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Additional locáis on fifth page. Ypsilanti hopes to have an establishment for bottling mineral water. The. city banks are closing at three o'clock during the month of August. The A. O. U. W. of Detroit is preparing for a grand day August 27 and the Ann Arbor lodge will attend. James L. Pettibone, County Clerk, of Livingstone county was in the cityi Tuesday to take in the greatest show on earth. ____ Show day was a proñtalble one for the county clerk, he having had applicatiocs for four marriago licenses on that day. Prof. D'Ooge, oí tho Normal, has been offered the chair of Latin in Adelphi College, Brooklyn, but says he will not accept. A lawn social was held Friday night at the home of Eirl Ware, on the North Side. About five hundred peoplc were present. John O'Brien waa brought in from Dexter, Friday, charged with assault. He pleaded not guilty and in default of bail was locked up. Dr. Jennie Hughes has opened au office on Main Street, over Brown's drug store where her office hours wil] bc from 2 to 5 p. in. Dr. Hinsdale gave avery fineaddress at the Congregational church Sunday, on "The Religious Teaching of the Child."- Ypsilantian. The regenta committee on buildings and grounds inet Monday and authorized the expenditure of money sufficient to finish the lighting plant. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Boyd, of Ypsilanti, will start ior the Klondyke in February. Mr. Boyd is a tnining engineer and is now in Missouri orgauiz ing a company. Special pension examiner F. E. Jones was in the city Tuesday afternoon looking up the birth and death record in certain cases whcre claims for pensions have been made. Priscilla A. Ferguson has filed a bilí ot complaint against Mr. D. Cramer and wife on the grounds that she purchased of them real estáte to whic they had no titlo. "Dutch" Ferbert will be chief coach of the Varsity foot ball team this fall. He will be assisted by Baird, Henninger and other old foot ball stars. The team will train at Whitmore Lake. Miss Libbie Brown, of the Pourth ward, who has been deranged menUlly for some time has grown considerably worse of late. Application was made yeíterday to have her committed to the asylum. VVm. Beranek, who was arrcsted recently for receiving stolen propcrty was admitted to bail Tuesday noon. The atnount being eet at $300. The bond was signed by William Woolsey, of Ypsilanti. Resorter, Charlevoix : . Prof. Jerry Knowlton and wife, ot Ann Arbor, will arrive today and occupy the Smiley cottage during their sojourn. Tne Misses Margery and' Anna Knowlton carne last Thursday. Victor Emanuel Fraccois, Instructor in Frènch in the University, appeared before County Clerk Schuh, Monday, declared his intention of becoming an American eitizen, and filed the first of his naturalization papers. Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti Camps M. W. A., have completed arrangements for their excursión to Jackson. Fare from Ypsilanti $1.00, from Ann Arbor 85 ets. Trains leave Ypsilanti 7:01 Ann Arbor 7:35 standard. O. M. Martin wishes it distinctly understood that the ambulance is not designed to convey dead bodies and wil! not be used for that purpose. Partios should bear this in mind in ordering ihe ambulance by telephone. Michael J. Howard, lormerly of Superior, but who has resided in Jaekson for the past 0 or 7 years died at the latter placo Monday. Ths remains wero brought hero yesterday acd Inttrred in the Northüeld cemetery. W. A. Clark, J. Q. A. Sessions and V. K. Childs have been appointed a ommittee to secure war relies to exibit at the county fair this fall. Rav. W. A. Coad, of tho The Hudson Tibrator, was In towu One day last week. Mr. Coad waa obliged to take a est from ministerial duties on account f throat trouble and being an old newsaper man took a position aa editor of ie Vibrator. Phil Hall íb becoming well-known as successful pigeon raiser. He has a ne lot of homing pigeons and has exerimented with them as car-iiers. omo were released at Müan and othera t Island Lake, all retuming safely and n good time. Willie and Herman Wenger and Oscar Smith found a pocket-book near the Ann Arbor depot Wednesday morning. The book contained a ticket to Hamburg and is supposed to havo beon thrown away by soine pickpocket following the circus. Sam Lee whó was recently bounced rom the Hing Lee laundry tried to reate more trouble last week. He ïas staried a rival laundry establishment and oarried off some of the Hing jee property which was only gotten jack after much trouble. James Callo w, who is charged with embezzling money which belonged tó Gately and Donovan, was brought here Saturday, from Ludington, by Depuy Sheriff Wackenhut. He saya the com - any owes him money as it did not pjay lis expenses and he pleaded not guilty. The teacher's inBtitute passed off ery successfully. Oue hundred and wenty-seven persons were enrolled and .he attendance was abovo the average. The instructors were exceeJingly. popular, andj lectures, entertainmeats and ociáis, gave meana of recreatloa every evening. A popular young newspaper man drove to Island Lake Sunday and comng home lost his way brinsrijjg up flve miles west of Wliitmore and then anjfing some miles east of thls city before his arrival at 3 a. m. Lat week the same man saw a seventeën-foot blue racer and was chasod by it half a mile. Sis friends look upon the gold cure as a last hope: "Railroad Jack, the hammock rider" - so this rancid pestilence signa hiinself - was ia Duadee last week and wrote a card for publication in the Rejorter, ia which he praised Dundee for nospitality and the editor for ';extending the right hand of fellowship, " while in his office. Bro. Carr, did you actually shake hands with that dirty devil! If so, give us your left paw hereafter.- Adrián Press. Supt. Hemphill, of the Ann Arbor and Ypsllanti Electric railroad, sajs that Tuesday was the record breaker for the system. On the Ann Arbor street cars 7,233 passengers were handled and on the Ypsüanti line 2,473 passengers were accommodated. Not a single accident occurred on the cars It is placing it at a low estimate to say that 2,000 Ypsilantiana took in Barnum's circus. Yp8ilanti was certainly depopulatec today. The 7 o'clock mjtor was packed f uil. Five cars were brought down for the 8 :20 run and these were not suftic ient to take up all who wished to go to see the circus parade at Ann Arbor The 9:40 run was skipped and at 1 o'clock three cars wera filled to over flowiug. This makes nine cars of Ypsi lanti people who went up this morning -Times of Tuesday, Aug. 17. A grand reunión, parade aud picnic will be held in Detroit, Friday, August 27, 1897, by all the lodgea of the A. O. O. W. in the state. Ann Arbor Lodge, No. 27, A. O. U. W., has in regards to thisan arraugementcotnmitteeappointed, composedof A. Wm. Sorg, G. Luick, E. Spring. Members of the order intending to take part in the demonstration please report to the committee not later than August 21st. Reduced ratea on all railroads. Under the proprietorshlp of Mr. Lisemer, the opera house at Ann Arbor, will be named "The Athens Theater,1' the fact that the Greeka failed to whip the Turks in their late spat, not making any difference. M any improvements are contemplated. As we now recall, there was a fellow on the drop curtain with one eye punched out. Let an occulist repair him. The old carpets and matting are to be replaced. Thie will be an immense surprise to carpe t beetles. - Adrián Press. James A. LeRoy is now fully inBtalled into the sporting work of the Detroit Free Press as head of that departinent. He has full charge of all ma ters in connection with baseball, rac mg, yachting and various other sports His write-up of the local games ap pears each day that the Detroit ba team plays at-home and the excelleác of hts work in this line is apparent t all lovers of the game. The position i a good one and commands a very liber al salary.- Pontiac Post. Mr. Leroy i well known here as a newspaper man athletic and student.