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Drs. Kennedy & Kergan

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WEAK, NERVGOS, D3SEASEQ MEHi 250,000 CÜRED IN 2O YEARS. 8@ CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAK KIÉk $1000 IN GOLD F0R A CAS,E7p t-JSv SELF'ABUSC' trlIsslö;ss VARICO-M Wr ZiílYSEÍE&. CELE, CONCEALED DRAINS, STRÍCT-B Iff.eTfera URE syphius, stuntedÏ YÉfclHg l PARTS, LOST MANHOOG, s, sfcE'Mj CY, NERVOUS DE3ÏL1TY, UNAi-i WHr URAL D1SCHARÜES, ETC. mS ijl The New Melhod Treainisnt is the VáPHHBP Greatest Disosvery oí tha Age ANEETOüswnECK. FOR CURING THESE DBEASES Thousands of young and mlddle aged men aro annually swopt to a premature grave through EARLY INDISCRHTIONS. EX.fcSSB, AM) , LOOD ÜISEAÖES. If you have any of the following symptoms consult na bofore it is too lato. Aro you nervoub and woak, despondent and gloomy. spocks beloro tho eyes wlth ark clrclea uuder them, weak back, kidneya Irritable, palpitation ot tho hemt, bashtul, dreams an;l I03S0S. sediment in urine, pimples on the face, eyes Bunken, hollow cheeks, caroworn expression, poor momnry, llfeless, distrustful, lack energyand Btrenglh, red mominga, restloss nights, changeable moods, wciik mauhood, stunt' d organs aud prematuro decay, bono pains, hair loóse, sore throat ote. YOU HAVE SEMINAL WEAKNESS f OUR NEW METHOD THBATMENT alono can cure you, and make a man of you. Under lts - once the braln becomea activo, the blood punflod " BOthat all pimples, blotcbos and ulcors (Hsiijpi ar; , .;"■?■;" the nérvea bocome strong as steel, so that nervous? -. : -"'. noss, bashfulnoss and despondency dlgai)oarífV&-A- :W the oyes become lirlght, the face full and clear, ■ 'f'!ecergy returns to the body, and tho moral, physiral ! and sexual systeras are lnvigorated; all drains -"t cease- no moro vital -waste from the Bystom. The varlous organs become natural and manly. You t' M?is feel yourself a man and know marrlago cannot bo 13 afallure. Wo invite all the affllcted to consult us H 1 ibBBH , - '■ confidentially and free of charge. Don't letquacks M jfflVJrT r "■'■ and fakirs rob you of your hard earucd dollars. 1 .,-'; - y. We will cure you or no par. HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASEDJ jMp SYPHILISJs the most prevalent and most serlous Í' BLOOd dlseas. It sapa the vory ltfo blood of tlio vlctim and unloss entlrelyeradicated from tho sys'" tem wlll affect tho oltspring. Beware of Morcury. hebeditaiit blood e. It only suppresses the symptoms-our NhW MEI HOD pnsltlrely eurea it [ure er YOüNU OR A-iIDüLE-AOED A1AN- You'vo lod a gay li.V. i r iu !ul 1 1.1 lh folllea ofyouth. Solf-abuse or later excosses havo la,.: . i .:■ i jour il the symptoms steallng over you. Montally, physlcally an.l Bexually yon aro nut tho man you used to bo or should be. Lustful prácticos rean rich barrosts. Will v u locd the danger Iguala. Rf Aüf-R I AryuaTlctlm? Dav you lost hopo? Aro you contrn:i,;.-.:in:; nwivl.ise? MLHU F! Hasyourblood boondiseased? Have you any weak noss? üurNnw rtitfiod Treatment will euro you. What It has dono tor othors it wlll do tor yon. Con iiiltuiion Free. No matter who has treated you, wrlte for an honegt opinión Frcoof CL ohargos roasonable. Books Free -"The Golden Monitor" ( -D. on Dlaeasesnl Men. Incloso postago, 2 cents. Soalod. Book on "'Disonsns ot Wonn n" I i ■ ■■ B-NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PMVATE. No nurtiene s' nt 00 D No names on boxe er envelopes, Everth r.g confidentlal. Qiiostion list ana cesto! Trektmcp.t, FKEE. , gá No 143 SKELBYST 1 DETROI , MÍCH. f! M


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