," and gives it n anttquity antedatlng Father dam'. And to {trove that his muji-'r oame by soma other route thaji the Garden erf Edon he pointe to tte place where the twentythird rib ought to be and is not. McCarthy was huatiag bounty eoolpe in Vrde eaoyon. aboui Beventy-ÖT toáles zxrth of Phoenlx, says the San Pranoieco Eiamlner, whn bo oeme' pon the ruin of a wonderfol prehistorie ostia. Hla doga ohaee4 tb game alnoat to the door erf tb rulo. Öe killed fce Hou and tbn otored the ruin. B cllmbed into a email chambet, whloh be describes as about Slx hy twlv feet In dlraacatoas, and tn acdduta.lly strilüng the reax wa.ll was surprised that it gave back a hollov sound,, whiok caused hlm tp Investígate W.ü bowls knife tbe cement wilh wliloh ttw bugs srtones vere held is place. DiKlng throueh a thick cemeot wil, he opened an air-tigbt vauK about bIx teet square and was aetonaahed to flnd Che mummy loeide. It was mantled hl csrmenU Of soapweed flbre cloth, whtch diaslpated into nothiaeness as aoon as the air reaahed It By lts aide was a wooden-handled stone mallet and an arrow with a flint bead. Th wocx) of the arrow and mallet likewlae dlslntegrated immedlately. Ihere were aiso some beautlful epeciznene of turquoiec and obaldian ia the vauit. McCarthy eaya he touobed nothlng but aealed up the veult oarefully and than hied htmself dowa to Rhoenix aa f&at as ive could. McCarthy matda ud an expeditkm oí all the prominent eolentlsts and phyelclaoa in Phoenlx and took them out to the newly-found mummy. It ws brousht down to Phoemlx and iflvfin a ooat of carrlaw varnish by way at shinlng ap it rather Juli and rusty old hlde. Reeently the mummy. togettker wtth a live rattlesn&ke and a Olla monster, was shlpped out of Phoenli marked "old clothes," and, not belnx called for, the box was opened at a way station and lts contente gave the station agent a had frlght. Now the authorltles are looking for the raspottslble partles, and a criminal proaeeuUoa wlü toaiow.


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Ann Arbor Register